Leadership, Communication, and Teamwork in Organizations

Part One: Leadership

  1. Which of the following sentences describes leadership?
    • b. Leadership can only emerge.
  2. The reasons for the theory limitations include:
    • e. Is based on a design with small investment.
  3. Fiedler’s contingency model of leadership:
    • d. b and c.
  4. Situational leadership theory:
    • d. b and c.
  5. Characteristics of a leader, except:
    • c. Provides for contingent reward.

Part Two: True or False (Leadership)

  1. Only one organization exists. (C)
  2. Some traits increase. (C)
  3. Contingency theory. (F)
  4. The belief that one. (F)
  5. Leaders in providing. (C)

Part Three: Communication

  1. Is a group in which one of the:
    • One understands.
  2. The characteristics of gossip include:
    • e. All previous.
  3. The amount of knowledge:
    • b. Encoding.
  4. Which of the following is not a factor related:
    • d. Low, a reason for bad news.
  5. While you’re listening, checking his watch:
    • e. Avoid distracting actions or gestures.
  6. According to his book:
    • a. Greater access and speed.

Part Four: True or False (Communication)

  1. When there is communication. (F)
  2. Through gossip studio. (F)
  3. A bad choice of symbols. (C)
  4. All managers are responsible. (C)
  5. Paraphrasing means to say again. (F)
  6. The phrase “sorry.” (C)
  7. A gesture that is acceptable. (C)
  8. In the era of electronics. (C)

Part Five: Teams

  1. Which is the value:
    • b. Feed the gang.
  2. A working team creates the potential:
    • c. Exits, entries.
  3. To function effectively, a team:
    • e. All previous.
  4. The most critical characteristics:
    • a. Integrity and competence.
  5. The downside of diversity in the group:
    • b. Difficulty to reach a single agreement.
  6. To re-invigorate suggestions:
    • b. Provide refreshing training.

Second Test

Section 1: Multiple Choice

  1. Includes the influence:
    • b. Control
  2. Some barriers in communication:
    • d. All
  3. To catalog the executive skills:
    • c. Oral and written skills
  4. Which is communication:
    • a. A process
  5. A message is a … of information:
    • b. Encoding
  6. Which of the following options are macro barriers?:
    • d. All
  7. He calls the interpretation of a message:
    • d. Perception
  8. If I do not use words in my communication:
    • b. Nonverbal
  9. Effective communication requires:
    • d. All
  10. Known as the communication network:
    • b. Rumors

Section 2: True or False

  1. The act of influencing is a process. (C)
  2. The influence process includes motivation. (C)
  3. States can be taught to the leader. (C)
  4. Transmit; the communication is from. (F)
  5. A micro-barrier common in international communication. (F)
  6. The perception in the interpretation is. (C)
  7. The feedback is a reaction. (C)
  8. A means to achieve communication of ideas. (C)

Section 3: Multiple Choice (Groups and Teams)

  1. Formal groups in business:
    • d. All
  2. Thanks to that aspect in the address group:
    • b. Organization
  3. A group that ____ is a formal group:
    • c. Command
  4. _____ is the mindset in which:
    • d. Group thinking
  5. Which is a working:
    • a. A task force
  6. What kind of group is an interest group?
    • b. Informal
  7. A tool can be used for groups:
    • c. Sociometry
  8. A team is a ____ organized, stable team:
    • d. Troubleshooting
  9. The synergy is:
    • d. No
  10. Which defines the term joint-stock:
    • a. Business culture

Section 4: True or False (Groups and Teams)

  1. Groups and teams are the same. (F)
  2. The leadership in groups is to share. (F)
  3. Formal groups exist in the organization. (F)
  4. A group of command is a type of. (F)
  5. A group of tasks at general. (F)
  6. An example of a formal group: committee. (C)
  7. The steps of the process according to. (C)
  8. The first step in developing formal groups. (F)
  9. A group is based on informal relationships. (F)
  10. To determine the existence of a leader. (C)