Koppitz-Bender Test: Assessing Perceptual Maturity

Koppitz-Bender Test

Developed by Lauretta Bender between 1932 and 1938, the Koppitz-Bender Test was initially created as a clinical test for adults.

It consists of a series of nine designs devoid of meaning, originally constructed by Wertheimer for the study of perceptual processes, specifically the laws of perception and the principles of Gestalt psychology.

Lauretta Bender devised a system that presented the designs to the subjects and asked them to reproduce them graphically.

Elizabeth Koppitz (1962), using the same stimulus plates proposed by Bender, created a system of application and test scoring for children between 5 and 12 years old.

Through this system, she aimed to assess perceptual maturity, neurological impairment, and emotional adjustment.


Materials: 2 letter-size sheets, graphite pencil, eraser.

  • The cards are given one by one, in sequence, without a time limit. (Record the time.)
  • No indication of the role that the design must perform is given. If the child asks, reply that they can choose the part they want.
  • The use of rulers, compasses, or any other additional material is not allowed.
  • No comments are made, but observations of the child’s behavior are recorded.
  • If a child asks questions, give a neutral response such as: “Make it as close to the drawing on the card as you can.”
  • If they begin to count the points of the figures, say: “You need not count the points, just try to do the closest thing.”
  • If they persist in counting, then it acquires diagnostic significance (or obsessive-perfectionist trait).

Instructions: “You have nine drawings. I want you to copy them. Here’s the first one, make one just like this…” and place card A in front of the child.

Register behavior, note the style used to face a new task.

  • Well suited to the task.
  • Behavioral difficulties and/or learning difficulties.
  • Poor internal control and/or immature visual-motor coordination.
  • Perfectionist.
  • Inattention.
  • Short or quick time. (Average: 620 seconds. With problems: 519 seconds. Hyperactive: 4 minutes 41 seconds.)
  • Strives to overcome a handicap.
  • Obsessive.


The score obtained is compared with the result expected for their chronological age.

Deviations observed by Koppitz:

  1. Shape distortion (e.g., disparity).
  2. Rotation (of the design or parts thereof).
  3. Replacement of points by circles.
  4. Perseveration.
  5. Lack of integration.
  6. Missing angles.
  7. Replacing angles with curves.
Emotional Indicators:
  • Emotional Indicators should be evaluated individually.
  • They can appear singly or in combination.
  • They are not necessarily related to age and maturation.
  • Children with poor perceptual-motor integration are often vulnerable to developing secondary emotional difficulties.
  • The test allows for hypotheses that need to be checked with further observations and psychological data.
  • A single Emotional Indicator on a child’s protocol reflects an attitude or tendency, but by itself does not indicate any serious emotional problem.
  • Three or more Emotional Indicators are needed before we can say with some confidence that a child has serious emotional problems.
List of Emotional Indicators:
  1. Confused Order.
  2. Wavy Line in Figures 1 and 2.
  3. Replacement of circles with dashes in Figure 2.
  4. Progressive increase in size in Figures 1, 2, or 3.
  5. Large size.
  6. Small size.
  7. Fine line.
  8. Carelessly drawn or reinforced lines.
  9. Second attempt.
  10. Expansion.
  11. Frames around the figures.
  12. Spontaneous elaboration or additions to the figure.