Learning Objectives and Assessment Types in Education

Learning Objectives

General objectives are long-term goals to achieve. Specific objectives are developed by teachers from the proposed objectives in the curriculum. These are made in the short term.

Taxonomy of Learning Objectives

  • Affective: Behaviors including attitudes related to feelings or values.
  • Cognitive: Refers to behaviors that are related to intellectual pieces.
  • Psychomotor: Skills or behaviors related to muscle or physical skills.

Cognitive Domain

The cognitive domain is divided into:

  • Memory: Memorization of specific facts (define, cite, mention, recall, name, identify, articulate, list, describe).
  • Comprehension: The student’s ability to grasp the meaning of communication (formulate, explain, interpret, translate, represent, summarize, identify).
  • Application: The ability to apply learning in new and concrete situations (show, solve, use, develop, make, implement).
  • Analysis: Enabling the study of the minute details of the parties contained in all the least to the information and draw as much information about a topic (inference, examine, distinguish, select, break down, analyze).
  • Synthesis: The ability of the parties so that they form a whole (plan, design, build, create, organize, synthesize).
  • Evaluation: Judging the value of a thing for a purpose using certain criteria (search, critique, evaluate, defend, estimate, and evaluate).

Types of Assessment

  • Diagnostic: Changes before and during the process of teaching and learning. It is divided into background, mastery of the new, socio-emotional problems, learning problems, and cases of adequacy.
  • Formative: Gathering information during the role is to guide.
  • Summative: A set of evaluation techniques and procedures that apply at the end of a course with the purpose to describe and document the success or failure of students.

Difference Between Measuring and Evaluating

The measurement test determines the quantity and quality, while the accuracy assessment involves value judgments.

Components of Learning Assessment

  1. Purpose of the valuation of learning: What is evaluated (is intended to check and see what the wise student can do) collaboration for diagnostic purposes, formative assessment, summative assessment.
  2. Learning is assessed by evaluating: Evaluates the achievement of learning outcomes to be achieved through educational activities.
  3. Information on what they have learned: How to obtain evidence. From what they learned by trial and certain techniques of observation.
  4. An assessment of the evidence against that is evaluated is divided into:
    • A comparison with past performance made (assessed the student knows).
    • Compared to an ideal situation (made by comparing the performance with exact parameters of perfection).
    • Compared to predetermined targets (compared to students with the educational objectives for the plantations).
    • Compared with other similar institutions (compared with other students in the classroom we use is to judge the performance of each student compared with a group of students with similar characteristics).