Maritime Communication: IMO Standard Phrases
Communication has always been a major problem for mariners. Ships need to be able to contact each other, and yet the nature of shipping has always made this difficult. For centuries, the human voice was the only method available, yet its range is too limited to be used in many situations. To overcome this difficulty, signal flags and lights have been used, and today, the introduction of radio has solved many of the earlier difficulties.
Yet one major problem still remains: the different languages spoken by the world’s mariners. It is of little use being able to hear what another person is saying if the language spoken is not understood.
Several years ago, the IMO Maritime Safety Committee began working on this problem, following an initiative taken by the United Kingdom Institute of Navigation. In November 1977, the Organization’s assembly adopted a Standard Marine Navigational Vocabulary (SMNV) which, it was hoped, would help to overcome the age-old barrier of language. In 2002, the Standard Marine Navigational Vocabulary was replaced by the Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP) as there were still misunderstandings. In it, message markers have been included to make the intention of the message clearer.
The Phrases consist of a number of simplified, standard expressions in English which will enable mariners of different nationalities to communicate with each other more easily than in the past. It is hoped that these will become those normally used among seafarers to make a substantial contribution to maritime safety.
The increase in international trade has made effective communication essential, and the introduction of the VHF has made communication possible over at least a thirty-mile radius. With the ease of radio communication, a common language has become essential, and the IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases is a major step toward meeting this need. Wavelength shows how to use the phrases correctly and effectively.
The origin of Wavelength was a request put to the BBC by the Marine Division of the British Department of Trade and Industry to produce a tape in which all the items of the IMO Vocabulary were recorded in context by native English speakers. Copies of the tape were then given by the British DTI to all member governments of IMO. The recording was also used by the BBC as the “core” of a series of English by Radio programs for overseas listeners, and is also the starting point for this publication.
Wavelength shows how to use the IMO Vocabulary in practical situations. It is intended for seafarers with a reasonable knowledge of English, but who need to learn the English for seafaring situations and technology. It will be useful both for the private student and in nautical colleges.
This book is intended to be used with a set of CDs, including model dialogues and oral drills for use in a language laboratory.
In this updated version of Wavelength, the correct current expressions are shown in italics to match the Standard Marine Communication Phrases.
Frequently Asked Questions about Maritime Communication
What has been the consequence of the increase in international trade?
The increase in international trade has made effective communication essential.
What was the first communication method available?
It was the human voice.
Why was this method insufficient?
Because its range is too limited to be of use in many situations.
What is the range of VHF radio communication?
The range of VHF radio communication is at least a thirty-mile radius.
How has communication evolved?
At first, mariners used their voice, then flags and lights, and after that the VHF. In 1977, IMO adopted a Standard Marine Navigational Vocabulary, and finally, in 2002, IMO replaced it with the Standard Marine Communication Phrases.
What is the purpose of Wavelength?
The purpose of Wavelength is to show how to use the Standard Marine Navigational Vocabulary correctly and effectively.
How has the IMO Maritime Safety Committee dealt with the language problem?
The IMO Maritime Safety Committee has dealt with the language problem by creating the Standard Marine Navigational Vocabulary.
What is the Standard Marine Communication Phrases for?
The Standard Marine Communication Phrases is to ease communication between mariners of different nationalities.
What does the Standard Phrases consist of?
It consists of a number of simplified, standard phrases in English.
What final solution has been devised to solve the communication problem at sea?
The final solution has been creating the Standard Marine Communication Phrases.
What do you think about the use of the Standard Phrases?
The following are examples of opinions on the use of Standard Phrases:
- I think that it’s a good idea to make communication easier. They are much needed to avoid more accidents like the one that happened with two Boeing 747s several years ago. A misunderstanding in communication led to a collision between two full passenger airplanes, resulting in the death of 583 people. They are a good solution when it comes to making communication universal, although through this medium, pronunciation might still be a barrier to overcome. I think Standard Phrases make communication faster and safer.
- I think that it is very useful because it is an equal language for all nationalities and also makes an efficient communication in risky situations.
- I think that it is very useful because it is a way for everyone to communicate no matter what language they speak. It seems to me a good system for safety in navigation.
What has been the fallout of the increase in international trade in the field of communication?
The increase in international trade has made effective communication essential.
What is the range of radio communication?
The range of VHF radio communication is at least a thirty-mile radius.
What is the need for a standard maritime language?
To communicate a common language.
What is the aim of Wavelength?
It shows how to use the phrases correctly and effectively.
How did Wavelength come about?
It was a request put to the BBC by the British DTI.
Who is the book intended for?
It’s intended for both private students and nautical colleges.
What has made communication at sea difficult?
The difficulty has always been the nature of shipping.
What was the first means of communication ever?
It was the human voice.
What aspect of the human voice has limited communication?
The voice range.
What elements were first introduced to overcome this limitation?
Signal flags and lights were introduced.
Why are different languages a problem in communication?
The crew couldn’t understand each other.
How did the IMO Maritime Safety Committee go about the problem?
Adopting the Standard Marine Navigational Vocabulary.
What is the function of the Message Markers?
It is to make the intention of the message clear.
What are the final expectations of the committee?
Communication with each other more easily than in the past.
Why has communication always been a major problem for mariners?
Because the nature of shipping has always made this difficult.
Why wasn’t the human voice an insufficient method?
Because the major problem was the different languages spoken by officers.
How was this problem solved?
The problem has been solved with the use of flag signals and lights and, today, with the use of the radio.
What problem hasn’t the radio solved? Why?
The different languages that mariners spoke cause, despite being able to hear another, they could not understand what they meant.
What was expected from the SMNV?
It was expected that the SMNV could overcome the language barrier.
When was it replaced? Why?
It was replaced in 2002 because there were still misunderstandings.
Why was the SMCP introduced?
SMCP was introduced because there were still misunderstandings.
Standard Phrases
What were message markers included for?
They were included to make the intention of the message clear.
What does it consist of?
It consists of a number of simplified, standard phrases in English which enable mariners of different nationalities to communicate with each other more easily than in the past.
What is the Standard for?
It’s to enable mariners of different nationalities to communicate with each other more easily than in the past.
What does IMO expect from the Standard?
IMO hopes that the phrases in the standard will become those normally used among seafarers and that it will make a substantial contribution to maritime safety.
How do you open a radio communication?
First, you have to say three times the name of the station you are calling. Then you have to say “This is” and the name of your ship three times. Finally, you have to say “Over.”
What are the message markers? Give examples.
The message markers are words that anticipate to the listener the type of message he is going to listen to. Examples are: Question, Answer, Information, Instruction, Intention, Warning, Advice, Request.