Key Economic Principles: GDP, Inflation, and Policy Tools
Fundamental Economic Concepts
Defining Economics
Economics is a social science studying the allocation of scarce resources.
Positive vs. Normative Economics
- Positive Economics: Deals with facts and objective analysis (what is).
- Normative Economics: Involves value judgments and opinions (what ought to be).
Core Principles
- Scarcity: Resources are limited, implying that nothing is truly free.
- Purposeful Behavior: Individuals and institutions make rational decisions based on self-interest to maximize utility or profit.
- Marginal Analysis: Comparing the marginal benefits and marginal costs of a decision.
Opportunity Cost
The value of the next best alternative forgone when making a choice. It represents the cost of giving up something to do something else.
Economic Systems and Questions
Types of Economic Systems
- Command Economy: Government ownership and control of resources and economic decisions.
- Laissez-Faire (Market Economy): Minimal government interference in the economy; relies on private ownership and free markets.
Five Fundamental Economic Questions
Every economy must answer:
- What goods and services will be produced?
- How will the goods and services be produced?
- Who will get the output (goods and services)?
- How will the system accommodate change?
- How will the system promote progress?
Microeconomics vs. Macroeconomics
- Macroeconomics: Focuses on the economy as a whole or its major aggregates (the big picture).
- Microeconomics: Focuses on individual economic units like households, firms, and specific markets.
Measuring Economic Performance
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
GDP (Gross Domestic Product): Measures the total market value of all final goods and services produced within a country’s borders during a specific period.
Calculating GDP
Expenditure Approach (C+I+G+Xn)
- C = Consumption: Spending by households.
- I = Investment: Spending by businesses on capital, plus new construction.
- G = Government Purchases: Government spending on goods and services.
- Xn = Net Exports: Exports minus imports.
Income Approach (WRIP)
- W = Wages: Compensation for labor.
- R = Rent: Income from property ownership.
- I = Interest: Income from invested capital.
- P = Profits: Corporate profits and proprietor’s income.
Real vs. Nominal GDP
- Nominal GDP: GDP measured at current prices (not adjusted for inflation).
- Real GDP: GDP adjusted for changes in the price level (inflation or deflation), providing a measure of the actual volume of production.
GDP Exclusions
GDP does not include non-market activities, intermediate goods, purely financial transactions, secondhand sales, or the underground economy.
The state of being jobless while actively searching for work.
Types of Unemployment
- Frictional Unemployment: Individuals temporarily between jobs or searching for their first job.
- Structural Unemployment: Occurs due to changes in the structure of the demand for labor (e.g., skills mismatch, technological changes).
- Cyclical Unemployment: Caused by the recessionary phase of the business cycle; insufficient aggregate demand.
- Seasonal Unemployment: Joblessness resulting from seasonal changes in demand (e.g., agriculture, tourism).
Discouraged Workers
Individuals who want to work but have stopped searching because they believe no jobs are available. They are not counted in the official unemployment rate, potentially understating the true level of joblessness.
Burdens and Costs of Unemployment
Non-economic Costs
Loss of skills, morale issues, increased illness, potential increases in crime and social unrest.
Unequal Burdens
Unemployment rates often vary significantly based on:
- Occupation
- Age
- Race and Ethnicity
- Gender
- Education Level
- Duration of Unemployment
A general increase in the overall price level of goods and services in an economy over time.
Defining Inflation and CPI
- Inflation: A rise in the general level of prices.
- CPI (Consumer Price Index): Measures the average change over time in the prices paid by urban consumers for a market basket of consumer goods and services.
Types of Inflation
- Demand-Pull Inflation: Occurs when aggregate demand exceeds the economy’s ability to produce (“too much spending chasing too few goods”). Often associated with excessive money supply growth.
- Cost-Push Inflation: Occurs due to increases in the cost of production (e.g., rising wages, oil prices), leading to a decrease in aggregate supply (supply shocks).
Income and Inflation
- Nominal Income: Income measured in current currency values (not adjusted for inflation).
- Real Income: Nominal income adjusted for inflation, reflecting purchasing power.
Effects of Inflation
- Who is hurt by unanticipated inflation?
- Fixed-income receivers: Their real income falls.
- Savers: The real value of accumulated savings deteriorates.
- Creditors: They are repaid with money that has less purchasing power.
- Who may benefit or be unaffected by unanticipated inflation?
- Flexible-income receivers: If their income rises with or faster than inflation.
- Debtors: They repay loans with money that has less purchasing power.
- COLA (Cost-of-Living Adjustments): Some contracts automatically increase payments based on inflation.
Extremely rapid and out-of-control inflation. Money loses its value quickly, potentially destroying the economy.
Aggregate Demand and Supply
Aggregate Demand
Shows the total quantity of goods and services (Real GDP) that buyers are willing and able to purchase at different price levels. There is an inverse relationship between the price level and Real GDP demanded.
Shifts in Aggregate Demand
Factors that can shift the AD curve include changes in:
- Wealth
- Borrowing
- Expectations (consumer and business)
- Real Interest Rates
- Government Spending
- Taxes
- Net Exports
Determinants of Supply (GRITEN-O)
Factors that can shift the aggregate supply curve:
- G = Government: Taxes, regulations, subsidies, etc.
- R = Resources: Availability and prices of inputs.
- I = Input Prices: Cost of resources.
- T = Technology: Improvements increase productivity.
- E = Expectations: Business expectations about future prices or demand.
- N = Number of Producers: More producers increase supply.
- O = Other Goods: Prices of alternative goods producers could make.
Factors of Production (CEL)
The resources used to produce goods and services:
- C = Capital: Manufactured aids to production (tools, machinery, factories).
