
The American Civil War was a civil war fought in the United States from 1861 to 1865,
between the North (the Union) and the South (The Confederacy).
The Civil War began primarily as a result of the long-standing controversy over the
enslavement of black people. War broke out in April 1861 when secessionist forces attacked
Fort Summer in South Carolina shortly after Abraham Lincoln had been inaugurated as the
President of the United States.
Among the 34 states in February 1861, secessionist supporters in seven Southern slave states
declared state secessions from the country and formed the Confederate States of America, in
open rebellion against the U.S. Constitutional government.
The Confederacy grew to eleven states, and it claimed the states of Kentucky and Missouri.
ECONOMY: the economies of many Northern states moved away from farming to industry. A lot
of people in the North worked and lived in the large cities like New York, Philadelphia and
Boston. However, the Southern states, kept their farming economy based on slave labor.
In fact, the South continued with a social order based on White supremacy while the North was
based on a society in which people from different cultures and classes could live and work
STATES RIGHTS VS FEDERAL RIGHTS: the Southern states wanted to assert their authority
over the federal government so they could abolish federal laws keeping slaves and taking them
wherever they wished. The South, felt that the federal government was taking away their rights
and powers.
TERRITORIAL EXPANSION: the South wished to take slavery into the western territories, while
the North's was committed to keeping them open to White labor alone. Meanwhile, the
Republican party, was opposed to the westward expansión because each new state bécame a
battleground between the two sides for power.
SLAVERY: the war was fought over the moral issue of slavery. In fact, it was the economics
of slavery and political control of that system that was central to the conflict. Many people in the
North believed that slavery was wrong and evil. They were called ABOLITIONIST and they
wanted to make slavery illegal.
Slave labor was an important part of the Southern economy.
Slavery was legal from early colonial days and in all the colonies. But it lasted until de 1865
when it was prohibited nationally
by the 13th Amendment in the Constitution. Finally, it abolished slavery.
SECESSION: when Lincoln was elected, some states left the United States and form a new
country called “The Confederate States of America”. Because they felt that Lincoln would stop
the expansion of slavery. So secession, was a political decisión that led directly to war.

While the military war was coming to an end, the political reintegration of the nation was to
take another 12 years, known as the Reconstruction Era.
The American Civil War was among the earliest industrial wars. Railroads, the telegraph,
steamships, and iron-clad ships, and mass-produced weapons were employed extensively. It
remains the deadliest war in American history.

From 1861 to 1865, it is estimated that 620,000 to 750,000 soldiers died, along with an
undetermined number of civilians.
British empire
One Reason for the creation of the British Empire Was trade. The Industrial Revolution
created a need for raw materials such as cotton. it also created wealth and a demand for
imports like spices. Manufactures needed the places Where they could sell their goods
abroad. The colonies could provide all of these things.
Ships left Liverpool and Bristol laden with metal products like chains, iron
bars, etc. They sailed to West Africa where the goods were exchanged for African SLAVES.
This voyage is known as The Triangular trade, and of course, this was
legal. At that moment there were no rights of any kind to protect the African people.
The Queen is Head of the commonwealth. She is recognised as head of State in 18
countries including Canada and Australia. Although Britain maintains a strong influence inthe
commonwealth and the queen takes a keen personal interest in commonwealth matters,despite
her title She has little real power.
The Modern commonwealth includes republics and other monarchies in addition to states
headed by the queen. The United Kingdom Empire and began its transformation into the
Modern commonwealth with the extension of dominion status to the self-governing colonies of
Canada 1867 Australia 1901 New Zealand 1907 newfoundland 1907 and the newly
created union of South Africa 1910.
THE GOLDEN DOOR- 1840-1924
Many immigrants came to the United States, most of them came from Europe. The main
reasons were poor crops, hunger and political unrest.
During the civil war in the 1860s the federal government encouraged more emigration from
Europe. They offered land to immigrants who would serve as soldiers in the Union armies.
In 1880 most immigrants to the United States came from Ireland and German and then,
Italians,Poles, Greeks, Russians, Hungarians, Czechs, irish and Jewish people began to arrive.
Ellis Island was opened in 1892 and it closed its door in 1954. It was created to control the
immigration. All intending immigrant were examined.
They had to work for long hours in dangerous conditions and to live in overcrowded slums that
were breeding places of disease and misery.
In 1920 Congress passed laws to limit all kinds of immigration. The most effect was the Reed-
Johnson Immigration Act of 1924. The main aim was to reduce immigration from southern
andeastern Europe.
European colonization began in 1492, when a Spanish expedition headed by the
Italian explorer Christopher Columbus sailed west to find a new trade route to the Far East but
inadvertently landed in what came to be known to Europeans as the "New World".

The post-1492 era is known as the period of the Columbian Exchange, a dramatically
widespread exchange of animals, plants, culture, human populations (including slaves), ideas,
and communicable disease between the American and Afro-Eurasian hemispheres following
Columbus's voyages to the Americas.
The Spanish Roman Catholic Church, needing the natives' labor and cooperation, evangelized
Quechua, Nahuatl, Guaraní and other Native American languages, contributing to the
expansion of these indigenous languages and equipping some of them with writing systems.
Slavery was a common practice in the Americas prior to the arrival of Europeans, as different
American Indian groups captured and held other tribes' members as slaves.