Marketing Cloud Email Best Practices


A contact is a person you are going to send messages to. A subscriber opted to receive communications or belongs to a particular channel.

A data source that is updated irregularly (DBOR).

Utilize a domain, dedicated IP address, link and image wrapping, and RMM.

A new comprehensive privacy law in the EU.

A/B Test.

A/B Test Content.

Acme Industries, a for-profit company with an annual revenue of $55 million.


Add and update.

API, Import Wizard, Import Activity.

Assign the promotion code field as a second primary key.

Attribute Group.

Automation Studio.


Based on test data extension.

Binding Corporate Rules.


By restricting access to NTO’s brand-specific content.


Capture explicit consent from users.

Click-to-Open Rate.


Configure Delivery.

Contact Builder.

Contact ID.

Contact Key.

Contact the client in order to keep their personal data up to date.

Content Builder.

Content or keyword-based logic.

Content that displays in a content area according to rules defined based on subscriber attributes.

Control access to information and sharing of information throughout Marketing Cloud Engagement.

Create a synchronized data extension and a query or filter activity.

Create engaging cross-channel content that resonates with your customers.

Create multiple versions of content to use in content blocks in a single message.

Custom Preference Center.


Data controllers in partnership with their data processors.

Data Designer.

Data Extension.

Data Retention.

Data Retention Policy.

Define Properties.

Delivery Profile.

Double opt-in confirmation.

Drag and drop content blocks to build a landing page.

Dynamic Content.


Encryption keys and digital signatures.


Explicit data is directly provided by a subscriber; implicit data.


Filtered Data Extension.


Generate and preview the email in Email Studio, and manually enter the stakeholder’s email address and send a test.

Get organizational buy-in and build a team (GDPR).


Goals, Population, and Alerts.



HTML paste.


Image Carousel Block.

Improve email open rates by 2% by the end of the fiscal year using subject line testing.

In a shared extension folder in the Data Extensions tab.

Inbound sales calls.

Include the organization’s physical mailing address in the email.

Introduces potential customers to the brand.

IP Warming.

It is best to unsubscribe unengaged contacts from individual channels rather than delete them.

It strives to build customer relationships across channels and devices.


Journey Analytics Dashboard.

Journey Dashboard.


Keep them short and test.


Layouts can’t be combined with other content blocks.


Map your organizational structure for business units.

Marketing Cloud Connect.

Marketing Cloud Engagement Content Editor/Publisher.

Marketing Cloud Engagement Reports.

No more than 72 hours.


One to many.

One to transfer to the safehouse and one to decrypt the file.

Order ID.

Organizations can collect only personal data that’s adequate, relevant, and limited to what’s necessary for the intended purpose.

Organize journeys.

Over 10%.


Pause the journey and restart it when codes are active.

Personal data that cannot be tied to a specific data subject without additional information.

Personalization Strings.

Personalizing content with subscriber information.

Plan content carefully to convey your message appropriately.

Preview emails in different ESPs, browsers, and devices.

Primary Key.

Proper data types on each field.

Providing a mechanism that does NOT require a subscriber to log in to unsubscribe.

Push Notifications and SMS Messages.


Reassess the way they onboard new customers.

Reply Mail Management.

Responsive aware.


Salesforce Help & Training.

Salesforce Idea Exchange.

Salesforce Trust Site.


Send Classification.

Send Logging.

Send Relationship.

Sendable Data Extension.

Sender Profile.

Set up a footer in the email with an unsubscribe link.

Shared Data Extensions.

Smart Capture.

Standard data extension.

Subscriber Key.


Test Send.

The email address is invalid.

The field is NOT required in the file being imported.

The number of journeys that reach their goal, the highest performing journey, and the lowest performing journey.

The possibility of being delivered.

The right to correct or complete personal data.

The right to opt out of the Sale of their information (CCPA).

The system declares a winner of the A/B test and sends to the remaining subscribers.

There are partner integrations that will allow inbox testing directly in Preview and Test.

They provide benchmarks for analysis and improvement.

To confirm all required data sources are updated in your solution.

To connect data between different sources in a relational database.

To segment and personalize content.

To stay legally compliant in the US (SPAM).

To store audience information for sends.

Top-level account of your Marketing Cloud Engagement tenant.


Trailblazer Community.




Unique identifier.

Unsubscribe option.

Use large, readable fonts with proper color contrast.


Utilize web signups.

UTM Parameters.


Website sign-ups & In-store promotions.

When you want to compare performance between versions.

You can preview content in real time as you create it.

You cannot remove the configured data retention settings once you configure them.