Manufacturing Processes in Food, Automobile, and Stainless Steel Sectors


PROCESS PLANTS: type of factory that transforms materials in mass. The main process flows are represented by diagrams without details. For represent process units and instrumentation use more detailed diagrams indicating the main and secondary flows, the control loops and apparatus with symbols and legends.

RAW MATERIALS 1. SOLVENT: solubilizes the base resin until it is viscous and evaporates after drying. Its power varies with temperature. Influences shine, texture, and adhesion. (alcohols, acetates, ketones, …). 2. Pigments: provide shades and shine. Iron oxides (red), chromium pigments (green or yellow), cobalt (blue) or carbon (black). 3. RESIN: texturing agent, binder. (acrylic, enamels, vinyl, opaque, …)

MANUFACTURING PROCESSES RESIN MANUFACTURING: (resins can come as an intermediate product) 1. DOSAGE: raw materials are mixed in tanks (liquid state) 2. REACTION: a chemical process is carried out in the reactor at the appropriate temperature (solidification) 3. DISSOLUTION: the resin is mixed with solvents for the final characteristics. It is sent to filling machines or plants for the manufacture of paint. PREPARATION OF PAINT 1. PRE-MIXING: The pigments and a certain% of the resins and solvents are mixed. 2. DISPERSION To homogenize the previous mixture. 3. COMPLETED / MIXTURE: It is completed with the rest of the resins and solvents. 4. FILTERING The paint is filtered before being sent to the fillers

AUTOMATED MACHINES 1. DISPERSION MILLS: They allow the mixture of components to be made finer. They consist of a tank with a shaft and toothed discs. Inside they put some small spheres in charge of the dispersion (the “motulante”). 2. AGITATORS: They allow mixing the components. They are tanks with different types of agitators depending on the product (portable wall, pneumatic (manual with compressed air), …)

SAFETY SYSTEMS They are chemical plants; therefore, all plant elements must have safety certifications (EX) for explosive atmospheres (land shots, electrical distribution boards, sensors, …)

CONTROLLERS AND COMMUNICATIONS Automatic control systems (process sensors and actuators) allow the process to be carried out automatically. Temperature sensors (for the reactor), pressure (between tanks), load cells (for the amount of product), and solenoid valves. The communication structure is based on redundant systems for all critical processes. 1. FIELD LEVEL: Control over field devices (sensors and actuators) 2. AREA AND CELL LEVEL: Process control (PLCS). Responsible for executing the production sequence with a certain recipe 3. SYSTEM LEVEL: Supervision, interface between operator and plant (SCADA). QUALITY CONTROL: Samples are taken, analyzed in the laboratory, and checked if they follow some standards. Tests are made by applying the final product on patterns, the finish and properties of the painted product are checked STORAGE AND TRANSPORTATION PACKAGED directly at the outlet of the tank. PACKAGED DOSING PROCESS: with the help of a metering valve and a conveyor belt controlled by an automaton. PRODUCTION LOTS: they are stored in manual or automated warehouses awaiting distribution. Conventional means of distribution and transportation are used.

PRODUCTIVE PROCESSES IN THE FOOD SECTOR: Industry dedicated to the elaboration, transformation, preparation, conservation, and packaging of food.

Storage; extraction; elaboration; conservation; packing.

DAIRY PRODUCTS MANUFACTURING PROCESS: Its raw material is milk. RAW MATERIAL: Dairy cow’s milk in good condition outside the calving period, total milking. Obtaining: 1. ORDER: mechanically and automatically 2. REFRIGERATION: Immediate at 4 ° C 3. STORAGE: At refrigeration temperatures 4. TRANSPORTATION: Trucks, tanker 5. DISCHARGE INTO TANKS: Controls 6. Transfer to CISTERNA DEF.: cleaning 7. IDENTIFICATION AND MARKING

PROCESSES: RECEPTION: raw milk SANITATION: Thermal process to minimize microbiological content SKIMMING: Centrifugation of the milk to separate the fat. TREATMENTS: 1. PASTEURIZATION. Milk of the day. Pathogenic germs are destroyed, sterilization of the milk, altering the physical structure as little as possible. After treatment, it is rapidly cooled and hermetically sealed. (keeps for 1 week). 2. STERILIZATION: All microorganisms present are destroyed (6 months). 3. UHT complete destruction of germs. HOMOGENIZATION: It breaks down fat globules avoiding the formation of cream on the surface. ASEPTIC PACKAGING and CODING: Hermetically sealed sterilized containers PACKAGING and PALLETIZATION: Milk pasteurized at 6 ° C refrigerated trucks.

