Labor Mobility, Contract Suspension, and Termination
Labor Mobility, Contract Suspension, and Termination in Spain
4.1.1. Functional and Geographical Labor Mobility
A worker may be subject to functional mobility (performing functions other than those for which they were hired) and geographical mobility (working in locations other than the one contracted).
- Within the group: No specific cause is required.
- Out of Band: Technical or organizational reasons are needed.
- Extraordinary mobility: Exceeds the above cases.
4.1.2 Geographical Mobility: Transfers and Travel
- Cause: There must be justified reasons.
- Procedure: Communication with a minimum notice period of 30 days before the effective date of the transfer. If the move is collective, a prior consultation period with legal representatives must be opened.
- Worker Options:
- Accept the transfer.
- Await a court decision.
- Terminate the contract (with compensation of 20 days’ salary per year of service, max. 12 months).
- If within 12 months, the relocation exceeds a period of 3 years, it is considered a transfer.
- Procedure: The employer must communicate the travel assignment (at least 5 days in advance if the offset is greater than 3 months).
- The employee shall be entitled to 4 working days of leave at their home for every 3 months of travel.
4.1.3 Substantial Modifications of Working Conditions
If a modification affects the workday, schedule, or shift work regime, the affected worker can terminate the contract with compensation of 20 days’ salary per year of service, with a maximum of 9 monthly payments.
4.2. Contract Suspension and Leave
4.2.1 Suspension of the Contract
Effects: Disappearance of obligations and/or reserved position with preemptive rights.
- Mutual agreement.
- Clauses consigned in the contract.
- Temporary disability.
- Maternity, risk during pregnancy, adoption, or fostering of children under 6 years.
- Parenting.
- Holding any public office.
- Deprivation of liberty.
- Suspension of work and wages.
- Force majeure (including the right to strike).
- Closure Notice.
4.2.2 Leave (Excedencia)
Releases the employee from the obligation to provide services and the employer from paying wages.
- Compulsory Leave (Excedencia Forzosa):
- Reason: Designation or election to public office; trade union duties.
- Reserves the workplace.
- Voluntary Leave (Excedencia Voluntaria):
- At the employee’s request.
- Requires at least one year of seniority.
- Entitles the employee to a period between 4 months and 5 years.
- Only provides preferential rights.
4.3. Contract Termination
4.3.1 Termination of Contract: Causes
- Completion of its duration (15 days’ notice, at least).
- Termination by the employee’s will.
- Termination by the employer’s will (dismissal).
- Other causes of extinction.
Termination by the Employee’s Will
- Resignation (DimisiĆ³n): Notice period fixed in the agreement or according to the custom of the place (minimum 15 days). No compensation.
- Withdrawal (Desistimiento): The employee leaves work. The employer may ask for damages.
- Due to Serious Employer Breach (Incomplimientos Graves del Empresario): Entitles the employee to an allowance of 45 days’ salary per year of service, max. 42 months (equivalent to unfair dismissal). Disciplinary Dismissal (Despido Disciplinario)
- Repeated and unjustified absences or tardiness.
- Indiscipline or disobedience.
- Verbal or physical offenses.
Judicial Qualification:
- Fair Dismissal (Despido Procedente): Real cause is proven.
- Unfair Dismissal (Despido Improcedente): The cause is not properly proven (compensation of 45 days per year of service, max. 42 months).
- Null Dismissal (Despido Nulo): The real cause for dismissal is discrimination. Dismissal for Objective Reasons (Despido por Causas Objetivas)
- Ineptitude of the worker.
- Lack of adaptation of the worker.
- Attendance errors.
- When there is a need to amortize jobs. Collective Dismissal (Despido Colectivo)
- When there are more than 5 employees affected.
- When, over a period of 90 days, the number of workers affected reaches a certain threshold.
Redundancies due to Force Majeure: It should be an unforeseen and unavoidable event that affects a company and prevents the continued provision of employment (compensation: 20 days per year of service, max. 12 months).