Key Terms: Decolonization, Cold War & Francoist Spain
Post-War Global Concepts (Item 11)
The process by which colonies in Asia and Africa, previously held by European powers, gained independence.
The phenomenon where control over the wealth and resources of former colonies remains indirectly in the hands of companies based in the former colonial powers.
A stance taken by countries during the Cold War, indicating they were not formally part of either the Eastern (Soviet-led) or Western (US-led) blocs.
Bandung Conference (1955)
A significant conference marking a key moment in the process of decolonization, held in Bandung, Indonesia, in 1955.
A regime of institutionalized racial segregation and discrimination imposed by the white minority in South Africa (and formerly Rhodesia), dividing the population by race: white citizens with full rights, and Black, mixed-race (Coloured), and Asian populations with restricted rights.
Yom Kippur War (1973)
A conflict fought in 1973 pitting Israel against a coalition of Arab states led by Egypt and Syria.
State of Israel (1948)
Following the UK’s decision to withdraw from Palestine in 1947 and the UN’s agreement to partition the territory between Arabs and Jews, the State of Israel was proclaimed by Jewish leaders in 1948.
Six-Day War (1967)
An Israeli military operation in 1967, described by Israel as a preemptive measure, resulting in Israel’s occupation of the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, the Golan Heights, and the Sinai Peninsula.
Balfour Declaration (1917)
A statement issued in 1917 through which the British Government declared support for the establishment of a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine, allowing Jewish settlements.
Non-violent Philosophy
Practiced by Mahatma Gandhi, this involved opposing British colonization without resorting to violent confrontation. Instead, it emphasized peaceful opposition and civil disobedience, such as fasting and boycotting British goods.
An international organization primarily comprising states that were formerly territories of the British Empire. Key priorities include economic cooperation among member states.
A movement of Palestinian civil insurrection against the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories. Actions often involve widespread participation, including children and adolescents.
A political movement appealing to the middle and lower classes, often establishing paternalistic relationships. The presence of a charismatic leader is frequently a precondition.
Military Dictatorship
A form of authoritarian government controlled by the military. In the second half of the 20th century, many countries in South America, with the exceptions of Colombia and Venezuela, experienced periods under military dictatorships, sometimes established with US influence or support.
Francoist Spain Concepts (Item 12)
Vertical Union
A corporatist structure organizing bosses and workers together within specific trade sectors or industries, characteristic of Francoist Spain.
A group of young economists, many associated with Opus Dei, who influenced Spanish economic policy during the later Franco period.
An ideology prioritizing rapid economic development above other concerns, pursued notably during the later Franco regime.
Pro-natalist Policy
A set of government measures aimed at encouraging and promoting a higher birth rate.
Restrictions imposed on the freedom of speech and expression, exercised prior to the publication or dissemination of ideas, heavily used during the Franco regime.
Groups of anti-Franco guerrillas active in rural districts, representing the only form of armed opposition that persisted for a time within Spain after the Civil War. They were gradually dismantled by the Guardia Civil.
The Green March (1975)
A massive demonstration organized by Morocco in the final days of Francisco Franco’s life to occupy the Spanish Sahara, highlighting the weakness and international isolation of the Spanish regime at the time.
Spirit of February 12th
A reference to a policy initiative under Franco’s last government (led by Arias Navarro) aiming for a slight liberalization or softening of the dictatorship while ensuring the permanence of the regime’s fundamental principles.
An economic policy of self-sufficiency. Franco’s regime, facing international isolation after World War II, initially adopted autarky, modeling its economic system on European fascist examples from the interwar period.