Marxist and Nietzschean Concepts: A Comparative Analysis

Marxist Concepts

Productive Forces

The foundation of economic production, encompassing the means of work, objects of work, and labor power. These forces form the base or infrastructure of society.

Relations of Production

The social relationships that govern production, including the ownership of the means of production and the distribution of wealth. These relations, along with productive forces, constitute the base of any social formation.

Economic Structure

The interplay of productive forces and relations of production, which shapes the overall economic system and gives rise to various ideological forms.

Social Formation

A historically determined social totality, integrating economic, legal, social, and ideological structures.

Ideological Forms

The ideas and beliefs within a social formation that often distort reality to conceal alienation.

Mode of Production

The social organization of production at a given historical moment. Marx identified several modes, including Asiatic, ancient, feudal, and bourgeois-capitalist, which he considered prehistory to communism.

Social Revolution

The transformation of production relations, driven by the working class to overcome contradictions between productive forces and relations of production, leading to a new mode of production. Lenin identified three phases: the dictatorship of the proletariat, socialist society, and communist paradise.

Communist History

Marxist view of history as a succession of modes of production, driven by the contradiction between productive forces and relations of production, i.e., class struggle. It is also the scene of human alienation, with the goal of a classless society.

Nietzschean Concepts

The Abyss

Life is an abyss without fixed values, which must be accepted with all its dangers.

Transit and Sunset

The setting sun symbolizes the transition to something beyond oneself, the arrival of the Superman.


Those who are revered and despised, the morality of slaves, and those who seek to live like them are sent to the other side, to the Superman.


Not an externally imposed virtue, but the emergence of life itself, a force and power.

Go on Living

Life is the fundamental reality of man.

Do Not Go on Living

Sacrifice is a contradiction to the arrival of the Superman. The essence of thought is opposing tragic reason to logic.

Bowels of His Heart

What matters is the heart and what the head thinks.


A noble soul grows with pain, contrary to Christian meekness.


Crossing the chasm to the Superman.

A Virtue

Strength and power are virtue, which is stronger when concentrated in one.


From the Gospel of Luke, those who seek to preserve their soul shall lose it.

Da Lucky

We should not expect anything, we must give ourselves everything.


The transition from man to Superman.


A metaphor for man who lives subject to sacrifice, always asking for more load, the more subdued.


A great sin in Christian morality, but for Nietzsche, it is pride and contempt for the weak.


The camel eats grass, which gives no strength, a sacrifice to get to the truth in another world.


The lion does not create values, it takes them to be free. The Superman is the one who creates them.


The eternal return.