
Biosphere: all living beings on earth that make up the system, characteristics: the biodiversity of living organisms ta ta konplexatasun maila.Biosfera ecosystem da.Ekosistema inorganic environment (biotope Biocoenosis ta) ta biotic abiotic ecosystem consisting of networks unitarioa.Faktore eratu.Materiaren ekosistemetan.funtzio specializes in closed circulation ekoisleak, consumer groups and deskonposatzaileak.Hiru trofikoa level, thanks to the Subject Matter of garraiatu.deskonposatzaileei birziklatu.Energiaren ecosystems irekia.da way from the sun. ecosystems: the physical environment, which in the case of the relationships between them I made up a complex system. biotope: part of the ecosystem not living, abiotic factors, the environment, I take the substrate. Biozenosia: part of a living ecosystem, where all living creatures can be komunitatetzat osatuta.biosfera.lurra planet. biotic factors: abiotic factors, interactions between living things: an ecosystem-physical environment variables chemical group. Population: At the same species of beings that live in a place I habitats: the population living in a place where the community gets its food: There are currently living in a place and population group: TA SARE TROFIKOA TROFIKOA.KATE RELATIONS: Relations trofikoak : Food, through the mechanism of transfer of energy from being / / producers are organisms that carry out photosynthesis (Autotroph) the first level of the food chain, consumers are trofikoa.Izaki Heterotroph, belarjaleak and carnivores. trofikoa Category: Network trofiko for food in the body depending on how you can distinguish Each level: producers, consumers ta sublevel. growth chains: Ecosystem in a succession of organisms in the food-organized according to the relation> between the living fluxua.Katearen energy level of the case, prior to the next level of food will I get the food. trofikoa Network: Two chain or more organisms that is generated when crossing network (food network). Flow of Energy: bete.1 process all the principles of thermodynamics: energy is not created nor destroyed, transformed da.Sistema a constant amount of energy is promoted last year to pass because du.Energia useful. Energy is transformed when it is said to degrade. recycling of matter: the decomposition of soil organic matter, inorganic matter of the producers of biodegradable organic matter that can be erabiltzeko.Deskonposatu deitu.Bi beings: Deskonposatzailea Heterotroph mineralizatzaileak.Materiaren and the cycle is closed. Lixibiazioa soil filters the water down the substance soluble degraded to the lower layers. TROFIKOAK PARAMETERS: trofiko level or measurement of the profitability of the ecosystem. Biomass: trofiko or ecosystem levels of organic matter (living or dead) (1gC / m 2). Production (Production): Enter the amount of the flow of energy level trofikoetako (GC / m 2day). generated by the biomass in a period of time. Primary production: energy beings Autotroph established. Secondary: Other trofikoei level of the corresponding amount of energy. Gross Production: Time unit established by the organic matter through photosynthesis energiadenbora intermediate.Gross Production: Level trofiko arnasketan arnasketan uses a minus, to the next level trofikoari After the amount of energy (P = P go ga-A).Productivity: biomass production between erlazioaP inthe net I / B, the rate of restoration. Innovation Time: Level A renewal of an ecosystem or to the trofiko denbora.B / P ga. Efficiency: trofiko level of profitability, prior to assimilate the energy level of a trofiko. ECOLOGICAL Pyramid: a community structure as ecological pyramid graphically trofikoa. PRODUCTION primary limiting factor: Fotosintasiarenak temperature ta humidity (if more and more), lack of food, electricity. BIOGEOKIMIKOAK cycle: Karbonokoa: simple cycle, from the back to be taken from the environment. Fosforoarena: I open a simple. Nitrogenoarena: complex. Energy flow: energy routes open. Material cycle: a closed circulation of material . Elemente warehouse of a chemical: a chemical element with the most time to the place. biosphere and ORGANIZATION DIVERSITY: A utoerregulazioa population: birth rate, death rate, emigration taa, tasa.Hazkunde immigration rate (r = JH).’s Reproduction of excess capacity value. Growth curves: S looks adaptation phase and a phase when the growth rate of apala.desagertu daiteke.gainditzen, the exponential growth phase, called the biotic potential. J looks great erratasun adapted, high birth rate, which rapidly increase hasieran.demografia aazoak turning suddenly and led to strong (top-bottom-top-bottom). Life strategy: the strategy of K-R S-shaped growth kurba.Bestea strategist. Valence ecological: the tolerance of a species to a range of factors abiotiko. INTRAESPEZIFIKOA RELATIONS: Koloniak.familiak. elkarketak.sozietateak group. AUTOEEREGULAZIOAK Community relations interespezifikoak: Mutualism, symbiosis, Commensalism, parasitismo, predation. corner of competition and ecological resources using the same relationship between intraespezifikoa.Interespezifikoa mota.espezie the same species of different ecological species artean.Txoko a function of the ecosystem. Biodiversity. artean.Garrantzia species diversity and stability: economic reasons, medicines, oxygen, to create a level of aesthetic, ethical reasons. paradise in the Iberian Peninsula: Location, I klimatologia.afrika between Europe, the species do not exchange ohikoa.azken glaciation ice to the peninsula, into shelters . biztnale low density industrial revolution delay ta good condition. biodiversity loss: 6. aurrean.hiru kind of loss of mass destruction: I split the destruction of ecosystems and pollution (pesticides, fertilizers, emissions … ondakien hunting activities (perdigoiengatik). the destruction of the ecosystem (agriculture, industry …). uztiapen direct Species: espeze specific excessive hunting pressure , over-fishing, collection, pets, profitable species. ecosystems, species of foreign entry:kutsadura.Espezie strangers compete with their inhabitants living in> unstable ecosystem. sequence (ondozkatze) and the ecological concept of maturity: biomass increased continuously, the production of the first set with each breath I arte.Ekosistema balance remaining in the formation of a stable complex I, klimax situation. Timeline land: Land creatures I live between the mineral matter interfasea.Lurrazalaren I dinamikoa.mineralez thin top layer of organic matter, water, air, food, ta ta living osaturik.Ezinbesteko resource gizakiarentzat.bertatik eraiki.Teorian renewable raw materials for industry lortu.Etxebizitzak ta, ta degrade to form between the time imbalance in the light of the practice of horizontal layers of renewable ezina.Horizonte antolaturik.A> humusa.B> top katioiak.C> is being eroded ama.D stone> stone-free soil horizon ama.EHko, changing environment created berriak.A / C profile, or A / (B) / C, or A / B / C