Mangold Theatre: A Play About Friendship and Consequences
Mangold Theatre
Narrator: One day, while walking down the street, three friends named Anna, Maria, and Gemma went for a walk and tried to steal a whole euro.
Gemma: We’re going to steal an entire euro?
Maria: Okay, but I won’t steal it if my mother finds out. She would punish me for life.
Anna: No, we won’t get caught.
Gemma: Anna, don’t be so afraid.
Mary: You’re more afraid…
Anna: I want to take what I want, or I’m not going.
Gemma: Okay, okay, calm down. I will take what I can.
Mary: I also have to go for tickets for tonight. Tonight is the night of San Juan.
Gemma: That’s right, but where are we going to make the bonfire so all three of us can be together?
Anna: Yes, I want us to be all three together.
Mary and Gemma: At my house!
Gemma: Not mine!
Mary: We’ll see later, but first, let’s get that euro.
Anna: It’s better not to steal a whole euro, and we go for tickets.
Gemma: Don’t be so afraid.
Narrator: They were walking down the street when they crossed paths with some friends from class: Jordi, Miguel, and Victor.
Victor: Hi, where are you going?
Gemma: We’re going to steal an entire euro.
Victor: Seriously? Hahahaha.
Anna: Do you want to come?
Victor: I can’t, I have to go for tickets for tonight.
Mary: Then we’re also going to buy tickets.
Victor: Then we’ll take them all before you. Goodbye.
Anna: Goodbye, and we’ll take longer than you. Hahaha.
Narrator: They continued walking until they reached the door of a store. They all passed the euro…
Anna: Hallelujah! Here we are. Let’s go fast, and soon we will enter.
Gemma: We’ll go fast, Anna. Passes will be made later.
Mary: Yes, but we still have to go by the boards.
Anna: Because if we hurry, they’ll let us go by the boards.
Gemma: Anna, shut up and don’t talk nonsense, please.
Narrator: And they were inside the store, and the lady of the shop was looking at Gemma because it wasn’t the first time she went in and didn’t buy anything.
Anna: Fast, let’s go.
Gemma: If you hurry, you can go.
Mary: And what are you doing? Go.
Anna: I’m better, but don’t be angry.
Mary: Catch me this bracelet that Gemma put my name on.
Anna: I want those earrings.
Maria: They take the same earrings for the three.
Anna: And the same, it will be nice to go down the street with the same outstanding.
Gemma: That’s it! If you want all these things without paying, what you have robbed.
Anna: Quiet, Gemma.
Mary: Gemma, beware that you are looking all the time and have a mirror there to see everything.
Gemma: Leave me alone. I’m not looking at the mirror and see nothing.
Narrator: The woman who owned the shop was watching them, and Gemma wasn’t realizing it and kept going.
Mary: (whispering) Gemma, she’s there for you.
Gemma: Oops…
Employee: What are you doing?
Gemma: Who? We?
Employee: Yes, you.
Gemma: Nothing here.
Employee: I’ve been watching you in the mirror.
Gemma: Who? I? No.
Employee: I’ve seen you put things in the bag.
Gemma: No, this is mine.
Clerk: Let me see. Give me what you’ve stolen.
Gemma: I haven’t stolen anything.
Assistant: Either give it to me, or I’ll call the police.
Gemma: I’ll give it to you. Quiet, calm. I’ll give it to you.
Employee: Very well.
Gemma: Take it. Here.
Employee: Take out more in the bag.
Gemma: Here it is. It’s worth making.
Employee: We still remain. Give it to me.
Gemma: It takes, and I have no more.
Employee: Get out of here, now!
Anna: Can we stay?
Employee: No, don’t come back ever.
Narrator: When they were outside the tent, they repented and were talking about what happened when they returned to see the three friends with a lot of cardboard boxes.
Victor: What have you won?
Mary: We have caught nothing.
Victor: Seriously? Hahaha.
Mary: Yes, the saleswoman that tsss … …
Victor: Well, look at us how many boxes we have (assuming).
Narrator: When the boys walked away, they fell to the ground and started laughing.
Mary: Hahaha, you silly fool who fall hahaha oh my god.
Gemma: Hahahaha, that stupid laugh that is lol.
Anna: Well, if that fool hahaha.
Victor: Call Call’ve hurt me, but I admit that was pretty funny jajaj.
Narrator: When they were laughing, police sirens sounded, and Anna, Marie, and Gemma started to run screaming.
Gemma: Ahhhh! Coming at us.
Anna: Relief that we are going to steal.
Mary: Mother of mine that stupid for stealing at us now come relief relief.
Victor: Jajajajaja that you do not chase you lol.