Key Events and Changes During Franco’s Final Years

Elements of Change in the Final Stage of Franco: Timeline (late 60s and since 1973) the last years were troubled because of the following circumstances:

  • The 1973 oil crisis, leading to conflicts in the workplace.
  • Carrero Blanco’s assassination by ETA.
  • Increase in ETA attacks and the emergence of other terrorist groups, resulting in military casualties and security forces.
  • In 1970, he held the “process villages” and in 1975 the “state of exception” to the anti-terrorism law.
  • In September 1975, he executed two members of ETA and FRAP 3.
  • In 1975, GRAPO appeared.
  • Explodes in Sahara conflict. In 1973, the Polisario Front was created to vindicate the independence of the Saharawi people.
  • In October 1973, Morocco organized the Green March, a peaceful demonstration that took the Sahara.
  • In the Madrid Accords of November 1975, Spain left the Sahara under Moroccan power.
  • Social upheaval, strikes by workers and students, and “Protest Songs.”
  • Franco’s health deteriorated. He died on November 20, 1975.

Constitution of 1931: Political Aspects:

  • National sovereignty.
  • Universal suffrage, both men and women over 23 years.
  • President of the Republic Executive elects the prime minister.
  • Unicameral legislative branch cuts, with control of the government, make laws, approve budgets, and elect a permanent deputation.

Social: Bill of Rights:

  • On the family: Marriage equality; parents are forced to provide for their children, and parenting can be investigated.
  • About property: All the country’s wealth is subordinate to the interest of the national economy; any property can be expropriated or socialized.
  • On employees: Health insurance for accidents, unemployment, old age, disability, and death; protection of motherhood.
  • On culture: Public education, secular and free.

Religion: Non-denominational state church under civil law; suspended economic aid to the clergy; religious orders were dissolved; cemeteries subject to civil courts to ban the church from engaging in teaching.