Key Figures of the Spanish Second Republic and Civil War

Early 20th Century Figures

  • Verdaguer, Aribau, Guimerá: Participated in the Floral Games, a literary contest that revived medieval Catalan culture.
  • Torras i Bages: Bishop of Vic, who influenced the shift towards Catalan nationalism in the late 19th century.
  • Cánovas del Castillo: After the 1874 proclamation of Alfonso XII as king, he designed the system of the Restoration.
  • Valentí Almirall: Wrote the Memorial of Grievances, initiating the Catalanist political movement.
  • Prat de la Riba: Led the Regionalist League in 1901 and later became the first president of the Commonwealth of Catalonia.
  • Sivela: Proposed regionalist reforms, including the creation of indirect taxes.
  • José Canalejas: Served as minister several times and eventually as Prime Minister.
  • Dato: President of the Spanish Government and Conservative Party politician.
  • Puig i Cadafalch: Second president of the Commonwealth of Catalonia.
  • Alfons Sala: Following the 1923 coup of Primo de Rivera, he collaborated with the dictatorship and was appointed president of the Commonwealth, initiating its dismantling.
  • Pompeu Fabra: Established standard Catalan and wrote the first Catalan grammar.
  • Primo de Rivera: Led a military dictatorship in Spain (1923-1930). President of the Spanish government during that period.
  • Berenguer: Oversaw a period of “Dictablanda” (soft dictatorship) under King Alfonso XIII.

Figures of the Second Republic and Civil War

Left-Wing Figures

  • Durruti: Leader of the FAI (Anarchist).
  • Federica Montseny: Leader of the CNT (Anarchist).
  • Josep Diaz and Dolores Ibárruri: Leaders of the PSC and PSUC (Marxist).
  • Largo Caballero: PSOE leader (Marxist), became Minister of Labor.
  • Andrés Nin and Joaquin Maurín: Leaders of the POUM (Trotskyist).
  • Francesc Macià and Lluís Companys: Leaders of the Republican Left of Catalonia (reformist left-wing).
  • Casares Quiroga: Leader of the Republican Federal Party (left-wing).
  • Manuel Azaña: Leader of the Republican Left (statist reformist left).
  • Marcelino Domingo: Leader of the Radical Socialist Republican Party (statist reformist left).
  • Ortega y Gasset: Leader of the Republican Action party (statist reformist left).

Republican Figures

  • Niceto Alcalá-Zamora: Leader of the Progressive Republican Party (liberal republican).
  • Gil-Robles: Leader of the Agrarian Party (republican).
  • Francesc Cambó: Leader of the Regionalist League (republican).
  • José Antonio Aguirre: Leader of the Basque Nationalist Party (republican).
  • Clara Campoamor: Advocated for women’s suffrage (Radical Party).
  • Margarita Nelken: Opposed women’s suffrage (PSOE).
  • Alejandro Lerroux: Leader of the Radical Republican Party.
  • Lluís Companys: President of the Catalan Parliament, Spanish Minister, and President of the Generalitat of Catalonia during the Second Republic.

Right-Wing and Nationalist Figures

  • José Antonio Primo de Rivera: Leader of the Falange, a fascist party inspired by Mussolini.
  • General Sanjurjo: Right-wing military leader who opposed agrarian reform and was a key conspirator in the 1936 uprising.
  • Josep Tarradellas: Prime Minister of the Catalan government, dissolved the anti-fascist militias.
  • Miguel Cabanellas: Chairman of the National Defence Junta.
  • Francisco Franco: Member of the National Defence Junta, unified the Falange and JONS, became Head of State and imposed a military regime.
  • Manuel Fal Conde: Carlist leader who was imprisoned.
  • Manuel Hedilla: Falangist leader who was imprisoned.
  • Emilio Mola: Military leader and one of the main planners of the 1936 coup.
  • Calvo Sotelo: Murdered by Assault Guards in July 1936.
  • Queipo de Llano: General and leading conspirator in the coup.
  • General Domingo Batet: Shot for trying to stop the insurrection.
  • Colonel Yagüe: Led the uprising in Morocco.
  • José Giral: Replaced Casares Quiroga as Prime Minister, dissolved the army and armed the Popular Front militias.
  • General Goded: Led the military coup in Catalonia.