Key Terms of the Early Modern Age
Key Terms: Unit 1
The American War of Independence
The American War of Independence was a war between Great Britain and the 13 British colonies in North America. The American colonists were unhappy with the metropolis, which did not allow them to have representatives in the English Parliament and forced them to pay high taxes.
Ancient Régime
The Ancien Régime was a political and social system that emerged in Europe during the Early Modern Age (XV-XVIII centuries). It was characterized by an agricultural and feudal economy, a stagnant population, a stratified society, and an absolute monarchy.
Boston Tea Party
The Boston Tea Party started as a rebellion against the increase of the tea tax. The revolt slogan was “no taxation without representation”. The colonists threw a large quantity of tea into the sea, and the British strongly repressed the revolt. Consequently, discontent grew.
The Bourgeoisie is the upper middle class, in particular merchants and businessmen, who dominate trade. They had reached a significant economic position but did not have social prestige.
Capitalism is an economic system in which production and trade are controlled by private businesses.
Centralized Government
A Centralized Government is a national government with the power to make decisions for the whole country.
Civil War
A Civil War is a war between the inhabitants of the same country.
A Constitution is the system of beliefs and laws by which a country, state, or organization is governed. It is a set of fundamental laws and principles according to which a state is governed.
Craftsmanship is a general term used to refer to the work done by artisans.
Crisis of Subsistence
A Crisis of Subsistence takes place after several years of poor harvests, which result in limited food and generate hunger, malnutrition, and an increase in mortality.
Crop Rotation
Crop Rotation is growing different crops in alternating years to maintain the fertility of the land.
Demography is the scientific study of the changes affecting the population: number of births, deaths, diseases, etc.
Despotism is the exercise of absolute power by one person, called a despot.
Domestic System
The Domestic System is a system in which people make goods in their own homes.
Early Modern Age
The Early Modern Age is a period that began in 1492 with the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus and ended in 1789 with the outbreak of the French Revolution.
The Enlightenment was a movement that promoted knowledge, science, and education to reform society. This intellectual movement developed in Europe in the 18th century, questioning all the principles of the Ancien Régime. It was based on the use of reason as the best way to know and transform the world. Enlightenment philosophers wanted to “illuminate” the darkness of the world with the lights of reason. This is why the Enlightenment is also called the “Century of Lights” and “The Age of Reason”.
Estates General
The Estates General was a meeting of the representatives of the three estates in France.
To be exempt is to be free from an obligation that other people have, such as paying taxes.
Fallow is a piece of land that is left unplanted for one year out of three in order to improve its fertility.
Food Riots
Food Riots were events that occurred in several areas, mostly led by women, who violently invaded and looted various shops and streets. The riots were triggered by the women’s lack of money, provisions, and food.
A Guild is an association of craftsmen or merchants, first established in the Middle Ages.