AUTOMATED MACHINES: Packaging: in bottle or tetra pack. SAFETY AND HYGIENE SYSTEMS: Waterproof surfaces, easy to clean and disinfect, temperatures below 15 ° C, equipment subjected to strictly controlled automatic cleaning processes.

COOKIE MAKING PROCESS:RAW MATERIAL: Flour, sugar (in crystals or liquid), eggs (liquid or powder), butters and fats (of vegetable or animal origin), others (chocolates, nuts, fruits, jams, …). Emulsifiers (to stabilize immiscible liquid mixtures), yeast (for dough fermentation), enzymes, flavorings, and colors. PROCESS: KNEADING and MOLDING Mixing the ingredients and molding into the desired shape, EXTRUSION AND LAMINATION Other methods to obtain the shape, DIE-CUTTING and BAKING Cookie cooking, DECOR, COOLED, STACKING AND PACKAGING. AUTOMATED MACHINES: kneaders, extruders, rolling mills, stamping machines, ovens, decorators. SAFETY AND HYGIENE SYSTEMS Manufacture of products intended for human consumption. Avoid chemical and biological contamination of raw materials and products due to the constructive nature of the machine.

CASE 3: AUTOMOBILE SECTOR (AUTOMOBILE MANUFACTURING)AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY: One of the most developed industries. There are many auxiliary companies that manufacture components Challenges: 1. Greenhouse gas emissions 2. Mortality 3. Weight / load ratio 4. Economic lossesAUTOMOBILE MANUFACTURING PROCESS. The complexity of some components implies the existence of specialized factories, which in turn use components produced by other auxiliary companies. 1. Design 2. Simulation 3. Programming MANUFACTURE OF COMPONENTS: sheet metal, engine, windows, seats, and interior, tires AUTOMOBILE FACTORY: 1. Vehicle BODY manufacturing area 2. PAINTING area 3. Component ASSEMBLY area. CHASSIS AND BODYWORK: they assemble the metal parts that make up the body of the vehicle. Very automated process. PAINTING: isolated area of the factory with special environmental conditions. Before painting, they receive impregnations to protect them from corrosion and serve as a base for painting. The process ends in an oven. COMPONENT ASSEMBLY: Most of it is not automated and is done manually. Before this phase, the doors are removed to facilitate the assembly of the rest of the elements. The traction system is mounted separately, and is attached as a block to the rest of the vehicle. QUALITY CONTROL: Assembly of hundreds of components with quality controls at suppliers and quality assurance during assembly. Strict process and production planning: Just In Time (IT) Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Product tracking and traceability. Statistical Process Control (SPC) for defect-free production.


an iron alloy with a chromium content> 10.5% and a carbon content <1.2% that ensures a self-healing surface protective layer that provides resistance to corrosion. Steel preserves the metallic characteristics of iron in its pure state, but the addition of carbon and other elements, both metallic and non-metallic, improves its physical-chemical properties, especially its resistance. Types:
AUSTENITIC: Alloy iron, chromium, nickel, carbon <0.1%. Magnetic, Excellent in weldability. Cold work hardened.
FERRITIC: Alloy iron, chromium, carbon <0.1%. Magnetic. Poor weldability. Corrosion resistance. They cannot be hardened by heat treatment.

MARTENSITIC: Alloy iron, chromium, carbon> 0.1%. Magnetic. Poor weldability. Temperable. Used in knives, etc.
DUPLEX: Chromium iron alloy, nickel. Magnetic. Stronger and resistant to chemical corrosion. It is used for pipes, etc.

Architecture and construction In the home; transport; Environment and health

1. STEEL MILL ZONE: The raw materials are melted (electric arc furnace at 3800 ° C). Stainless steel slabs are obtained. Transfer from scrap to steel slab

1. AUTOMATED EQUIPMENT: Electric furnaces (for melting), AOD converters (where refining, decarbonization is carried out), slab casting (converting liquid steel to solid) and casting of billets.

2. HOT ROLLING ZONE It reduces the thickness of the steel and in the end the black coil is obtained. It goes through 4 processes starting with preheating in an oven at 1250 ° C. Then it goes to the roughing train where the first reduction is produced by rollers. It then goes through the Steckel finishing train and through several passes the final strip thickness is achieved. Finally, the web is cooled and wound.

3. LAMINATION AREA IN FRID In Sendzimir rolling mills the final thicknesses are obtained. Final treatment is carried out in the annealing and pickling lines. In bright annealing lines, heat treatment is carried out in electric furnaces and a very bright finish is obtained. In “Skin pass” tempering items, a great homogenization of the crystalline grain and the final surface shine are achieved.
The cutting lines are for the manufacture of strips, plates, plates, and discs. The “Tension leveller” trains are to achieve the desired flatness on the belt.