Literary Devices: Enhance Your Writing

Understanding Literary Devices


Definition: Repetition of one or more sounds in a verse or stanza. It creates euphonic effects or cacophony. Examples:

  • “You take grip of rare breeds of birds…”
  • “The wing of a mild fan.”


Definition: Imitation of real sounds using phonetic language. Example: “Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo.”


Definition: Phonetic similarity of words or word groups. Example: “I’ve sold, blindfolded.”


Definition: Equality of vowel sounds from the last stressed syllable.


Definition: Equal consonant sounds from the last accented vowel.


Definition: Addition of unnecessary terms to emphasize an idea. It has expressive value. Example: “I saw it with my own eyes.”


Definition: Accumulation of synonyms to convey a concept. Example: “She was beautiful, graceful, gallant…”


Definition: An adjective that is not strictly necessary for understanding the text but adds expression and emphasizes a quality. Example: “The white snow covering his head…”


Definition: Repetition of one or more words at the beginning of a sentence. Example: “Before…”


Definition: Repetition of a word or words at the end of a sentence. Example: “Love-sick, cured of love…”


Definition: Repetition of conjunctions to give solemnity or a slow pace to the text.


Definition: Elimination of conjunctions to give the text a quicker, more agile feel.

Syllepsis (or Dilogia)

Definition: Using words with double meanings, often words that are pronounced the same or written similarly. Example: “In counties, earn dice.”


Definition: A play on words, combining syllables to create different meanings. Example: “Gold seems, silver is not.” (A play on the Spanish proverb “Oro parece, plata no es.”)


Definition: A comparison between two seemingly unrelated things.


Definition: A continuous succession of images and metaphors throughout a text.

Prosopopoeia (Personification)

Definition: Granting human qualities to inanimate beings or animals. Example: “‘Prepare your luggage,’ he said. Death.”


Definition: Exaggeration of terms, increasing or decreasing actions, qualities, etc. Example: “Her tears were pearls adorning her…”


Definition: A direct comparison, often using “like” or “as”.


Definition: The union of two apparently irreconcilable ideas; an opinion, true or not, contrary to popular belief. Example: “I live without living in myself.”


Definition: Saying the opposite of what is meant, often for humorous or emphatic effect.

Analysis and Commentary on a Poem

Outer Structure:

  • Identify the type of verse (number of lines, meter, rhyme scheme).
  • Describe any poetic devices used (sinalefa, hiatus, diaeresis, etc.).
  • Identify and explain the literary devices used.
  • Determine the genre and subgenre (elegy, satire, epic, romance, etc.).

Content Analysis:

  • Identify the theme(s) in one sentence.
  • Analyze the internal structure or content structure (different parts or strands).
  • Analyze the type of language used (ornate, simple, complicated, archaic, etc.).
  • Attempt to identify the text and author.


  • Provide a personal opinion.
  • Relate the poem to other works or concepts, if applicable (e.g., COPD).