Key Principles and Characteristics of Education

**Key Principles and Characteristics of Education**

**Defining Education**

Exterior help related to a person so that, despite their limitations and personal identity, they can realize themselves as fully as possible. Lack of wealth equals lack of education. If the child is poor, then this is so that no help is ever given.

  • Origin of the word ‘Education’: Means to raise, nurture, or feed. The teacher is the protagonist, almost the word of education. Education equals heter-education.
  • Origin of the word ‘Educate’: Means taking out, or driving from within, leading outward. The progressive interpretation of education: the student is the active subject, the protagonist. Equals self-development training.

**Human Nature of Education**

The education of a person is something unique and serves their formation. Liberty and individual dignity are the basis of a social community. General pedagogy is the theory of education.

**Social Nature of Education**

Education is a person’s own way of living in society. Education is a social fact, a social nature. Social is based on what is human. Social pedagogy.

**Historical Nature of Education**

Education runs along the course of time. History can be explained through historical actions, methods, and education. History of education.

**Education as a Primary Nature**

Education is primary. It is the first substantive, diverse, multiple, and complex: richness. It is the order, coherence, and reason. The philosophy and ethics of education.


  • Moral Elevation: Education leads to something superior; something superior is being responsible. It is a moral elevation of ethics. From poverty to richness. The most consistent in being of responsible age: no vocation, there is nothing more than being a man or a woman.
  • Interpersonal: Education is communication, a personal relationship. A person can only contact their peers. It is the first thing that can be given only in terms of the commonality of effect on persons: I cannot help something that is not a person. Moral education is always good, and all education received is always good, as each one decides what to do with what they receive.
  • The Sought-After Liberty: Exterior help to the child is offered so that it leads to their own conquest of liberty. From education and liberty to the liberty of the other. The basis is also that if you love someone, you also educate and help them.
  • Universal Right: Educational support extends to all children in all fields, due to their universal rights and everything that has to do with the child.
  • Liberation from Constraint: The justification of education, helping out of existential poverty. If there is more limitation, then aid is more necessary and evident. Aid shows more where there is more demonstration of poverty. Education is where it is needed, where there are more limitations.
  • Intentional: It must have a purpose.
  • Integral: It addresses all aspects of human existence: its physical, intellectual, social, and aesthetic being.
  • Positive: It seeks the improvement of the person.


  • Of Nature: It must take into account the nature of the human being, their physical, psychological, and moral development. Education must give an adequate response to development and natural unfolding. The nature of the child must be preserved. It has been verified that the rank of the forest is all; its main focus is education, do nothing, let it grow. It tends towards a pessimistic natural and biological front, hostile to the cultural and spiritual front.
  • Of the Spiritual: It considers growth as non-continuous. Maturity is achieved with the adoption of decisions. The person is something active and mature; the educator can help the person to be decisive. There are many realities that can be systematically addressed, not always the most important. Human encounters suppose unavoidable decisions, with immediate consequences. The educator must help learners to make their own decisions, and the child must be morally superior.
  • Of the Individual: The person is a unique and irreplaceable being. The educator must help their self, understand the learner as they really are with their gifts, their psychic being, and their total character. The individual’s eigenvalue is not lost when it comes to the community. The service of personality contemplates achieving that girls are highly sweetened in the development of individual idiosyncrasy as a responsible response to the community.
  • Of the Community: Education seeks the self-realization of the person and their achievement in common life with other persons. In addition to the individual, it pursues socialization, which should not be understood as mere adaptation. The state and society want the education of children, not realizing that of the parents. It corresponds to the community to discover all the values of individual differences.
  • Of the World: The educator must help learners to find their way in the world without understanding this as mere adaptation to the demands of established forms. The person is capable of finding order and knowing what is important in their life. Participate in shaping the world from the place that corresponds to them. The human configuration of the world is culture, its programs, the process of civilization.
  • Of Transcendence Value: A purely immanent pedagogy is not sufficient; the person needs to know the basis of being, not only being. It is a being open to the silence of mystery. The value of the law helps us understand culture and nature. Driving the person to the world would end in a dead end, no matter how much education is carried out in it.


They are opposing forces or concepts that, in terms of commonality, are not opposites but complementary. They occur in biological life, in relational life, in social life, in psychic life, in spiritual life, and in educational life.

Self-development – Hetero-education, Training – Education, Authority – Freedom, Pedagogy of Interest – Pedagogy of Effort, Material Education – Formal Education, Negative Education – Positive Education, and Traditional School – New School.