Management Information Systems: A Comprehensive Review for Final Examination
MIS301 Management Information System Final Examination Review
Chapter 7 – Cross-Functional Enterprise System
Many companies today are using information technology to develop integrated cross-functional enterprise systems that cross the boundaries of traditional business functions in order to reengineer and improve vital business processes all across the enterprise. These organizations view cross-functional enterprise systems as a strategic way to use IT to share information resources and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of business processes, and develop strategic relationships with customers, suppliers, and business partners. Companies all across the globe are using the World Wide Web and their intranets and extranets as a technology platform for their cross-functional and inter-enterprise information systems.
Functional Business System
A variety of types of information systems (transaction processing, management information, decision support, and so on) that support the business functions of accounting, finance, marketing, operations management, and human resource management.
Computer Integrated Manufacturing
CIM is an overall concept that emphasizes that the objectives of computer-based systems in manufacturing must be to:
- Simplify (reengineer) production processes, product designs, and factory organization as a vital foundation to automation and integration.
- Automate production processes and the business functions that support them with computers, machines, and robots.
- Integrate all production and support processes using computer networks, cross-functional business software, and other information technologies.
The overall goal of CIM and such manufacturing information systems is to create flexible, agile, manufacturing processes that efficiently produce products of the highest quality.
Enterprise Application Architecture figure
Human Resource Information System
Human resource information systems support human resource management in organizations. They include information systems for staffing the organization, training and development, and compensation administration. HRM websites on the Internet or corporate intranets have become important tools for providing HR services to present and prospective employees.
Sales Force Automation
In many companies, the sales force is being outfitted with notebook computers, Web browsers, and sales contact management software that connect them to marketing Web sites on the Internet, extranets, and their company intranets. This not only increases the personal productivity of salespeople, but it dramatically speeds up the capture and analysis of sales data from the field to marketing managers at company headquarters. Marketing and sales management can improve the delivery of information and the support they provide to their salespeople.
Chapter 9 – Categories of E-commerce
There are four basic categories of e-commerce applications: business-to-consumer, business-to-business, consumer-to-consumer and business-to-government e-commerce.
- Business-to-Consumer (B2C) E-commerce. In this form of e-commerce, businesses must develop attractive electronic marketplaces to sell products and services to consumers. For example, many companies offer e-commerce Web sites that provide virtual storefronts and multimedia catalogs, interactive order processing, secure electronic payment systems, and online customer support.
- Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) E-commerce. The huge success of online auctions like eBay, where consumers (as well as businesses) can buy from and sell to one another in an auction process at an auction Web site, makes this e-commerce model an important e-commerce business strategy.
- Business-to-Business (B2B) E-commerce. If B2C activities are the tip of the iceberg, B2B represents the part of the iceberg that is under the water— the biggest part.
- Business-to-Government E-commerce: this category of e-commerce involves both e-business marketplaces and direct market links between businesses. For example, many companies offer secure Internet or extranet e-commerce catalog Web sites for their business customers and suppliers.
E-commerce Processes – Access Control and Security
Required for the successful operation and management of e-commerce activities. An example would be an intranet-based human resource system used by a company’s employees, which might use all but the catalog management and product payment processes.
Workflow Management
Many of the business processes in e-commerce applications can be managed and partially automated with the help of workflow management software. E-business workflow systems for enterprise collaboration help employees electronically collaborate to accomplish structured work tasks within knowledge-based business processes. Workflow management in both e-business and e-commerce depends on a workflow software engine containing software models of the business processes to be accomplished. The workflow models express the predefined sets of business rules, roles of stakeholders, authorization requirements, routing alternatives, databases used, and sequence of tasks required for each e-commerce process. Thus, workflow systems ensure that the proper transactions, decisions, and work activities are performed, and the correct data and documents are routed to the right employees, customers, suppliers, and other business stakeholders.
Electronic Fund Transfer
(EFT) systems are a major form of electronic payment systems in banking and retailing industries. EFT systems use a variety of information technologies to capture and process money and credit transfers between banks and businesses and their customers. For example, banking networks support teller terminals at all bank offices and automated teller machines (ATMs) at locations throughout the world. Banks, credit card companies, and other businesses may support pay-by-phone services.
Clicks and Bricks Strategy
E-business managers must answer this question: Should we integrate our e-commerce virtual business operations with our traditional physical business operations or keep them separate? Companies have implemented a range of integration/separation strategies and made key benefit trade-offs in answering that question. Let’s take a look at several alternatives.
Chapter 10 – Decision Structure
Decisions made at the operational management level tend to be more structured, those at the tactical level are more semi-structured, and those at the strategic management level are more unstructured. Structured decisions involve situations in which the procedures to follow, when a decision is needed, can be specified in advance.
