Key Moments in European History

The Leader of the Church

The Pope, head of the Catholic Church, was the most powerful religious leader. The Pope’s decisions had a huge effect on people’s lives.

The Crusades

The Crusades were a series of religious wars against the Church’s enemies in Southwest Asia.

Gothic Architecture

Gothic Architecture is a style known for its pointed ceilings, tall towers, and stained glass windows.

The Feudal System

The Feudal System was a system of exchanging land for military service.

The Manor System

Manor: A large estate owned by a noble or knight.

The Manor System was the economic arrangement within feudalism.

The Black Death

The Black Death was a series of deadly plagues that struck Europe between 1347 and 1351, killing millions.

The Renaissance

The Renaissance was a period of creativity, new ideas, and inspiration. Three most important areas:

  • Art
  • Literature
  • Science

The Reformation

The Reformation was a religious reform movement. Two biggest moments:

  • The Protestant Reformation
  • The Catholic Reformation

Science and Religion

The Church feared that science would cause a breakdown in European society. They even arrested some scientists.

The Enlightenment

The Enlightenment emphasized the use of reason in shaping people’s ideas about society and politics.

Key Enlightenment Ideas

  • The ability to reason is unique to humans.
  • Reason can be used to solve problems and improve people’s lives.
  • Reason can free people from ignorance.
  • The natural world is governed by laws that can be discovered through reason.
  • Natural laws also govern human behavior.
  • Governments should reflect natural laws and encourage education and debate.

John Locke’s View on Government

Locke believed government should be a contract between a ruler and the people. This contract would bind both sides, limiting the ruler’s power. Locke also believed that all people had certain natural rights, such as life, liberty, and property. If a ruler did not protect these rights, people had the right to change rulers.

Rousseau’s View on Government

Rousseau stated that government should express the will, or desire, of the people. According to Rousseau, citizens give the government the power to make and enforce laws. But if these laws do not serve the people, the government should give up its power.

Civil War and Reform in England

(This section requires a description in your own words, which is not provided in the original text.)

The Reign of Terror

The Reign of Terror was a bloody period of the French Revolution during which the government executed thousands of its opponents and others at the guillotine.

Napoleon Bonaparte

(This section requires a description in your own words, which is not provided in the original text.)

The Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution was the period of rapid growth in machine-made goods.

Great Britain’s Resources During the Industrial Revolution

Great Britain’s resources included labor, raw materials (like coal and iron), and capital (money to invest).


In Capitalism, individuals own most businesses and resources. People invest money in businesses hoping to make a profit.