Language Functions: Exercises to Understand Communication
Exercises: The Language and Its Functions
1. The Message
How I would like to close the window!
This message simultaneously fulfills the expressive function, providing information about the speaker’s desire; the appellate function, aiming to influence the receiver; and the referential function, indirectly providing information about the window being open.
1.1. What functions do the following messages serve?
- What a uniform fashion is for young people today!
- How many times do I have to say that language has six functions?
- The air conditioning gives me thirst…
2. Language Functions in the Classroom
In a class or tutoring session dedicated to the Spanish Language, messages similar to those below might appear. What language function prevails in each?
2.1. Today many students have failed. It must be because of football.
2.2. Do you hear those who are occupying the last row?
2.3. Good morning. How is everything?
2.4. The Spanish language tends to have paroxytone stress, i.e., stress on the penultimate syllable.
2.5. Do you think that I can find out about all the questions at the same time?
2.6. I notice when they are paying attention because their brains are raised to the ceiling like balloons of gas.
2.7. Please submit the Assessment Tests as scheduled.
2.8. When you understand something at first, black cherry is light in his eyes.
2.9. Machado said in Literature:
Marble or hard and eternal,
or music or painting,
but word in time.
2.10. It is essential that these concepts are clear in General Linguistics.
3. Analyzing Public Announcements
Analyze the role of death notices, wedding announcements, and cultural announcements (conferences, concerts, etc.).
3.1. What do these messages have in common?
4. Job Applications: Request and Resume
To apply for a job, we often require the filing of a request and a resume. Each of these requirements is a message with a different function.
4.1. What role is predominant in each of them?
4.2. What element of the communication schema is of main interest in the request? What about the curriculum?
4.3. Can several functions be demonstrated at once in these types of messages?
5. Consulting the Dictionary
During this course, it will be essential to consult the dictionary of the Spanish Language.
5.1. What role is predominant in this text?
5.2. Compare the role of the dominant language in the Dictionary and the predominant role in the history textbook. What element of the communication scheme does each message focus on?
6. Running Commentary
We often have occasion to hear the running commentary on the transmission of a football game, a bullfight, or a music festival.
6.1. Indicate the predominant and the secondary role of these comments.
7. Propaganda and Advertising
At election time, propaganda intensifies for each political party. We constantly read work offers and requests in the papers. Trademarks spend large sums on advertising their products.
7.1. These three types of messages, different in form, have, however, something in common: the role. What is it?
7.2. Can any of them manifest in another secondary function?
8. Expressing Affection
I’m with the person I am in love with. I want to tell them, but I’d like to impress them by the warmth of my feelings, at the same time by the originality of my words, without falling into clichés or corniness.
8.1. What function or functions are predictably manifest in my post-tax return?
9. Text Commentary
In this review, I offer a choice between a sonnet and a fragment of a novel for a text commentary; one of the issues I deal with is the predominant function in either.
9.1. What prevails in the fragment of the novel? Why?
9.2. And in the sonnet?
10. Spokesperson for Colleagues
I have become the spokesperson for my colleagues in this assembly. This implies that, when I speak, I must express eloquently what I think (we think). I have to watch that my words do not sound too “overheard,” and, finally, must be persuasive to the audience if I want to win their support.
10.1. What features does my message intend to fulfill?
10.2. What elements of the communication scheme are highlighted in importance over others in this communication?