DSS Components
Decision support systems rely on model bases, as well as databases, as vital system resources. A DSS model base is a software component that consists of models used in computational and analytical routines that mathematically express relationships among variables. For example, a spreadsheet program might contain models that express simple accounting relationships among variables,
Online Analytical Processing
Online analytical processing enables managers and analysts to interactively examine and manipulate large amounts of detailed and consolidated data from many perspectives. OLAP involves analyzing complex relationships among thousands or even millions of data items stored in data marts, data warehouses, and other multidimensional databases to discover patterns, trends, and exception conditions. An OLAP session takes place online in real time, with rapid responses to a manager’s or analyst’s queries, so that the analytical or decision-making process is undisturbed.
Online analytical processing involves several basic analytical operations, including consolidation, “drill-down,” and “slicing and dicing.”
Consolidation involves the aggregation of data, which can involve simple roll-ups or complex groupings involving interrelated data. For example, data about sales offices can be rolled up to the district level, and the district-level data can be rolled up to provide a regional-level perspective. Drill-down OLAP can also go in the reverse direction and automatically display detailed data that comprise consolidated data. This process is called drill-down. For example, the sales by individual products or sales reps that make up a region’s sales totals could be easily accessed.
Slicing and Dicing: Slicing and dicing refers to the ability to look at the database from different viewpoints. One slice of the sales database might show all sales of a product type within regions. Another slice might show all sales by sales channel within each product type. Slicing and dicing is often performed along a time axis to analyze trends and find time-based patterns in the data.
Executive Information System
Are information systems that combine many of the features of management information systems and decision support systems. For example, the executives of a retail store chain would probably consider factors such as its e-commerce versus traditional sales results or its product line mix to be critical to its survival and success.
Knowledge Management System
The use of information technology to help gather, organize, and share business knowledge within an organization. In many organizations, hypermedia databases at corporate intranet Web sites have become the knowledge bases for storage and dissemination of business knowledge. This knowledge frequently takes the form of best practices, policies, and business solutions at the project, team, business unit, and enterprise levels of the company.
Chapter 12 – System Development Life Cycle Phases
Operational, Economic, Technical, Human Force, Legal/Political Feasibilities
Feasibility Studies: a preliminary study where the information needs of prospective users and the resource requirements, costs, benefits, and feasibility of a proposed project are determined. A team of business professionals and IS specialists might then formalize the findings of this study in a written report that includes preliminary specifications and a developmental plan for a proposed business application.
The operational feasibility assessment focuses on the degree to which the proposed development project fits in with the existing business environment and objectives with regard to development schedule, delivery date, corporate culture, and existing business processes.
The purpose of the economic feasibility assessment is to determine the extent to which the proposed system will provide positive economic benefits to the organization. This determination involves the identification, and quantification, of all benefits expected from the system.
Technical feasibility is focused on gaining an understanding of the present technical resources of the organization and their applicability to the expected needs of the proposed system.
The human factors feasibility assessment focuses on the most important components of a successful system implementation: the managers and end users.
The legal and political feasibility of a proposed project includes a thorough analysis of any potential legal ramifications resulting from the construction and implementation of the new system. Such legal issues include copyright or patent infringements, violation of existing antitrust laws (such as in the antitrust suit brought against Microsoft Corporation over Windows and Internet Explorer by the U. S. Justice Department in 1998), foreign trade restrictions, or any existing contractual obligations of the organization.
Prototyping Process
Prototyping is the rapid development and testing of working models, or prototypes, of new applications in an interactive, iterative process that can be used by both IS specialists and business professionals.
System Specifications
Prototyping is the rapid development and testing of working models, or prototypes, of new applications in an interactive, iterative process that can be used by both IS specialists and business professionals.
What is Project? Phases of Project Management
A project is a special set of activities with a clear beginning and end. Every project has a set of goals, objectives, and tasks. Every project must also deal with a set of limitations or constraints.
The five phases of project management.
Chapter 13 – Distributed Denial of Service
The use of information technology to help gather, organize, and share business knowledge within an organization. In many organizations, hypermedia databases at corporate intranet Web sites have become the knowledge bases for storage and dissemination of business knowledge. This knowledge frequently takes the form of best practices, policies, and business solutions at the project, team, business unit, and enterprise levels of the company.
Backup Files
Backup files, which are duplicate files of data or programs, are another important security measure. Files can also be protected by file retention measures that involve storing copies of files from previous periods. If current files are destroyed, the files from previous periods can be used to reconstruct new current files.
Biometric Security
Is a fast-growing area of computer security. These are security measures provided by computer devices that measure physical traits that make each individual unique, such as voice verification, fingerprints, hand geometry, signature dynamics, keystroke analysis, retina scanning, face recognition, and genetic pattern analysis. Biometric control devices use special-purpose sensors to measure and digitize a biometric profile of a person’s fingerprints, voice, or other physical trait.
Discussion Questions
How can Internet technologies be involved in improving a process in one of the functions of business? Choose one example and evaluate its business value.
