Key Figures and Theories in Linguistics and Child Language

Key Figures in Linguistics and Child Language

Ferdinand de Saussure, often considered the father of modern linguistics, introduced a crucial dichotomy: the separation of langue (the abstract system of language) and parole (the concrete act of speaking).

Jean Piaget: Cognitive Development Stages

Jean Piaget’s work focused on the cognitive development of children, emphasizing mental structures. He described intelligence as having two key components:

  • Assimilation: Integrating new experiences into existing cognitive schemes.
  • Accommodation: Modifying existing schemes to fit new experiences.

Piaget’s stages of cognitive development are:

  • Sensory-Motor (0-2 years): Focus on motor control and learning about physical objects.
  • Pre-Operational (2-7 years): Development of verbal skills.
  • Concrete Operational (7-12 years): Emergence of abstract thought.
  • Formal Operational (12-15 years): Systematic development of logical reasoning and problem-solving skills.

B.F. Skinner: Operant Conditioning

B.F. Skinner’s theory of operant conditioning posits that a voluntary response follows a stimulus, and this response can be reinforced (positively or negatively), thus strengthening or weakening the behavior.

Leonard Bloomfield: American Structuralism

Leonard Bloomfield was a prominent American linguist and philologist, a key figure in American structuralism. He made significant contributions to the study of morphology and syntax.

Noam Chomsky: Innatist Theory

Noam Chomsky’s innatist theory proposes the existence of an innate language acquisition device, suggesting that humans are inherently predisposed to learn and use language. This innate capacity links language and grammar closely to the brain’s mental activities.

Child Language Acquisition: Key Milestones

First Words

A baby’s first words often represent broader terms or sentences, and this milestone is not solely dependent on the child’s intelligence (e.g., Einstein reportedly did not speak until he was three).

Holophrastic Stage

In the holophrastic stage, a single word can convey a complex message (e.g., “Down”). Some children even learn to communicate with signs before speaking to express needs or desires.

Development of Grammar

Children are inherently equipped to acquire grammar, and this development is observable across various stages.

Acquisition of Phonology

Children’s first words often consist of monosyllabic sounds. They learn to identify and substitute sounds, gradually mastering the phonological system of their language, although their initial acquisition is less developed than that of adults.

Acquisition of Word Meaning

Children learn word meanings by associating words with images, initially assigning general meanings before refining them.

Acquisition of Morphology

Children’s morphological errors reveal their acquisition of grammatical rules, often through generalization. This includes instances where children treat irregular verbs and nouns as regular.


Overgeneralization occurs when children apply regular grammatical rules to irregular forms.

Telegraphic Speech

Telegraphic speech involves conveying messages with minimal words, similar to an old-fashioned telegram, focusing on essential words for basic understanding.

Acquisition of Pragmatics

Pragmatics refers to the appropriate use of grammar and vocabulary in context to express ideas effectively.

Mean Length of Utterance (MLU)

Mean Length of Utterance (MLU) is a measure used to track the development of a child’s language complexity.

Acquisition of Syntax

Children begin to combine words following specific patterns, demonstrating their learning of grammatical rules for expression.