Landforms and Rivers of Europe and Spain

Landforms: Definitions

  • RIA: Sea routes into the land.
  • CABO (Cape): Relief that goes from the coast into the sea.
  • PENINSULA: Land surrounded by water everywhere except for one part.
  • ISLA (Island): Portion of land surrounded by water on all sides.
  • GOLFO (Gulf): Entry of the sea, rounded. The bay is similar but smaller.
  • DORSAL OCEÁNICA (Mid-ocean ridge): Underwater mountain range.
  • FOSA MARINA (Marine trench): Great underwater depression.
  • LLANURA ABISAL (Abyssal plain): Underwater plain.
  • PLATAFORMA CONTINENTAL (Continental shelf): Underwater continuation of the continents.
  • TALUD CONTINENTAL (Continental slope): A steep slope that joins the continental shelf with the abyssal plain.
  • MONTAÑA (Mountain): Elevated terrain.
  • DEPRESIÓN (Depression): A more or less extensive area with an altitude lower than the surrounding formations, resulting from the erosion of a river or the sinking of a fault.
  • VALLE (Valley): A form of depression that usually has an elongated shape.
  • ALTIPLANO (Plateau): A more or less flat surface located at some altitude.
  • LLANURA (Plain): Flat or very slightly undulating terrain.

Landforms and Rivers of Europe

  • Old Massifs: Scandinavian Mountains, Grampian Mountains, Castilian Plateau, Massif Central (France).
  • Rivers: Rhine, Seine, Loire.
  • Young Mountain Ranges: Pyrenees, Alps, Apennines, Carpathians, Balkans, Caucasus.
  • Rivers: Rhone, Po, Danube.
  • Plains: Great European Plain, Hungarian Plain, Plain of the Po, and Ebro and Guadalquivir depressions.
  • Rivers: Volga, Don, Dnieper, Dniester.

Coasts and Rivers of Spain

  • Cantabrian Coast: Main rivers are Bidasoa, Deva, Nervión, Asón, Pas, Nalon, Narcea, Navia, Eo.
  • Atlantic Coast: Miño, Duero, Tagus, Guadiana, Guadalquivir, Tinto, Odiel, Tambre, Ulla, Guadalete, and Barbate.
  • Mediterranean Coast: Ebro, Júcar, Ter, Llobregat, Mijares, Turia, Segura, Almanzora, Guadalhorce, Tordera.

Economic Activity

Economic activity is the set of activities by which humans meet their needs, trying to produce the goods and services they need. People seek economic activity that allows them to obtain these products and services more quickly and at a lower cost. Needs and desires may be unlimited, but resources are limited and scarce.

Factors of Production

  • Labor: Human activity used to produce goods or provide services. Work is the only means to meet needs. The most common form of work is employed work in a company or administration. Self-employment is work for oneself without depending on anyone, e.g., a small business owner.
  • Capital and Technology: To produce goods or services, capital is needed to acquire land, buildings, and machinery. Part of the capital is money that companies keep in cash or in bank accounts. Capital means not only money but also buildings, facilities, machinery, and technologies needed to produce these goods or services.

Landscapes of Spain: Mediterranean

The Mediterranean landscape is characterized by hot summers, with average temperatures that can reach 25 degrees Celsius, and mild winters around 10 degrees Celsius. The highest rainfall is recorded in autumn, when rains may occur due to the sudden cooling of warm, moist air, causing floods. The original vegetation includes oak trees. However, oak trees have been replaced by pine trees. Where the forest disappears, scrub vegetation or garrigue grows. In drier areas, the steppe is present.