Leadership, Communication, and Teamwork in Organizations
Posted on Mar 23, 2025 in Public Administration, Management, and Governance
Part One: Leadership
- Which of the following sentences describes leadership?
- b. Leadership can only emerge.
- The reasons for the theory limitations include:
- e. Is based on a design with small investment.
- Fiedler’s contingency model of leadership:
- Situational leadership theory:
- Characteristics of a leader, except:
- c. Provides for contingent reward.
Part Two: True or False (Leadership)
- Only one organization exists. (C)
- Some traits increase. (C)
- Contingency theory. (F)
- The belief that one. (F)
- Leaders in providing. (C)
Part Three: Communication
- Is a group in which one of the:
- The characteristics of gossip include:
- The amount of knowledge:
- Which of the following is not a factor related:
- d. Low, a reason for bad news.
- While you’re listening, checking his watch:
- e. Avoid distracting actions or gestures.
- According to his book:
- a. Greater access and speed.
Part Four: True or False (Communication)
- When there is communication. (F)
- Through gossip studio. (F)
- A bad choice of symbols. (C)
- All managers are responsible. (C)
- Paraphrasing means to say again. (F)
- The phrase “sorry.” (C)
- A gesture that is acceptable. (C)
- In the era of electronics. (C)
Part Five: Teams
- Which is the value:
- A working team creates the potential:
- To function effectively, a team:
- The most critical characteristics:
- a. Integrity and competence.
- The downside of diversity in the group:
- b. Difficulty to reach a single agreement.
- To re-invigorate suggestions:
- b. Provide refreshing training.
Second Test
Section 1: Multiple Choice
- Includes the influence:
- Some barriers in communication:
- To catalog the executive skills:
- c. Oral and written skills
- Which is communication:
- A message is a … of information:
- Which of the following options are macro barriers?:
- He calls the interpretation of a message:
- If I do not use words in my communication:
- Effective communication requires:
- Known as the communication network:
Section 2: True or False
- The act of influencing is a process. (C)
- The influence process includes motivation. (C)
- States can be taught to the leader. (C)
- Transmit; the communication is from. (F)
- A micro-barrier common in international communication. (F)
- The perception in the interpretation is. (C)
- The feedback is a reaction. (C)
- A means to achieve communication of ideas. (C)
Section 3: Multiple Choice (Groups and Teams)
- Formal groups in business:
- Thanks to that aspect in the address group:
- A group that ____ is a formal group:
- _____ is the mindset in which:
- Which is a working:
- What kind of group is an interest group?
- A tool can be used for groups:
- A team is a ____ organized, stable team:
- The synergy is:
- Which defines the term joint-stock:
Section 4: True or False (Groups and Teams)
- Groups and teams are the same. (F)
- The leadership in groups is to share. (F)
- Formal groups exist in the organization. (F)
- A group of command is a type of. (F)
- A group of tasks at general. (F)
- An example of a formal group: committee. (C)
- The steps of the process according to. (C)
- The first step in developing formal groups. (F)
- A group is based on informal relationships. (F)
- To determine the existence of a leader. (C)