Key Functions and Aims of the Spanish Educational System

Main Functions of Schools

  1. Care and Custody: Providing care and custody for children from an early age into adulthood.
  2. Instruction: Imparting the knowledge necessary for students’ adult lives.
  3. Training: Developing students’ personal potential and fostering social skills.
  4. Social Integration: Integrating students into society through secondary school groups.
  5. Accreditation: Accrediting and legitimizing acquired knowledge.
  6. Knowledge Development: Developing an understanding of their own learning by integrating traditions and values with new proposals and needs.
  7. Community Collaboration: Collaborating with the community to address its needs and expectations.
  8. Value Generation: Generating added value in individuals and the environment.
  9. Adaptability: Adapting school forms and patterns to respond to specific needs.
  10. Formal Organization: Recognizing the school as a formal organization.

Aims of the Spanish Educational System

  1. The Spanish educational system aims to achieve the following purposes:
    • Full Development: The full development of personality and skills of students.
    • Respect for Rights: Education in respect of rights and fundamental freedoms, equal rights and opportunities for all, and non-discrimination.
    • Tolerance and Freedom: Education in the exercise of tolerance and freedom within democratic principles, conflict prevention, and peaceful resolution.
    • Responsibility and Merit: Education in individual responsibility, personal merit, and effort.
    • Peace and Cooperation: Training for peace, respect for human rights, community life, social cohesion, cooperation, and solidarity, encouraging respect for living beings and the environment.
    • Learning Skills: The development of students’ ability to regulate their own learning, develop creativity, personal initiative, and entrepreneurial spirit.
    • Cultural Plurality: Training on respect and recognition of linguistic and cultural plurality and multiculturalism.
    • Intellectual Habits: Acquisition of intellectual habits and study skills, scientific, technical, humanistic, historical, and artistic knowledge, as well as healthy habits, exercise, and sport.
    • Professional Training: Training activities for the exercise of professions.
    • Communication Skills: Training for official communication and co-official language skills, including foreign languages.
    • Active Citizenship: Preparation for active participation in economic, social, and cultural development, with a critical, responsible, and adaptable attitude.
  2. Authorities prioritize factors that enhance the quality of teaching, including teacher qualification and training, teamwork, educational resources, research, experimentation, education reform, promoting reading and library use, educational autonomy, organizational and managerial leadership roles, educational and vocational guidance, educational inspection, and evaluation.