Lower Limb Muscle Anatomy, Joints, and Neuroglia Details

Lower Limb Muscle Anatomy

Fibularis Longus (Peroneus Longus)Proximal lateral fibula, lateral condyle of tibiaBase of first metatarsal, medial cuneiformEversion and plantarflexion of footSuperficial fibular nerve
Fibularis Brevis (Peroneus Brevis)Distal lateral fibulaBase of fifth metatarsalEversion and plantarflexion of footSuperficial fibular nerve
Tibialis AnteriorLateral condyle and proximal tibia, interosseous membraneMedial cuneiform, base of first metatarsalDorsiflexion and inversion of footDeep fibular nerve
Extensor Digitorum LongusLateral condyle of tibia, anterior fibula, interosseous membraneDorsal surface of middle and distal phalanges of digits 2-5Extends digits 2-5, dorsiflexion of footDeep fibular nerve
Extensor Hallucis LongusAnterior fibula, interosseous membraneDistal phalanx of hallux (big toe)Extends hallux, dorsiflexion of footDeep fibular nerve
Fibularis Tertius (Peroneus Tertius)Distal anterior fibula, interosseous membraneBase of fifth metatarsal (dorsal surface)Dorsiflexion and eversion of footDeep fibular nerve
Biceps Femoris (Long Head)Ischial tuberosityHead of fibulaFlexes knee, extends and laterally rotates hipTibial division of sciatic nerve
Biceps Femoris (Short Head)Linea aspera of femurHead of fibula (shares tendon with long head)Flexes and laterally rotates kneeCommon fibular division of sciatic nerve
SemitendinosusIschial tuberosityProximal medial tibia (Pes anserinus)Flexes knee, extends hip, medially rotates tibia on femurTibial division of sciatic nerve
SemimembranosusIschial tuberosityProximal medial tibia (posterior aspect of medial condyle)Flexes knee, extends hip, medially rotates tibia on femurTibial division of sciatic nerve
GracilisInferior pubic ramusProximal medial tibia (Pes anserinus)Adducts hip, flexes and medially rotates kneeObturator nerve
PectineusPectineal line of pubisPectineal line of femurAdducts and flexes hipFemoral nerve (sometimes also obturator nerve)
Adductor LongusBody of pubisLinea aspera of femurAdducts and flexes hipObturator nerve
Adductor BrevisInferior pubic ramusLinea aspera of femurAdducts and flexes hipObturator nerve
Adductor MagnusInferior pubic ramus, ischial tuberosityLinea aspera, adductor tubercle of femurAdducts hip; assists in flexion (adductor part) and extension (hamstring part)Obturator nerve (adductor part), Tibial nerve (hamstring part)
SartoriusAnterior superior iliac spine (ASIS)Proximal medial tibia (Pes anserinus)Flexes, abducts, laterally rotates hip; flexes kneeFemoral nerve
Rectus FemorisAnterior inferior iliac spine (AIIS)Tibial tuberosity (via patellar ligament)Extends knee, flexes hipFemoral nerve
Vastus LateralisGreater trochanter, linea aspera (lateral lip)Tibial tuberosity (via patellar ligament)Extends kneeFemoral nerve
Vastus MedialisIntertrochanteric line, linea aspera (medial lip)Tibial tuberosity (via patellar ligament)Extends kneeFemoral nerve
Vastus IntermediusAnterior and lateral surfaces of proximal femur shaftTibial tuberosity (via patellar ligament)Extends kneeFemoral nerve
PiriformisAnterior surface of sacrumGreater trochanter of femurLaterally rotates extended hip; abducts flexed hipNerve to piriformis (S1, S2)
Superior GemellusIschial spineGreater trochanter of femurLaterally rotates extended hip; abducts flexed hipNerve to obturator internus (L5, S1)
Obturator InternusMedial surface of obturator membrane and surrounding boneGreater trochanter of femurLaterally rotates extended hip; abducts flexed hipNerve to obturator internus (L5, S1)
Inferior GemellusIschial tuberosityGreater trochanter of femurLaterally rotates extended hip; abducts flexed hipNerve to quadratus femoris (L5, S1)
Quadratus FemorisIschial tuberosityIntertrochanteric crest of femur (quadrate tubercle)Laterally rotates hipNerve to quadratus femoris (L5, S1)
Gluteus MaximusIlium (posterior gluteal line), sacrum, coccyx, sacrotuberous ligamentGluteal tuberosity of femur, iliotibial tract (IT band)Extends and laterally rotates hipInferior gluteal nerve
Gluteus MediusExternal surface of ilium between anterior and posterior gluteal linesGreater trochanter of femurAbducts and medially rotates hipSuperior gluteal nerve
Gluteus MinimusExternal surface of ilium between anterior and inferior gluteal linesGreater trochanter of femurAbducts and medially rotates hipSuperior gluteal nerve
Tensor Fasciae Latae (TFL)Anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS), iliac crestIliotibial tract (IT band)Flexes, abducts, and medially rotates hip; stabilizes kneeSuperior gluteal nerve
Psoas MajorTransverse processes, bodies, and intervertebral discs of T12-L5 vertebraeLesser trochanter of femurFlexes hip; flexes trunk on hipLumbar plexus branches (L1-L3)
Psoas MinorBodies of T12-L1 vertebraeIliopubic eminenceWeakly flexes trunkLumbar plexus branches (L1)
IliacusIliac fossaLesser trochanter of femurFlexes hipFemoral nerve (L2, L3)
IliopsoasCombination of Psoas Major and IliacusLesser trochanter of femurStrongest flexor of the hipFemoral nerve, Lumbar plexus branches