Key English Vocabulary and Phrases: A Comprehensive List
Essential English Vocabulary and Phrases
This document provides a comprehensive list of essential English vocabulary, phrases, and expressions, along with their corrected spellings and definitions. It’s designed to help learners improve their understanding and usage of the English language.
Common Expressions and Idioms
- To be worthwhile: To feel valuable.
- Current news: Recent news.
- Stock market: Bolsa (Spanish for stock market).
- Stocks: Inventory of a product.
- Shares: Stocks in a company.
- I reckon that: I think, I believe.
- I’m a bit rusty: My skills are impaired by lack of practice.
- A stir-fry: A dish cooked by quickly frying small pieces of food.
- To mingle: To interact.
- To photobomb: To intrude into a photograph.
- Emperor/Empress: Emperador/Emperatriz (Spanish).
- Not my cup of tea / Not his/her cup of tea: An expression meaning it’s not something they like or are interested in.
- He doesn’t mind (waking up): He is okay with waking up early.
- Puddle: A small pool of liquid, usually water.
- A well: A deep hole in the ground from which water can be drawn.
- Bowling alley: A place where people play bowling.
- Cry out for/to: To clearly need something a lot.
- To trawl the internet: To search through a lot of information.
- Made up of: Composed of.
- Peer review: Evaluation of work done by one or more people with similar competencies.
- To sift through: To examine all parts of something carefully.
- To disseminate ideas: To make something available to a lot of people.
- Mind map: *Not* mente cerrada (closed mind). A diagram used to visually organize information.
- Recipe: Instructions on how to cook a dish.
- Fact: A true piece of information (e.g., a statistic).
- Witness: Testigo (Spanish for witness).
- Persuasive: Something that convinces you.
- Intriguing: Mysterious; something that captivates/interests you.
- Shuttle bus: A specific transportation service (e.g., for tourists).
- Non-biased: Impartial; objective.
- Check it clearly: Examine something thoroughly.
- I don’t think so: *Not* “I think no.”
- I disagree / I don’t agree: *Not* “I’m not agree.”
- I’m neither for nor against that. I don’t have a strong opinion either way. I’m sitting on the fence: Neutral; in the middle.
- Going viral: Something that is shared rapidly and widely.
- Set out: Start an activity with an objective.
- Sprouted: Suddenly appeared.
- Picked up: Learned about.
- Shot: Filmed/recorded.
- Green-light: Give permission.
- Brainstorm: Lluvia de ideas (Spanish for brainstorming).
- To come up with: To have an idea.
- Sculpture: Escultura (Spanish).
- Picture: Cuadro (Spanish). Could also mean photograph.
- Entrance fee: Precio entrada (Spanish).
- Tour guide: Guía turístico (Spanish).
- Ticket gallery: Entrada galería (Spanish).
- Subject matter/theme: The type of museum or exhibition.
- Hands-on: Something you can touch and interact with.
- Specimen: A sample of a plant or animal, often preserved.
- Dangerous species: Especie peligrosa (Spanish).
- A stuffed animal: A preserved animal, often for display.
- A fun day out: To spend a fun day.
- Experimental projects: Proyectos experimentales (Spanish).
- Predictions/trends: Something predictable, like fashion trends.
- Leisure activities: Activities you do in your free time.
- Spending pattern: What people spend more money on.
- To nag: Foten bronca (Similar to scolding).
- Awareness: Consciousness of something.
- Fancy: Similar to “Do you want?”.
- Prompt: Words that help understanding.
- Blended average: Precio media del mayorista (Spanish). Average wholesale price.
- Markup: Margin.
- Wholesales: Mayorista (Spanish for wholesaler).
- Wand: Bareta (Spanish). A rod or stick.
- A ratchet: Conditions.
- Teaspoon: Cucharada de azucar para el té (Spanish). A small spoon used for tea.
- I was miles away: I was distracted.
- Sales pitch: A persuasive speech to encourage buying.
- Share: *Not* shore. A part or portion of a larger amount which is divided among a number of people.
- Stake: *Not* shore. Owner with more than 50% ownership.
- Awful: Miserable; very bad.
- It’s raining cats and dogs: An expression meaning it’s raining very heavily.
- It’s throwing it down: Raining heavily.
- To be renowned for: Famous for.
- I’m wet through: Soaked; completely wet.
- I’m soaked: Completely wet.
- It’s bucketing it down: An expression meaning it’s raining very heavily.
- Lightning: Electrical discharge in the sky.
- Grow plant: Cultivate plants.
- Solar power: Energy from the sun.
- Solar panels: Devices that convert sunlight into electricity.
- To halt: To stop.
- Humankind: Humanity.
- Likelihood: Probability.