Living Out the Commandments: A Guide to Christian Morality

Living Out the Seventh Commandment

Name the Seventh Commandment

You shall not steal

Define stealing and how does it relate to justice?

Deliberately taking others’ things that are rightfully theirs

Name ways that the Seventh Commandment gives people the things that are rightfully theirs.

Universal Destination of Created Goods

Not only does the Seventh Commandment command us not to steal, it also refers to what sins?

(Stealing money like lowering wages and price gouging)

We live out the Eighth Commandment.

Name the Eighth Commandment.

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor

What does it mean to give witness?

To know and see something that happened

What does the Eighth Commandment oblige us to do?

Tell the truth

What does the Eighth Commandment forbid us to do?

To lie


– to speak or act falsely with the intention of deceiving others

Rash judgment

– assuming things about another person


– telling, without reason, another person’s faults and failings to those who do not know


– making false claims about someone to ruin their reputation


– to brag about something some doesn’t have but that you have


– lying in a joke form to make fun of others


– spreading rumors false or not to those who do not know


– claims about someone false or not spreading around

Why is lying such a bad thing?

Lying makes everything worse

How does the Eighth Commandment teach us to keep promises?

If the secret is directed to harm then tell someone that could stop it

We live out the Ninth Commandment.

What is the Ninth Commandment?

You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife


– the attraction to choose sin


– to wrongly desire someone or something


moderates the attraction of pleasures and helps us to bring our desires into balance


– thinking, speaking, acting, and dressing in ways that show respect for ourselves and others

Pure of Heart

– living in the love of God, our Father, just as his Son, Jesus Christ, calls us to do, and allowing the Holy Spirit to fill us with goodness and love


– the virtue by which we use our human sexuality in a responsible and faithful way

We live out the Tenth Commandment.

What is the Tenth Commandment?

You shall not covet your neighbor’s house nor anything else that belongs to him

How does the Tenth Commandment relate to the Seventh Commandment?

Do not take anything that is not yours

The Tenth Commandment obliges us to do what?

Not covet things that don’t belong to us

What are greed and envy? How do they relate to the Tenth Commandment?


– Excessive desire to own things


– the feeling of sadness when someone has something we want but don’t have

What does it mean to be poor in spirit?

Depending on God and making God important over everything else |

We are called to choose life.

When the young man in the Gospel of Matthew told Jesus that he had followed the Commandments, what did Jesus respond? Why?

“If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions, and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” Jesus responded this way to point out that the new law fulfills, refines, surpasses, and leads the Old Law to its perfection.

Jesus explained to his disciples that he had not come to do away with the Law that God had given to Moses, but to fulfill it. What does this mean? What did Jesus teach?

Jesus taught his disciples to live out the commandments as an expression of love for God, for themselves, and for their neighbors.

When Jesus called his disciples to be perfect, what was he calling them to do?

To try to be as perfect and merciful as Jesus.

We live out the Fourth Commandment.

In Commandments 4-10, what do we recognize?

To love and respect our neighbors.

What is the Fourth Commandment?

Honor your father and mother.

Name 5 ways to live out the Fourth Commandment.

  1. Obeying parents, guardians, and family members.
  2. Being grateful for what your parents have given you.
  3. Supporting our families and helping to care for them in their old age.
  4. Respecting your elders and their wisdom.
  5. Listening to and respecting your parents and those who are guardians.

What is civil authority?

Civil authority refers to the governmental authorities and institutions that govern society and are responsible for maintaining public order and upholding laws.

We live out the Fifth Commandment.

What is the Fifth Commandment?

You shall not kill.

When does the right to life begin?

From conception.


– The direct termination of the life of an unborn baby.


– Mercy killing.


– The deliberate taking of life, which is not our right.


– The taking of one’s own life.


– Violence that intentionally targets innocents.


– A last resort in order to solve human conflicts.

Death penalty

– Death punishment for committing something terrible, although it is rarely used anymore.

Domestic violence

– Violence inflicted by a family member within the home.

Environmental waste and pollution

– The destruction of creation that God gave us to support life.


– An attitude or behavior that leads another person to do evil.

What are some positive ways of dealing with anger?

Pray to God and know that it is all part of His plan for us.

We live out the Sixth Commandment.

What is the Sixth Commandment?

You shall not commit adultery.


– Infidelity in marriage, unfaithfulness to one’s husband or wife.


– The use of our human sexuality in a responsible and faithful way, integrating our sexuality and spirituality in a unity of body and spirit.

Who is our model of chastity for us all? Explain.

