Literary Movements: Realism to 21st Century

European Realism


  • Stendhal (*The Red and the Black*)
  • Balzac (*The Human Comedy*)
  • Flaubert (*Madame Bovary*)


  • Dickens (*A Christmas Carol*, *Oliver Twist*, *A Tale of Two Cities*)

Spanish Realism

Juan Valera: (*Pepita Jimenez*, *Juanita*)


A Zamora law professor, writer, and regular essayist, he wrote short stories, literary criticism, and novels.

  • *The Ruler*: Recreates a plot in Spanish society whose values have degenerated (Vetusta). Themes include adultery, social class criticism, the church, ambition, and Don Juanism. Structure: Three days and three years.


From Gran Canaria, he studied law but focused on literature, aspiring to reflect reality. His language captured the way characters spoke, sober, natural, and with real-life characters. He also wrote thesis novels.

  • *Fortunata and Jacinta*: Themes of deceit, sterility, and maternity.
  • Spiritualist Novels: (*Mercy*, *The Grandfather*)

Twentieth Century

European Literature:

  • Parnassianism: Escape from the world, focusing on formal beauty. Charles Baudelaire (*The Flowers of Evil*)
  • Decadence: Finding formal beauty, using rude and vile language. Paul Verlaine (*Saturnine Poems*)
  • Symbolism: Deep existence and imagination. Arthur Rimbaud (*Illuminations*)



  • Poetry: Manuel Machado, Antonio Machado (*Solitudes and Solitudes*, *Galleries and Other Poems*), Juan Ramón Jiménez (*Souls of Violet*, *Sad Arias*)
  • Novel: Valle-Inclán (*Sonatas*)
  • Theater: Eduardo Marquina (*In Flanders, the Sun Has Not Set*), Valle-Inclán (*Divine Words*, *Bohemian Lights*)

Rubén Darío:

  • *Azul*: Initiator of modernism with Parnassian influence; prose stories and poems reflect the author’s innovative concerns.
  • *Profane Prose*: A brighter book, full of harmony and love for art, including “Sonatina”.
  • *Cantos de Vida y Esperanza*: Marks a new stage with subjective or intimate issues.

Generation of ’98

  • Miguel de Unamuno: (*Peace in War*, *Aunt Tula*, *Mist*, *San Manuel Bueno, Martyr*)
  • Pío Baroja: (*The Search*, *Zalacaín the Adventurer*, *The Tree of Knowledge*)
  • José Martínez Ruiz (Azorín): (*The Confessions of a Small Philosopher*, *Castilla*)
  • Valle-Inclán: (*Sonatas*, *Tirano Banderas*, *Bohemian Lights* (theater))
  • Antonio Machado: (*Campos de Castilla*, *Solitudes*)


  • Essay: José Ortega y Gasset (*The Dehumanization of Art*)
  • Novel: Gabriel Miró (*The Leper Bishop*), Ramón Pérez de Ayala (*Tiger Juan*)
  • Poetry: Juan Ramón Jiménez (*Sad Arias*, *Diary of a Newlywed Poet*)



  • Futurism: Marinetti (*Manifesto*)
  • Cubism: Apollinaire (*Caligramas*)
  • Dadaism: Tristan Tzara (*Approximate Man*)
  • Surrealism: André Breton (*Surrealist Manifesto*)


  • Creationism: Gerardo Diego (*Manual of Foams*), Juan Larrea and Vicente Huidobro (*The Parachute Trip*)
  • Ultraism: Pedro Garfias (*Southern Wing*), Guillermo de Torre (*Propellers*), and Gerardo Diego (*Image*)

Ramón Gómez de la Serna: Creator of *greguerías*.

Generation of ’27

  • Pedro Salinas: *The Voice Due to You*, *Reason of Love*
  • Gerardo Diego: *Human Verses*
  • Federico García Lorca: *Poem of the Deep Song*, *Poet in New York*, *Gypsy Ballads*
  • Rafael Alberti: *Where Oblivion Dwells*, *Reality and Desire*
  • Miguel Hernández: *Expert in Moons*, *Wind of the People*, *The Unceasing Ray*

Poetry Since 1939

Rooted Poetry:

  • Luis Rosales (*The House On*)
  • Leopoldo Panero (*Writing Every Minute*)
  • Luis Felipe Vivanco (*The Clearing*)

Uprooted Poetry:

  • Dámaso Alonso (*Children of Wrath*)
  • Blas de Otero (*Fiery Angel*)
  • José Hierro (*Quinta of ’42*)
  • Gabriel Celaya (*Iberian Songs*)

Poetry of the ’50s and ’60s

  • Blas de Otero (*I Ask for Peace and the Word*, *That Which is From Spain*)
  • Gabriel Celaya (*What Else is in Silence*, *Their Cards*)
  • José Luis González (*Rough World*)
  • Jaime Gil de Biedma (*Travel Companion*)
  • Claudio Rodríguez (*Gift of Drunkenness*)
  • José Agustín Goytisolo
  • José Ángel Valente (*Point Zero*)

Latest Trends

  • Pere Gimferrer (*Burning Love*)
  • Leopoldo María Panero
  • Félix de Azúa
  • Vanguard: Julio Llamazares
  • Traditional Classical: Andrés Trapiello
  • Experimental: Luis García Montero
  • Poetry of Silence: José Ángel Valente