Lateral Thinking, Learning Experiences, and Child Development

Lateral Thinking (Technical)

Divergence, creative pause, focus, challenge, alternative, provocative, moving, brainstorming, follower of the concept, and fractionation.

RRR: Recyclable, Reusable, Renewable

Cone of Learning Experiences

  1. Purpose: We know the various public institutions and places which allow the child new experiences.
  2. Artificial: The explanation of an unattainable object (e.g., making a volcano to explain how lava comes out).
  3. Dramatized: Express feelings and emotions through puppetry.
  4. Displayed: Explanation of what we do in execution (e.g., clay).
  5. Excursion: From a field goal: to evaluate nature.
  6. Exposition: Explaining a topic.
  7. Television: Hi5, Barney, Go Play.
  8. Cinematography: Making movies.
  9. Cassette: Sense of child care awareness through music.
  10. Hit Fixed: Submit images via the projector.
  11. Visual Symbols: Semaphore, clear images that have a message.
  12. Verbal Symbols: Sounds that are experienced when the child starts in pre-writing.

Developing Skills in Children Aged 2-5 Years (Prewriting)

  1. Prehensile Activity: Toes cut with scissors, threading, and thread.
  2. Digital Activity: Modeling, twisting, folding (marked fold).
  3. Graphics Activities: Tap, mark or specks (:::), contour (exterior, interior), skirting, stretching, coloring, tracing, freehand drawing, and painting.

These activities are permanent.

The intention of the child in the first 2 years: wrinkling, trying to crosscut, bounce.

Prehensile Activity

It is the act of catching and releasing through the intervention of the flexors and extensors.


Activity associated with palmar grasp (a hole) or wound superficially with a mild or sharp instrument.

Achievements: An initial exercise in hand-eye coordination and provides a basis for more complex exercises. Develops sustained tension, gives the child voluntary control of the pen. Get a gesture of precision and coordination composed of delicate, precise movements of small amplitude.

Tear or From

It is to smash materials of little consistency, such as paper, cloth, or noodles, without the aid of any instrument. Achievements: Low amplitude movements required to intervene where the index finger and thumb. It develops focus and concentration; it forms a clamp flexor.

Cutting with Scissors

It is the act of cutting paper using scissors. It is an activity that requires a dynamic character of bimanual movements. Develops fine bisomotor coordination (i.e., cutting fringe).

Child Thread (+ Smaller) – Threading (+ Larger)

Thread is introduced, such as pavilo, wool, nylon, or rat-tail, through a hole. Threading is to have fun with all the above. Stringing beads, rings with a blunt needle.


  1. Eye care perception and bimanual movements.
  2. It is of small amplitude.
  3. It is the preparation for the implementation of embroidery.


It is passing strands from place to place on fabric with designs.


Sensitive activity requires eye-hand coordination. It requires highly precise movements and low amplitude.

The digital activity is constituted by activities done digitally, the integrity of various developmental processes, from initial cephalic control that allows visual-motor coordination later to establish necessary for the act of writing.


It is a dynamic activity-manual coordination to use the boy and girl from clay, dough, or dough.


  1. Tonicity balance manual.
  2. Using digit-palm movements in basic form.
  3. It uses pure finger movements.
  4. Oculo-motor coordination.


You twist a thing, whether paper or cloth, turning it around.


It is double and even folds of the same size that provide differentiated movements.


  1. Activity of highly accurate digital character generates the ability to conceptualize the notion of health later.

Activity Chart

It is drawing little dots. It is the foundation of visual communication.


Area integrated communication.

Learning which includes a sensory-motor component.

  • To move, hear, feel, handle, investigate.

The action on concrete real objects is the starting point for language development. The representation and logic operations. Learning begins.

  1. Handling.
  2. Exploration of all the senses.
  3. Movement of the whole body.
  4. Living active experiences that enable him to solve.