Jesus is our model of chastity because he lived his whole life without sexual interactions, demonstrating a pure and faithful way of living. | 

One way people, since the earliest times, have tried to give expression to what they experience as their

relationship with God is through sacraments, which means outward signs of inward grace. The Risen Christ is always present. After the Resurrection, Jesus appeared to his disciples and promised them “I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:20). What does Jesus’ promise to his disciples assure? The Holy Spirit is always present with us, and we experience this presence through the Sacraments. List the seven Sacraments. 1. Baptism 2. Confirmation 3. Eucharist 4. Penance and Reconciliation 5. Anointing of the Sick 6. Holy Orders 7. Matrimony In the New Testament, we find signs or symbols that became the foundations of the Seven Sacraments. Water in Baptism Oil and laying on of hands in Confirmation In the Eucharist, bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ. Absolution brings forgiveness in Penance and Reconciliation. The anointing with the Oil of the Sick imparts strength, peace, and courage to those suffering or in serious illness. The laying on of hands and anointing with Sacred Chrism confer on those receiving the sacrament of Holy Orders. The vows exchanged by the couple in the sacrament of Matrimony. Each of the sacraments is celebrated by the whole Church. Through the Sacraments, by the power of the Holy Spirit, the Church continues Jesus’ ministry of forgiving, healing, teaching, feeding, and serving others. In the sacraments, the Risen Christ shares God’s life with the Church. Each sacrament is an effective sign given to us by Jesus Christ. Sanctifying grace is the gift of sharing in God’s life that we receive in the sacraments. God’s relationship with us is a covenant. To respond to God’s grace, we must open our hearts and live as Jesus’ disciples. God’s grace enables us to live as God’s children with the help of the Holy Spirit. What is required to bear fruit as disciples of Christ? We must remain in Jesus’ love and follow His commandments. Name the sacraments of Initiation: 1. Baptism 2. Confirmation 3. Eucharist Name the sacraments of Healing: 1. Penance and Reconciliation 2. Anointing of the Sick Name the sacraments at the Service of Communion: 1. Holy Orders 2. Matrimony Prayer and the liturgy nourish our relationship with God. The official public prayer of the Church is the liturgy, which includes the celebration of the Eucharist, the Liturgy of the Hours, and other rites. Prayer is raising our hearts and minds to God. Prayer is said to be like a conversation between two people. Why? Because it involves speaking to God and listening to Him. Name two ways in which we can pray: 1. Vocal prayer 2. Meditation Through prayer, both personal and communal, we can grow closer to God. How did Jesus teach us to pray? Jesus taught us to pray by giving us the Lord’s Prayer. How did Jesus pray? Jesus prayed alone, in community, in the synagogue, and through the Psalms. Whenever we pray, we enter into a deeper relationship with God. Urged by the Holy Spirit, we pray in 5 ways. Name them and explain each one: 1. Blessing: We bless God for the gifts He has given us. 2. Praise: We praise God for His greatness and goodness. 3. Thanksgiving: We thank God for His many blessings. 4. Intercession: We ask God to help others. 5. Petition: We ask God for our own needs. The Church witnesses Christ by praying at all times. What is the celebration of the Eucharist sometimes called? Why? The Mass, because it includes the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist. The Eucharist is the most important prayer among the forms of community prayer. We, as individuals and as the Church, express our prayers through: Vocal prayer, we pray aloud often with others. Meditation, we can pray certain words from scripture until they become part of us. Contemplation, is an awareness of God’s presence that can last a lifetime. | What did the priests give Judas to betray Judas- 30 pieces of silver What day do we remember that Jesus riding a donkey triumphantly through Jerusalem? Holy Monday What day do we remember Jesus carrying his cross through the street? Good Friday What day do we remember that Jesus told judas that he would betray Jesus?  Holy Thursday What day do we remember that peter denied Jesus 3 times? Holy Thursday What day do we remember the last supper? Holy Thursday What day do we remember Jesus lying in the tomb? Holy Saturday What day do we remember that Jesus washed the feet of the disciples.  Holy Thursday What day do we remember that Jesus rose from the dead? Easter Sunday What day do we light the new paschal candle? Holy Saturday Night at the Easter Vigil What day do we celebrate the Resurrection? Easter Sunday Jesus said that the money changers made the house of prayer a den of what? Thieves/Robbers What City did the Holy Week Events take place in? Jerusalem What day do we receive palm branches at Mass? Palm Sunday What day is there no Mass? Good Friday Which disciple would deny Jesus 3 Times Peter Which Pharisee paid for Jesus to be betrayed? Caiaphas Who condemned Jesus? Pontius Pilate Who was released instead of Jesus? Barabbas (prisoner) Who gambled for Jesus’ Clothes? Roman Soldiers Who ate with Jesus on Holy Thursday? The 12 Disciples Who Healed the soldiers eat when a disciple cut it off? Jesus Who Asked for permission to put Jesus in the tomb? Joseph of Arimathea Which disciple betrayed Jesus and turned him into the soldiers? Judas Fasting No Meat Fridays / small – Big – small meals on a Ash Wednesday and Good Friday Why did Jesus wash the apostles feet? It is an symbol of hospitality and an example of humility. What is the connecting between Lent and Jesus’ 40 days in the desert? We have to fast 40 Days and Nights.