Livestock Farming in Spain: Trends and Production

Livestock Activity in Spain: Evolution and Changes

Traditional farming, based on the coexistence of different livestock species in the same area, made up of indigenous breeds with a high degree of wildness, and using backward techniques and systems, caused extensive livestock yields. The low current has experienced major changes in structure and production, which have led to increased yields.

Density Structure and Recent Changes

a) Production tends to specialize in the production of meat or milk. This involved the replacement of some breeds with other selected foreign nationals and the near disappearance of dual-purpose breeds (milk, meat). However, we are seeing some recovery of indigenous breeds, thanks to subsidies for this purpose.

b) Technology is progressively expanding, with the use of mechanical models and the scientific study of animal feed. This fact, coupled with increased farm size and the number of animals per farm, has increased yields, although the size of many farms is still inadequate.

c) Intensive livestock is gaining weight compared to extensive:

  • Extensive livestock depends on the physical environment and is fed a tooth in the natural grassland of moist Spain (northern peninsular and mountainous areas) or in the pastures of the peneplain and stubble of dry Spain. Generally, it is associated with native breeds and traditional working techniques. While maintaining its importance in certain areas, it is moving towards mixed or intensive farming.
  • Intensive livestock production is linked to the physical environment, being stabled and fed with feed, in whole or in part. It is located in the vicinity of urban consumption centers in the northeast and mainland Mediterranean coast, especially pigs and poultry. This type of farming is associated with selected foreign breeds, uses modern techniques, and has a high dependence on imported fodder and compound feed, whose prices have shown sharp increases.

Livestock Production and Recent Changes

Livestock production has increased its stake in Spanish agricultural production since the 1960s, to around 35%. However, some communities are much higher than this percentage, such as Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria, and Catalonia. The causes of increased livestock have been the mechanization of the field, which frees up time for other activities, soil conservation through the cultivation of fodder, and increasing living standards, which requires improving the diet, incorporating meat proteins, milk, and eggs.

The changes experienced by the different types of livestock are due to the need to compete in the market, to the requirements of the CAP, which imposes quotas on some productions, decouples subsidies from production in certain sectors, and is conditional upon compliance with food safety, animal welfare, and environmental care, which increase production costs.


a) Cattle are engaged in the production of meat and milk. The location depends on the ability and the system of cattle. Beef cattle (dairy cows) predominate in the north of Spain, the mountain areas of western rangelands, and in an intensive regime near urban centers and fodder-producing areas, as in Aragon, Castilla y Leon, and Catalonia. Dairy cattle are found in extensive or mixed systems in northern Spain, where there are natural grasses, and on large farms in Andalusia, taking advantage of irrigated fodder. In an intensive regimen, in the environment of large cities, where market proximity is offset by higher production costs. Beef production faces competition from cheaper pig meat and poultry. Milk production suffers from competition from other EU countries.

The CAP maintains 100% of the aid linked to production in dairy cows and slaughter calves and is dissociated by 60% for the slaughter of adult animals. In contrast, milk surpluses have led to imposing quotas, encouraging the cessation of activity, and 100% decoupling of aid for milk production. As a result, the industry has been converted into beef cattle, resulting in reduced milk production.


b) Sheep are intended mainly for the production of meat and milk, and very secondarily for the production of wool. Its preferred location is inside the dry peninsular, where it is exploited in two regimes. The extensive regime, predominant, including transhumance, or seasonal movement of livestock between winter pastures and summer pastures, is in decline due to the scarcity of shepherds and cattle grazing on stubble and fallow land or areas organized for this purpose. The intensive system of sheep and milking bait is increasing, although it still has little significance. Meat production is based on indigenous breeds of high roughness. In contrast, the production of milk has a much greater introduction of foreign breeds and is favored by high prices and high demand, which is enough to make cheese. The CAP has given substantial grants to extensive sheep to prevent the abandonment of this activity. After the last renovation, 50% of aid is linked to production.


c) Pig farming is dedicated in part to fresh consumption and in part to the production of sausages or sausage meat. Its location depends on the livestock system. The extensive pig, based on quality breeds (Iberian pig), is located in the meadows of Extremadura, Zamora, Salamanca, and Andalucia. The intensive pig predominates in Catalonia and Murcia, which usually takes the system integration, i.e., the conjunction of one company, which provides the raw materials (pigs) and feed, and livestock, which provides the stable and work. Pork production has grown due to increased demand but faces the problem of surplus global and European meat. The CAP does not give this sector minimum prices or direct payments, only export subsidies if necessary.


d) Poultry farming is intended to produce meat and eggs. Its location in an intensive regime and under the system integration is based in Catalonia, Castile and Leon, and Aragon. The extensive system, houses with access to fresh air and less density of birds, is still very reduced. Chicken meat production is lower than consumption, requiring import. Egg production can be exported. The CAP provides support only for the export of meat and eggs and chicken meat removed from the market to avoid a price fall.