Leadership Analysis in Aphra Behn’s Oroonoko
Leadership in Oroonoko
This essay analyzes the portrayal and development of leadership in Aphra Behn’s Oroonoko. Many believe that Behn, a royalist, created a work that entertains and comments on the qualities of a good leader. However, some argue that the novella is ambiguous and contradictory.
Oroonoko as a Natural Leader
Oroonoko’s initial description establishes him as a potential leader. The narrator outlines his royal lineage, warrior upbringing, and journey to the West Indies:
as soon as he [Oroonoko] could bear a bow in his hand, and a quiver at his back, was sent into the field to be trained up by one of the oldest generals to war; where, […], he became, at the age of seventeen, one of the most expert captains and bravest soldiers that ever saw the field of Mars: so that he was adored as the wonder of all that world, and the darling of the soldiers. (Behn, 13)
This passage shows that Oroonoko was naturally admired and followed due to his bravery and skill in battle. He was proclaimed general of war at seventeen.
Oroonoko and Classical Heroes
Aphra Behn’s narrative suggests that Oroonoko embodies aspects of an Ancient Greek or Roman hero. For example, when Oroonoko believes Imoinda is dead, he initially promises not to seek revenge, predicting the King’s imminent death. He becomes deeply depressed and refuses to fight, leading his army, now led by Aboan, to the brink of defeat. However, Oroonoko’s fighting spirit returns, and he storms into battle, gravely wounds Jamoan, the opposing leader, and wins the war, taking Jamoan as a slave.
This mirrors the Greek hero Achilles’ reaction to Patroclus’ death during the Trojan War. Despite personal turmoil, Oroonoko fulfills his duties, demonstrating his power as a warrior, even being compared to Caesar.
Oroonoko’s Speech and the Slave Rebellion
Oroonoko’s leadership is evident in his speech during the feast for the slaves. He passionately speaks against the evils of slavery, its dehumanizing effects, and the dishonor of serving a corrupt race. He declares that “honor was the first principle in nature to be obeyed.” (Behn, 62). He proposes leading all who desire freedom, including women and children, leaving behind only “degenerate” women who prefer slavery. This illustrates Oroonoko reprising his military leadership role from Coramantien, now leading the escape in Suriname. The slaves readily accept him, having already begun to deify him. His speech inspires them to believe in their self-worth and further respect him as a great man.
Transformation and Downfall
However, Oroonoko undergoes a transformation from human to animal. Initially described as human due to his mixed origins (European, African), he embodies the qualities of a rightful king, leader, hero, and commander. This changes after Imoinda’s death. Caesar, previously stoic and strong, reveals emotional vulnerability. From then on, revenge, not honor, motivates him, deviating from a true leader’s path. This contributes to his cruel death, slaughtered like an animal, lacking the honorable death a leader deserves.
Leadership in Oroonoko is multifaceted and transformative. While Oroonoko is often depicted as a natural and honorable leader, his final decisions lead to his treatment as a common slave and the embodiment of a tyrant.