Key Demographic & Agricultural Terms Explained
Posted on Dec 16, 2024 in Geography
Demographic Terms
- Baby Boom: High birth rate after WWII, also applied to Spain (late 50s-1975).
- Zero Growth: Births equal deaths, resulting in demographic balance.
- Natural Increase: Difference between births and deaths.
- Real Growth: Population change between two dates, including natural increase and net migration.
- Population Density: Number of inhabitants per unit area.
- Emigration: Population displacement from a place of origin.
- Ageing Population: Elderly population exceeds 12% due to falling birth rates and declining mortality.
- Life Expectancy: Average years a person is expected to live at birth.
- Rural Exodus: Movement from agricultural areas to major cities.
- Hollow Generation: Generation born during/after war with low birth rates.
- Immigration: Entry of people into a country from elsewhere.
- Workforce: Population capable of working, employed or unemployed.
- Relay Generation: Index of population replacement over time.
- Crude Mortality Rate: Deaths per 1,000 people per year.
- Birth Rate: Births per 1,000 people per year.
- Fertility Rate: Births per woman of childbearing age (15-49).
- Infant Mortality Rate: Deaths of children under one year per 1,000 births.
- Demographic Transition: Population growth with declining mortality and slowing birth rate.
Agricultural and Fishing Terms
- Agriculture and Ranching (Extensive): Low profit, large land use, little labor, rainfed crops, stabled livestock.
- Agriculture and Livestock (Intensive): High returns, large investments, irrigation, stabled livestock.
- Fallow: Land rest for fertility recovery, associated with drylands and crop rotation.
- Bocage (Closed Field): Agricultural landscape with enclosed fields.
- Latifundio: Large agricultural property, extensive techniques, low investment.
- Minifundio: Small farming, subsistence economy, widespread in Atlantic Spain.
- CMO (Common Market Organization): EU market regulation for agricultural products.
- Openfield (Open Field): Traditional landscape without field enclosures.
- CAP (Common Agricultural Policy): EU policy for fair prices and farmer remuneration.
- EAFRD: EU fund for rural development, competitiveness, and environmental improvement.
- LEADER: EU initiative for rural development through innovative strategies.
- Commonwealth: Association of municipalities for joint service provision.
- Aquaculture: Cultivation of aquatic animals and plants.
- Territorial Sea: Sea area belonging to a country, with exclusive economic rights.
- Caladero: Abundant fishing sea area.
- Deep Sea Fishing: Fishing far from the coast in international waters.
- Trawling: Fishing using a mesh bag dragged along the seafloor.
- Inshore Fishing: Fishing near the coast within territorial waters.