Language, Signs, and Communication Functions

Language and Communication

Language is the power humans have to communicate through shared symbols and express thought. Language is a structured system of verbal and combination rules common to a community of speakers. Speech is the concrete realization of a language by speakers in a specific communicative situation. The linguistic norm is the set of rules and accepted uses by speakers of a language as exemplary ways of speaking.

Varieties of Language

Situational varieties: Due to the communicative situation, speakers express themselves in a specific manner of speaking, called a register. A register is the way an individual speaks in a situation and at a specific time. A person may use different registers depending on factors such as intention, relationship with the interlocutor, the topic of conversation, and the mode of transmission of the message.

  • In a formal situation, a formal register is used.
  • In informal situations, an informal register is used.

Social varieties: These depend on the social group to which the speaker belongs. Each social layer uses a specific manner of speaking, called a sociolect. The sociolect adopted by a social group sharing common characteristics is called a social factor.

Factors Influencing Language Varieties

  • Biological Factors: Sex, although becoming less evident, sociolinguistic studies have shown that men and women do not speak the same way. Age also influences how people speak.
  • Social Factors: Depending on the level of education, speakers are distinguished by three levels of use: the cultivated level (characterized by greater correctness), the average level (typical of the speaker’s community), and the grassroots level (furthest from the norm).
  • Geographical variants: These depend on where the language is spoken. Each location uses a dialect.

The Sign and Its Types

A sign is any perceptible element that represents or replaces an idea, feeling, or reality.

Structure of a Sign

  • Signifier: The sign as perceived by the recipient through their senses (e.g., a traffic signal).
  • Signified: The concept or idea associated with the signifier; its semantic content.
  • Referent: The external reality to which the sign refers.

Perception of Signs

  • Visual: (e.g., a drawing)
  • Acoustic: (e.g., a sound)
  • Olfactory: (e.g., a scent)
  • Gustatory: (e.g., a taste)
  • Tactile: (e.g., a touch)

Relationship Between Signifier and Signified

  • Signs: (Signifier and signified have a natural cause-and-effect relationship)
  • Icons: (The relationship is based on similarity or likeness)
  • Symbols: (Signifier and signified are associated by convention)

Functions of Language

Any communication process originates from a sender with a specific purpose. The use of language, or its function, depends on the communicative intention.

FunctionElementCommunicative Intent
ReferentialConcerningConvey information about reality
ExpressiveIssuerExpress feelings or opinions
AppellativeReceptorCall the intended recipient or influence their behavior
PoeticMessageCreate beauty and draw attention to the message
MetalinguisticCodeTreat language as a code

Phatic function: To check if the communication channel is open.