Mass Media’s Impact on Education: Text, Radio, TV, and Computers

Mass Media and Education

Parallel School: Mass media influences society, imparting information through various channels. These media, where participation is often limited, reach large populations.

Impact of Mass Media

Mass media enhances existing tastes, and when these are not well-founded, it repeatedly creates or modifies them. Mass media are not only educational agents but also objects of study, promoting critical use when incorporated into school curricula.

Printed Text

The printed text was the first major media outlet, generalizing culture and introducing knowledge accumulation. From an educational perspective, reading texts adapted to the spatial circumstances of each subject allows repetition, acceleration, and selection of the message. The printed text remains a primary means of communication, and its combination with other media is a necessity in multimedia systems.

Radio and Sound Recordings

Radio and sound recordings share common points with printed text, both based on verbal language. Radio relies on hearing, requiring more imagination to compensate for the lack of visual images. Language courses through oral recordings are a prime example of its options.


Television is the audiovisual medium with dynamic images and sound. Educators see it as a rival for education. Through character recognition, children acquire notions of human behavior, which translates into social interactions. The educational challenge lies in training in televised speech to differentiate between the real world and the world of television.


Computers are becoming commonplace in developed countries. They are dynamic, interactive, and programmable, preventing passivity. Children often prefer them to television.

School Education and Mass Media

Knowledge of social media and its educational use is essential. Otherwise, the school’s goals are endangered by not addressing modern needs. Specific school goals regarding media include:


Returning consciousness to all message components. It is important to show who dominates the media and their motives.

Critical Thinking

Enabling individuals to react to media manipulation. Critical thinking involves reflecting on roles, values, and arguments.

Enhancing Communication Skills

Mastery of other languages increases communication skills, strengthening interpersonal abilities.