Marketing Research: Problem Definition and Objectives

Topic 1: Marketing Research Introduction

Marketing Research: Is the application of the scientific method in searching for the truth about marketing phenomena. Marketing research includes:

Before we introduce the product:

  • Define Market opportunities and problems
  • Generating and Evaluating ideas

After we introduce the product:

  • Monitoring Performance

During we introduce the product:

  • Understanding the Marketing Process

Tasks of Marketing Research:

  • Design a method to collect information
  • Manage and implement the collection method
  • Analyze the data
  • Communicate the Results – to take decisions
  • Aims to be objective
  • Give accurate information in an impartial manner

When Should We Research?

  • Time Constraints
  • Availability of Data
  • Nature of the Decision
  • Benefits vs Costs

Marketing Research Process:

  1. Define the Problem
  2. Research approach developed
  3. Research design developed
  4. Fieldwork or Data collection
  5. Data preparation and analysis
  6. Reporting and Presenting results

Topic 2: Problem Definition and Research Objectives

Defining the Problem:

It is the first step. The success of the research depends greatly on the correct definition of the problem.

Problem Definition:

A broad statement of the general problem and identification of the specific components of the marketing research problem. Effort, time, and money can be wasted if the problem is ill-defined or misunderstood.

To Define the Problem:

Communication between the marketing (or enterprise) decision-makers and the marketing researcher. The researcher works directly with those who make decisions. Decision-makers find the problem, and the researchers propose a solution to that problem.

The Research Brief:

Sometimes it is not given, or it is only an oral presentation with the decision-makers.

  • Produced by the users of the findings or the buyers of the research
  • It communicates the perceived requirements in the marketing research. The client is not an expert in this area.
  • Very flexible (document flexible)
  • Useful to avoid misunderstandings, ambiguities, illogical actions

The Research Proposal:

It is the official layout of the planned marketing research activity.

Process of Defining the Brief and Elaborate the Market Research Proposal to Help Define the Research Problem:

There are four main steps:

  1. Environmental context of the problem:
    1. DISCUSSION WITH THE DECISION MAKERS: brief (doubts, personal opinions, insights) / problem audit (history of the problem, company structure, knowledge gaps, information use) / going from symptoms to causes
    2. INTERVIEWS WITH EXPERTS: Qualitative nature, should know the industry or the company, different point of view
    3. INITIAL SECONDARY DATA EVALUATION: Data gathered previously for other purposes (internal or external)
  2. From the Marketing Decision Problem to the Marketing Research Problem:
    1. MDP: (marketing decision problem) What actions the decision-maker needs to do, action-oriented = should the advertising campaign be changed?
    2. MRP: (what information is needed and what is the best way to obtain it) what information is needed and what is the best way to obtain it in order to solve the MDP, information-oriented = To determine the effectiveness of the current advertising campaign
  3. Approach to the Problem: From the broad marketing research problems TO its component parts = get all the information that is relevant to solve the MDP / maintain the focus and been consistent
    Research approach:
    • research problems to research objectives (Specific, Consistent, Measurable, Time attached, Challenging)
    • research questions or hypotheses can be formulated
    • decide the theoretical framework (what variables are going to be measured and how, sources of information)
    • analytical model: verbal, graphical, mathematical
  4. Research Design