Masaccio’s Holy Trinity: A Renaissance Masterpiece
The holy trinity church m1 masaccio novella. – Classification of the figurative wall painting work done in fresco in the church of St. Novella in Florence mm1 composition of the work ..
work composed of two parts, lowest in the q represents an open grave and more complex than with figures standing in an architectural dominant compositional lines are almost vertical and the symmetry horizaontales figures still are organized around central axis formed by the figure of god espitiru holy father and son. The scheme has a pyramidal form, the author introduced a much more grandis FLASA architecture in its design q’s of the church itself in the q made use of linear perspective and q conflueyen lines in a vanishing point in the center of the ingferior floor. Two sturdy fluted pilasters with Corinthian capitals and crowned by a rich entablemaneto opens a chapel covered with barrel vaults casetoanada. That is one of the first paintings make use of q centered perspective to create an extension of the relation palacrio. The painter can make illusion a reality. This fresh aunk has some deterioration is characterized by the striking colors, the red colors of blue and the male characters of the female characters. Light plays a decisive role as a shaper and configured volume figures are robust, sculptural-contained thematic iconography q is very complex and brings together in a scene representing the holy trinity of figures of the Virgin and St. John. The scene is presided over by the god father figure is above the rest runs his hands under the cross. The scene represents the moment at q god father back home to his son to take him on. It also represents three times: the trinity in the presence of s. Intercessory John and the Virgin this event by presenting the viewer human time is symbolized by the death will be redeemed by God q
– q stylistic language to be ascribed
The work belongs to the painting of the period renancentista specifically. Characteristics is very difficult to paint because of Vifor renancentista personality 1) according to the interest Renaissance man and nature in the paint for the representation of things 2) importance of perspective in its approach to reality profresivo man gradually began to discover the world around him q. Revised the development of scientific laws. Se paso tmb this is the art of mere observation and grasp of reality. The visual system created by Brunelleschi allowed painters to represent the space of three-dimensional) linear perspective by which the objects are shortened in espectadro to produce the feeling of being more remote b) aerial perspective combined with linear perspective was the basis representation 3) abandonment of rigid and predetermined patterns of gothic own search of the compositions and sound 5) the themes reflect the growing interest towards the man and his entorno6) the portrait becomes now a highly successful genre representation physical characteristics 7) liz importance of light rounds the volume of objects 8) in the evolution of Italian painting: the Florentine school atisvo renancentista as the culmination of a set of quattroceno artists creating a new pictorial style q mannerism is ideal renancentista destruction through the use of resources, the Venetian school q is the peculiar adoption of forms“chronology of stylistic period in the Italian Renaissance are two stages each corresponding to a century: training the first call and second call quattrocento cinquecento-function and possible significance q contains the work.’s work decorates the religious walls of the church of Santa Maria. Its function is as usual decorative q large families had chapels in the churches pequelañas borne by them. The figures of the two donors is usually identified ocmo Lenzi family members. The tomb at the bottom can be mean donor q must make the journey the human spirit to attain salvation
– location and context
This is cool as we said in the church of Santa María Novella is the time beginning of a market society with the bourgeoisie enriched by the exchange business and banking as well as trade
– identification of the work and author
The author of this work is q massacio young painter had enormous importance its work in just ten years is revolutionary in any case only to comparabla by giotto.
Masaccio is combining layers of idealization some late-Gothic as a result of the reference person classified and providing a robust Pintu. His best known works in addition to q hermos analyzed are the paintings in the Brancacci Chapel