Maritime Operations: Roles, Incidents, and Terminology
Crew Roles and Responsibilities on a Merchant Ship
On a merchant ship, each department has specific roles that ensure the vessel operates efficiently. The Deck Department handles navigation, cargo, and the ship’s safety, with the Captain at the helm, supported by officers and cadets. The Engine Department maintains the ship’s propulsion and machinery, with engineers overseeing maintenance and repairs. The Catering/Steward’s Department provides meals and ensures the crew’s comfort, from the Chief Steward to the Messman. Specialized roles, such as Medical Officers and Pursers, manage health and finances, while research vessels may have crew aiding scientific work. Together, these teams ensure smooth and safe operations at sea.
Incident Report: Harbor Collision
When the vessel entered the lee of the harbor wall, there was a sudden increase in speed due to reduced wind resistance. This caused the tow line connecting the vessel to the tug to part unexpectedly. As a result, the vessel drifted uncontrolled and collided with the harbor wall. The impact caused indentations on the starboard bow and bent the pulpit railings. Damage to the pier head was minor, with no significant structural harm reported. Fortunately, there were no injuries to personnel. The incident highlighted the importance of maintaining proper towing procedures under changing conditions.
Concealment Strategies on a Ship
The best place to hide an object on a ship would be in areas rarely inspected or accessed, such as behind maintenance panels in the engine room or within unused storage compartments. The object could be concealed in a sealed compartment behind bulkhead covers or tucked inside spare machinery parts. Another option could be hidden among similar-looking cargo, such as inside a sealed crate of tools or equipment. Spaces beneath floorboards or inside ventilation ducts could also serve as discreet hiding spots. However, it’s crucial to avoid safety-critical areas or places that undergo frequent checks to prevent detection.
Maritime Vocabulary and Message Markers
- Afterdeck (Aftdeck) – (cubierta de popa)
- Anchor – (ancla)
- Boom – (botavara)
- Bow – (proa)
- Bridge – (puente de mando)
- Bulwark – (baluarte)
- Cleat – (cornamusa)
- Container – (contenedor)
- Davit – (pescante)
- Deck – (cubierta)
- Draft – (calado)
- Foredeck – (cubierta de proa)
- Freeboard – (francobordo)
- Galley – (galera/cocina)
- Hatch Way – (escotilla)
- Hawsepipe – (escobén)
- Hull – (casco)
- Jib – (foque)
- Keel – (quilla)
- Knot – (nudo)
- Length – (eslora)
- Mainsail – (vela mayor)
- Manhole – (registro)
- Mast – (mástil)
- Mooring Line – (estacha)
- Port – (babor)
- Porthole – (portillo)
- Propeller – (hélice)
- Quarters – (camarote)
- Railings – (barandilla)
- Rope – (cabo)
- Rudder – (pala del timón)
- Sail – (vela)
- Scuttles – (escotilla)
- Starboard – (estribor)
- Stern – (popa)
- Tiller – (caña del timón)
- Wheel (Steering Wheel) – (timón)
- Width (or Beam) – (manga)
- Windlass – (molinete)
Message Markers:
- Instruction: This indicates that the following message implies the intention of the sender to influence others by regulation. The recipient must follow this legally binding message unless he/she has contradictory safety reasons.
- Advice: This indicates that the following message implies the intention of the sender to influence others by recommendation. The decision to follow the advice stays with the recipient.
- Warning: This indicates that the following message implies the intention of the sender to inform others about dangers.
- Information: This indicates that the following message is restricted to observed facts or situations.
- Question: This indicates that the following message is of interrogative character. The recipient is expected to return an answer.
- Answer: This indicates that the following message is the reply to a previous answer.
- Request: This indicates that the following message is asking for action from others with respect to the vessel.
- Intention: This indicates that the following message informs others about immediate navigational action intended to be taken.
Common Maritime Abbreviations
- Aux – Auxiliary
- C/O – Chief Officer
- D/D – Damage Done
- DP – Designated Person
- DSC – Dangerous Goods, Solid Cargoes and Container
- Eng – Engineer
- EP – Estimated Position
- ETA – Estimated Time of Arrival
- FYI – For Your Information
- LtHo – Light House
- NM – Nautical Miles
- o/b – On Board
- OoW – Officer of the Watch
- POB – Persons On Board
- PM – Planned Maintenance
- PS – Port Side
- RoB – Remaining On Board
- S – South
- Tnkr – Tanker
Ship Crew Roles Defined
- Master – The captain of a ship
- Second Engineer – Supervises engine department
- Purser – Officer in charge of accounts
- Third Officer – Safety officer who does the 8–12 watch
- Marine Oiler – Helps maintain engines
- Ordinary Seaman – Learner
- Electrician – Technical expert
- Cook – Sailor responsible for food
Common Maritime Commands
- “Full ahead both” – Maximum speed for two engines
- “Dead slow astern” – Reverse very slowly
- “Stand by engine” – Get ready
- “Bow thrust half to port” – Move the ship’s head to port on 50% power
- “Midships” – Hold rudder in the fore and aft position
- “Ease to twenty” – Reduce the amount of the rudder to 20º
- “Steady as she goes” – Stay on heading given earlier