Maritime Emergency Procedures and Protocols
Maritime Emergency Procedures
1. Initial Actions:
- Operate the general emergency alarm.
- Inform the Master/Chief Engineer.
- Inform the coast radio station/vessels in the vicinity (on radio).
- Request assistance (on radio) from… and report.
4.1 Assistance was requested from…/offered by…/accepted from…
5. Distress Signals:
- Transmit a SECURITE/PANPAN/distress alert/MAYDAY and report.
5.1 A SECURITE/PANPAN/distress alert/MAYDAY was transmitted.
6. Distress Signal Acknowledgement:
6. Was the distress ALERT/MAYDAY acknowledged?
6.1 Yes, the distress alert/MAYDAY was acknowledged by… coast radio station/MRCC/vessel(s) in the vicinity.
6.2 No, the distress alert was not acknowledged (yet).
6.1.1 Repeat the distress alert.
Crew and Passenger Briefing
1.2 Briefing crew and passengers. See also B4 “Passenger Care”.
1. Make the following announcement (on the PA system):
2. This is your Captain speaking.
2.1 We have grounded/a minor flooding/a minor fire in…
2.2 There is no immediate danger to crew, passengers, or the vessel, and there is no reason to be alarmed.
2.3 For safety reasons, I request all crew members to go to their assembly stations.
2.3.1 All officers to report to the bridge.
2.3.2 Watchkeepers remain at stations until further order.
2.4 As soon as I have further information, I will make another announcement – there is no danger at this time.
Lifeboat and Liferaft Status Check
Checking Launching Tracks
1. Check the launching tracks and report.
1.1 All launching tracks are clear.
1.2 The launching track(s) of no. lifeboat/liferaft is/are not clear (yet).
1.3 The launching track(s) of no. lifeboat/liferaft will be clear in minutes.
Checking Working Parts
2. Check the working parts and report.
2.1 All working parts are free.
2.2 The roll(s)/block(s)/rigging/… of no. lifeboat is/are not free (yet).
2.3 The roll(s)/block(s)/rigging/… of no. lifeboat will be free in…
3. Check the securings of the launching appliances and report.
3.1 All securings are in the correct position.
3.2 The securing of no. lifeboat/liferaft is not in the correct position.
3.2.1 Correct the position of the securing.
3.3 The securing of no. lifeboat/liferaft is damaged.
3.3.1 Replace/repair the securing.
3.4 The harbor pin(s) of no. lifeboat is/are missing.
3.4.1 Replace the harbor pin(s).
Checking Lifeboat Engine(s)
4. Check the fuel/oil of the lifeboat engine(s) and report.
4.1 The fuel tank of no. lifeboat engine is full/not full.
4.1.1 Fill up fuel.
4.2 The oil level of no. lifeboat engine is normal/below normal.
4.2.1 Fill up oil.
Operating Lifeboat Engine(s)
5. Operate the lifeboat engine(s) and report.
5.1 All lifeboat engines are operational.
5.2 No. lifeboat engine is not operational (yet).
5.3 No. lifeboat engine will be operational in… minutes.
Checking Bilge Pumps
6. Check the bilge pumps of the lifeboats and report.
6.1 All bilge pumps are operational.
6.2 The bilge pumps of no. lifeboat are not operational (yet).
6.3 The bilge pumps of no. lifeboat will be operational in… minutes.
Checking Drain Plugs
7. Check the drain plugs and report.
7.1 All drain plugs are available.
7.2 The drain plug(s) in no. lifeboat is/are missing.
7.2.1 Replace the drain plug(s).
Checking Slip Gear
8. Check the slip gear in the lifeboats and report.
8.1 All slip gear is in the correct position and secured.
8.2 The slip gear of no. lifeboat is not in the correct position.
8.2.1 Correct the position of the slip gear.
8.3 The slip gear of no. lifeboat is not secured.
8.3.1 Secure the slip gear.
Checking Lifeboat Equipment
9. Check the lifeboat equipment and report.
9.1 All lifeboat equipment is complete and operational.
9.2 The lifeboat equipment is not complete.
9.2.1 Complete the lifeboat equipment…
Launching/Hoisting Lifeboats
10. Launch/hoist no. lifeboat(s) and report.
10.1 The launching appliances are operational.
10.2 The launching appliances are not operational.
10.3 No. winch/davit is not operational (yet).
10.3.1 No. winch/davit will be operational in… minutes.
10.4 Hoist no. lifeboat(s).
Securing Lifeboats
11. Secure the lifeboat(s) and report.
11.1 Lifeboat(s) is/are secured.
Checking Liferafts
12. Check the liferafts and report.
12.1 All liferafts are in position and operational.
12.2 No. liferaft(s) is/are not operational.
12.3 The inflation cord of no. liferaft is not secured on board.
12.3.1 Secure the inflation cord.
12.4 No. liferaft container is damaged.
12.4.1 Replace the liferaft container in the next port.
12.5 The inspection tag of no. liferaft is expired.
12.5.1 Replace the liferaft in the next port.
Evacuation Procedures
Ordering Evacuation
1.5 Ordering evacuation.
1. Evacuate all rooms/spaces/decks/… and report.
1.1 All rooms/spaces/decks… evacuated.
2. Evacuate engine room and report.
2.1 Engine room evacuated.
3. Evacuate no. hold(s)/tank(s) and report.
3.1 No. hold(s)/tank(s) evacuated.
4. Evacuate superstructure and report.
4.1 Superstructure evacuated.
5. Evacuate accommodation and report.
5.1 Accommodation evacuated.
6. Do not enter… deck/space/area.
Reporting Casualties
7. Report missing persons/injured persons/casualties.
7.1 No persons missing/injured.
7.2 Number of missing person(s)/injured person(s)/casualty(s) is…
7.3 … deck/space/area not accessible (yet).
Medical Assistance
8. Provide first aid (in the vessel’s hospital/at a safe place).
8.1 Request medical assistance from… (on radio).
9. All persons are outside the danger area.