Accounting information systems are being affected by Internet and client/server technologies. Using the Internet, intranets, extranets, and other network changes how accounting information systems monitor and track business activity. The online, interactive nature of such networks calls for new forms of transaction documents, procedures, and controls. Many companies are using or developing network links to their trading partners through the use of the Internet or other networks for applications such as order processing, inventory control, accounts receivable, and accounts payable. These advances in the accounting function have to vast improvements in the capturing, reporting, and the accuracy of company data. Thus, real-time processing of accounting information enables executives to make better and more informed decisions involving their firm’s resources.
What are several e-business applications that you might recommend to a small company to help it survive and succeed in challenging economic times? Why?
e-business applications may take on many forms. For example data conferencing, digital information services, distance learning, facsimile, intranets, teleconferencing, videoconferencing, voice mail systems etc. It may also take on the form of applications dealing with procurement, marketing, manufacturing, financial, logistics, human resources, supplier and vendor integration applications and a multitude of other applications. What is important in the question is that a small company can use e-business applications to survive and succeed in challenging economic times by allowing it to carry out many functions more effectively. As well, as large corporations restructure and go back to concentrating on their core business there are a number of opportunities for small businesses to provide services to the larger companies.
Most businesses should engage in e-commerce on the Internet. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain your position.
E-commerce makes the business much reachable and easy to access. E-commerce is the definition of modern business values. E-commerce helps business customers serve themselves giving the proper value to consumer interest and preference. Millions of businesses today, both large and small are moving towards web for the prosperity of their business. E-commerce has been the gateway to thousands of customers to enter the thousands of business in order to get the best possible option for the fulfillment of their needs.
I think, in this world of technological advances, more apt could be, a world of internet, business should use internet and make the best out of it in favor of business to sustain its place and grow among its competitors. So I strongly believe it that in this date and days to come most business should engage in e-commerce in the internet.
If personalizing a customers Web site experience is a key success factor, then electronic profiling process to track visitor website behavior are necessary. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain your position.
In order to personalize a costumer’s website experience first we need to have proper information’s and knowledge about what are the taste and preference of customers. If we know that in what kind of items our customer is interested and what exactly are they searching for in the website it becomes easy to work to develop our website as per that resulting in encouragement to buy and return for the buying. In order to know about costumer’s searching patterns its necessary to implement electronic profiling process to track visitor website behavior. Because without that it’s not possible to find out what is our customer looking at. So I completely agree with the statement, that if personalizing a customer’s website experience is a key success then electronic profiling process to track visitor web site behavior is necessary
Which applications of AI have the most potential value for use in the operations and management of a business? Defend your choices.
In business, expert systems are probably the most important application of artificial intelligence, though the use of such systems is still quite limited. In other areas, robotics is widely used in manufacturing, and natural interface applications are becoming more and more a part of information systems for many different applications. Major areas of AI research and development include cognitive science, computer science, robotics, and natural interface applications.
What are some of the limitations or dangers you see in the use of AI technologies such as expert systems, virtual reality, and intelligent agents? What could be done to minimize such effects?
One possible solution could deal with the ethical issues of these systems. Are they being used for the good of society or is the potential for their misuse growing increasingly with the more complex developments taking place. The design of these systems is both complex and powerful. We must begin to ask ourselves what is the harmful potential of these systems, and how far will we be willing to go to use them to supplement the human reasoning process that we are born with.
What are your major concerns about computer crime and privacy on the Internet? What can you do about it? Explain.
The Internet offers very little privacy to any individual. It is a communications platform that has very little control and there is no one regulating body. As it currently stands, companies can legally place cookies on your computer when you visit their websites. With these cookies they know your website behaviour and the places you have visited on the Web. This information can be used in a number of ways – to monitor and target you with unsolicited product offerings, or even sold to third party vendors. Individuals must exercise caution when giving out any type of personal or sensitive formation. They can also ask their ISP providers to not give out information about them. Certainly sensitive information such as charge card numbers, e-mail address, mailing address, bank account numbers and so on should only be given out to secure sites.
What is disaster recovery? How could it be implemented at your school or work?
Disaster recovery are methods for ensuring that an organization recovers from natural and human caused disasters that affect its computer-based operations. A disaster recovery plan should be developed that specifies which employees will participate in disaster recovery, what their duties will be, what hardware, software, and facilities will be used, and the priority of applications that will be processed. Arrangements with other companies for use of alternative facilities as a disaster recovery site and off site storage of an organization’s databases are also part of an effective recovery effort.
Is there an ethical crisis in business today? What role does information technology play in unethical business practices?
Information technology has made it easier to communicate, work cooperatively, share resources, and make decisions, all electronically. However, IT has also made it possible to engage in ethical as well as unethical practices electronically anywhere in the world. This possibility has certainly resulted in the number of cases where unethical business practices have risen. Ethical crisis in e-business is a major concern in today’s e-business environment. Companies are scrambling to ensure that they are doing all they can to ensure that they are not part of the problem. Unethical business practices can spell disaster for any company who engages in this type of activity.