Key Vocabulary Terms: A Comprehensive List

Essential Vocabulary: Definitions and Examples

Alarm: A sudden feeling of fear or worry.

Applicant: A person who makes a formal request for something.

Application: A formal written request, especially for a job or a place in a school or club.

Aptitude: A natural ability or skill.

Concern: A feeling of worry.

Countryside: The land away from towns and cities, where there are fields and woods.

Eavesdropper: Someone who secretly listens to what other people are saying.

E-book: An electronic book or novel.

Enquiry: A question that you ask about something.

Fear: A feeling of being afraid of someone or something.

Firewall: A computer program designed to protect the information stored on a computer.

Host: A person who invites guests to their house and provides them with food and drink.

Inquest: An official process that tries to find out how someone died.

Issue: A problem or subject for discussion.

Job Satisfaction: The feeling of pleasure that you get from doing your job well or achieving what you want.

Light: The energy or brightness that comes from the sun or a lamp.

Lighting: The quality or type of lights used in a room or building.

Maternity Leave: The period of time when a woman is away from her work in order to have a baby.

Measure: An action that is done for a special reason.

Might: Great strength or power.

Milky Way: The system of stars that contains our sun and its planets, seen as a bright band in the night sky.

Model: A copy of something, usually smaller than the original.

Nature: All the plants, animals, etc., in the universe and all the things that happen in it that are not made or caused by people.

Percentage: The number, amount, or rate of something, expressed as if it is part of a total which is a hundred, or a part or share of a whole.

Personal Statement: A letter containing extra information about yourself that you send with a job application.

Pole: Either of the two points at the exact top and bottom of the Earth.

Proportion: A part or share of a whole.

Record: A written account of what has happened or been done.

Reference: A statement or letter describing a person’s character or ability that is given to a possible future employer.

Space: A place or an area that is not used, or the area which surrounds the planet Earth and other planets and stars.

Term: A word or group of words with a particular meaning, or a period of time into which a school or university year is divided.

Unknown: A place or thing that you know nothing about.

Action Verbs

Advertise: To put information in a newspaper, on television, or on a picture on the wall, etc., in order to persuade people to buy something or to interest them in a new job, etc.

Affect: To make someone or something change in a particular way; to influence someone or something.

Apply: To make a formal request, usually in writing, for something such as a job or a place at college or university.

Blame: To think or say that someone or something is responsible for something bad.

Cause: To make something happen.

Destroy: To damage something so badly that it can no longer be used or no longer exists.

Earn: To get money by working.

Enclose: To put something in the same envelope or package as something else.

Execute: To perform a task.

Expose: To show something that is usually hidden or to tell something that has been kept secret.

Gain: To gradually get more of something.

Incorporate: To make something a part of something else or to have something as a part.

Isolate: To put or keep someone or something separate from other people or things.

Motivate: To cause someone to act in a particular way.