- E = Entrepreneurship: The human resource that combines other resources, makes strategic decisions, innovates, and bears risk.
- L = Land: All natural resources.
Shifts in AD/AS
- Demand-pull inflation is represented by a rightward shift in Aggregate Demand.
- Cost-push inflation is represented by a leftward shift in Aggregate Supply (often leading to lower GDP and higher prices – stagflation).
Fiscal Policy
Introduction to Fiscal Policy
Deliberate changes in government spending and tax collections designed to achieve full employment, control inflation, and encourage economic growth.
Expansionary Fiscal Policy
Used during a recession to stimulate the economy:
- Increase government spending.
- Decrease taxes.
- A combination of both.
This typically creates or increases a government budget deficit.
Contractionary Fiscal Policy
Used during periods of demand-pull inflation to cool down the economy:
- Decrease government spending.
- Increase taxes.
- A combination of both.
This typically creates or increases a government budget surplus.
Policy Tools and Considerations
- Automatic Stabilizers: Features of the tax and transfer systems (like unemployment benefits and progressive income taxes) that automatically stabilize the economy without new legislation.
- Discretionary Fiscal Policy: Requires deliberate changes in legislation or government action to affect government spending and taxes.
- Injections: Additions to the circular flow (Government spending, Investment, Exports – GIX).
- Leaks (Withdrawals): Removals from the circular flow (Savings, Imports, Taxes – SMT).
- Break-even Income: The level of disposable income at which households consume all their income (consumption equals disposable income).
- MPC (Marginal Propensity to Consume): The fraction of any change in disposable income that is consumed.
Economic Philosophies
- Classical Economics: Emphasizes self-regulating markets and suggests limited need for government intervention.
- Keynesian Economics: Argues that aggregate demand can be unstable and that government intervention (fiscal policy) may be necessary to stabilize the economy, especially during recessions.
Crowding Out Effect
A potential negative consequence of expansionary fiscal policy. Increased government borrowing to finance deficits can increase interest rates, which may reduce (crowd out) private investment spending, partially offsetting the policy’s stimulus effect.
Money, Banking, and Monetary Policy
The Nature of Money
Money serves several functions:
- Medium of Exchange: Used to buy goods and services.
- Unit of Account: A standard measure of value.
- Store of Value: Can be held and retains purchasing power over time.
Money is divisible and the most liquid asset (easily converted to cash).
Money Supply Measures
- M1: The narrowest measure, including currency (coins and paper money), checkable deposits.
- M2: A broader measure, including M1 plus savings accounts, small-denomination time deposits, and money market mutual funds.
Banking Fundamentals
- Balance Sheet: A statement showing a bank’s assets, liabilities, and net worth, where Assets = Liabilities + Net Worth.
- Bank Operations: Key functions include accepting deposits and lending excess reserves (reserves held above the required amount).
Monetary Policy
Actions taken by a central bank (like the Federal Reserve in the U.S.) to manage the money supply and credit conditions to foster price stability and full employment.
Tools of Monetary Policy
- Required Reserve Ratio: The fraction of checkable deposits that banks are required to keep in reserve and not lend out. Changing this affects how much banks can lend.
- Discount Rate: The interest rate at which commercial banks can borrow money directly from the central bank.
- Open Market Operations (OMO): The buying and selling of government securities (bonds) by the central bank in the open market. This is the most frequently used tool. (Buying bonds increases the money supply; selling bonds decreases it).
International Trade and Finance
Comparative Advantage and Trade
Countries specialize in producing goods where they have a lower opportunity cost (comparative advantage) and trade with others.
Steps to Determine Trade Benefits
- Determine the opportunity cost (slope of the production possibilities curve) for each good in each country.
- Identify which country has the comparative advantage (lower opportunity cost) for each good.
- Establish mutually beneficial terms of trade (the rate at which goods can be exchanged, falling between the opportunity costs of the trading partners).
- Illustrate the gains from trade using production possibilities curves and trade possibilities lines.
Trade Agreements and Organizations
- GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade): Precursor to the WTO, aimed at reducing trade barriers.
- WTO (World Trade Organization): Oversees international trade rules and resolves disputes.
- EU (European Union): An economic and political union of European countries, often featuring a common market and currency (Eurozone).
- NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement): Now replaced by USMCA (United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement), aimed at eliminating trade barriers between these countries.
Trade Barriers
Measures used to restrict international trade, often to protect domestic industries:
- Tariff: A tax imposed on imported goods.
- Quota: A limit on the quantity of a good that can be imported.
- Non-tariff Barrier (NTB): Other regulations, standards, or practices that restrict imports (e.g., complex licensing requirements, quality standards).
- Voluntary Export Restriction (VER): An agreement where the exporting country voluntarily limits the quantity of exports to another country.
Balance of Payments
A summary record of all economic transactions between residents of one country and residents of the rest of the world during a specific period.
- Current Account: Records trade in goods and services (exports minus imports = balance of trade), net investment income, and net transfers. A trade deficit occurs when imports exceed exports.
- Capital and Financial Account: Records flows of financial assets (e.g., purchases of stocks, bonds, real estate) and foreign direct investment. A surplus here means capital inflow exceeds outflow.
- Official Reserves Account: Records changes in a country’s holdings of foreign currencies and other reserve assets held by the central bank.
Theoretically, the sum of these accounts should balance to zero.
Exchange Rates
The price of one country’s currency in terms of another country’s currency.
- Determinants: Exchange rates are determined by the supply and demand for currencies in the foreign exchange market.
- Factors Influencing Supply and Demand: Changes in tastes/preferences for foreign goods, relative income changes, relative inflation rates, relative real interest rates, speculation, and expected returns on assets.
- Participants: Individuals, firms, and governments participate in the foreign exchange market.