Literary Movements: Baroque to Romanticism in Catalan Literature
Baroque Conceptismo
Baroque Conceptismo: Line and satiric burlesque. Francisco Garcia Vicen.
Culteranismo: Find the absolute expression of beauty from the exaggeration of forms used in the revival. (F. Fontanella, influenced by Garcilaso)
The Rector of Vallfogona (XVII): F. Vicente Garcia, a poet known for the variety and diversity in his work, imitated Spanish poetry. Two different literary attitudes:
- Elegant and Rhetorical
- Satirical, burlesque, irony, and eschatological, which gave him more fame.
Vallfogonisme: ironic and humoristic compositions.
The Enlightenment (XVIII)
Thinking extolled reason and critical thinking and promoted the idea of progress. It had philosophical overtones such as rationalism (reason) and empiricism (experience) and was characterized by scientific and technical discoveries and political and social change in the century. Men were considered equal and free (no privileges or estates). Academies and scientific societies were established. Example: The foundation of “The Royal Academy of Letters” in 1752 (Baldiri Grille).
Baron Devil: (18) “Catch Dietary” contains articles he wrote on various aspects, including historical events of the season and curious facts, colloquial language, with Castilianisms, simple and direct style, with the aim to inform and entertain simultaneously.
Neoclassicism (XVIII)
An artistic style inspired by classical art, in reaction to the excesses of the Baroque, adopting a clear and orderly artistic language. In France, the associated values of ancient Rome with those of the Enlightenment were based on reason.
- Classical and biblical events
- Three classical unities (time, site, action)
- Elements: passion, violence, themes of love and honor
Ramis and Ramis John: “Lucretia” (1819)
The Renaissance (XIX)
1st stage (1833-1870): Wilderness first, theoretical 1859 (floral games) Rubio BC Aribau
2nd stage (1871 – fXIX): Principal authors: Verdaguer (poet), Guimerá (theater), Narcis Oller (narrator). There were major social changes: new bourgeois model, industrial revolution growth, village appearance, interest in Catalan.
Depth: Gave an impetus to the production of TV in Catalan. Depr 3 sec of decadncia> Awareness nationalist. A term arose from the Renaissance magazine.
Romanticism: = freedom Movement emerged in Germany in the late 18th century and rapidly spread thanks to Novalis, the Brothers, and Mdm Schegel de Staël. The journal “The European” introduced a charge in 1823 in Barcelona. The movement’s bases revolved around Lester, criticizing the French classicism and neoclassical rigidity.
Depth: originality and imagination / artist = higher being / dynamic view of nature / will of myth, symbol and irony / attracted to mystery and exotic / word = evasion, melancholy and death / dark attracted, chaos, irrationality and agitation / poet expresses his feelings (I) / (Byron, Victor Hugo, Shiller, Hölderlin.
Objectives: recovery of national culture such as language / raising awareness of the peoples and national identity through language / encourage new writers. Aparicio x Restored genera Cable / promotion role impulsr create new entities and institutions.
Floral Games
TV contests. Slogan: “Fatherland, Faith and Love.” The award (englantina violates flower naturally) was won by the Poet who was housemaster Gai Saber.
Verdaguer (XIX)
From Vic, with 2 awards, represented the recovery of poetry in Catalan after 3 centuries. Topics: Catalan fatherland, God, and faith. “The Emigrants’ Friend and the Beloved,” “Atlantis,” “Canigou.”
Epic Poetry:
More or less extensive narrative written in verse, based on a historical fact or legend, explaining the sources of the town. Served in Marq de Comillas.
Patriotic (patria) and religious.
sXIX Theater:
Worship (Romantic Model) and popular (now the Catalan speaking).
Improving the comedy sketches, portrait of society, humoristic artisan class low. Pitarra Seraph, The Conquest of James Castle and the Three Dragons.
Bourgeois melodramas and tragedies of Romantic jewelry rose. Frederic Soler. Don Juan de Serralongue by Victor Balaguer.
Guimerá Angel (XIX-XX)
Canarian origin, the founder of Renaixensa, namely a gay Catalan defender, born to unmarried parents, Amoros failure> in the works.
Stage 1: Sea and Sky fully romantic.
2nd stage: Consolidation represents as a playwright, synthesizes the helmet romat and realism. Prose Maria Rosa, Lowlands and Daughter of the Sea> and final tragic love triangle.
Stage 3: Attempt to adapt to new trends (naturalism and modernism) The Spider and The Holy Thorn.