Lower Limb Muscles: Anatomy and Function
Gluteal Muscles
- Gluteus Maximus:
- Origin: Upper coccyx, sacrum, and posterior ilium.
- Insertion: Posterior femur.
- Action: Extension and external rotation of the thigh; helps maintain an upright posture. The sciatic nerve passes beneath it.
- Gluteus Medius:
- Origin: Middle coccyx.
- Insertion: Greater trochanter of the femur.
- Action: Abduction and internal rotation of the thigh.
- Gluteus Minimus:
- Origin: Iliac crest.
- Insertion: Greater trochanter of the femur.
- Action: Abduction and internal rotation of the thigh.
- Piriformis:
- Origin: Anterior sacrum.
- Insertion: Greater trochanter.
- Action: External rotation of the thigh.
Anterior Thigh Muscles
- Sartorius: (The longest muscle in the body)
- Origin: Anterosuperior iliac spine.
- Insertion: Medial surface of the proximal tibia (crosses the thigh diagonally).
- Action: Flexion, abduction, and lateral rotation of the thigh.
- Quadriceps Femoris: (Largest muscle group in the body)
- Rectus Femoris:
- Origin: Anteroinferior iliac spine.
- Vastus Lateralis:
- Origin: Lateral surface of the femur.
- Vastus Medialis:
- Origin: Medial surface of the femur.
- Vastus Intermedius:
- Origin: Diaphysis of the femur.
- Common Insertion: All four heads converge into the patellar tendon, inserting into the tibial tuberosity.
- Action: Knee extension and assists in hip flexion.
- Rectus Femoris:
Medial Thigh Muscles (Adductors)
- Adductor Magnus:
- Origin: Inferior pubic ramus, ischial ramus, and ischial tuberosity.
- Insertion: Linea aspera of the femur and adductor tubercle of the femur.
- Action: Adduction and flexion of the thigh.
- Adductor Brevis:
- Origin: Body of the pubis.
- Insertion: Upper part of the linea aspera of the femur.
- Action: Adduction and flexion of the thigh.
- Adductor Longus:
- Origin: Pubic crest and pubic symphysis.
- Insertion: Linea aspera of the femur.
- Action: Adduction of the thigh.
Posterior Thigh Muscles (Hamstrings)
These muscles share a common origin on the ischial tuberosity.
- Biceps Femoris:
- Origin: Long head from the ischial tuberosity, short head from the linea aspera of the femur.
- Insertion: Head of the fibula.
- Action: Flexion of the leg and extension of the thigh.
- Semitendinosus:
- Origin: Ischial tuberosity.
- Insertion: Posterior medial tibial condyle.
- Action: Flexion of the leg and extension of the thigh.
- Semimembranosus:
- Origin: Ischial tuberosity.
- Insertion: Posterior part of the tibial condyle.
- Action: Flexion of the leg and extension of the thigh.
Leg Muscles
Anterior Compartment
- Tibialis Anterior:
- Origin: Lateral condyle and proximal shaft of the tibia.
- Insertion: Medial cuneiform and first metatarsal.
- Action: Dorsiflexion, abduction, and internal rotation of the foot.
- Extensor Hallucis Longus:
- Origin: Anterior surface of the fibula.
- Insertion: Distal phalanx of the great toe (hallux).
- Action: Extension of the great toe.
- Extensor Digitorum Longus:
- Origin: Lateral tibial condyle and proximal fibula.
- Insertion: Distal phalanges of the lateral four toes.
- Action: Extension of the lateral four toes.
Lateral Compartment
- Peroneus Longus (Fibularis Longus):
- Origin: Proximal two-thirds of the fibula.
- Insertion: Tendon passes behind the lateral malleolus, crosses the sole of the foot, and inserts into the first metatarsal and medial cuneiform.
- Action: Abduction and plantar flexion of the foot.
Posterior Compartment (Deep)
- Flexor Digitorum Longus:
- Origin: Posterior surface of the tibia.
- Insertion: Tendon passes behind the medial malleolus and inserts into the bases of the distal phalanges of the lateral four toes.
- Action: Flexion of the lateral four toes.
- Flexor Hallucis Longus:
- Origin: Posterior surface of the fibula.
- Insertion: Tendon passes behind the medial malleolus and inserts into the base of the distal phalanx of the great toe.
- Action: Flexion of the great toe.
- Triceps Surae (Superficial): Consists of the gastrocnemius and soleus.
- Gastrocnemius: The more superficial muscle with two heads originating from the medial and lateral femoral condyles.
- Soleus: Originates from the proximal third of the fibula and tibia.
- Common Insertion: Both muscles converge and insert into the calcaneus via the Achilles tendon.
- Action: Plantar flexion of the foot (raising the heel).
- Plantaris:
- Origin: Calcaneus.
- Insertion: Four tendons that insert to the middle phalanges.
- Action: Weak plantar flexion and flexion of the toes.