Mastering Business Phone Calls: Essential English Vocabulary

**Topic 7: Receiving Calls**

Key Vocabulary:

  • Be careful: Ten cuidado
  • Caller: El que llama
  • Connect: Conectar
  • Extension: Extensión
  • No reply: Ninguna respuesta
  • Operate the switchboard: Pulsar el encendido
  • Patience: Paciencia
  • Professional: Profesional
  • Put…through: Pasar la llamada
  • Repeat: Repetir
  • Ring: Llamar
  • State: Afirmar
  • Wrong number: Número equivocado

Common Phrases:

  • I made a mistake = I did something wrong: Cometí un error
  • She spoke in a professional manner = She spoke in a technical way: Habló de forma profesional
  • Can you repeat that, please? = Can you please say that again?: ¿Lo puede repetir, por favor?
  • There was no reply = No one answered: Nadie respondió
  • The phone rang ten times before she answered = I called her ten times before she answered: La llamé diez veces antes de que ella respondiese
  • He put me through to Mr. Brody = He connected me to Mr. Brody: Me puso con Mr. Brody


  • Funny: Divertido. Example: He is funny; he always makes me laugh.
  • Angry: Enfadado. Example: Her boss is angry with her because she made many mistakes.
  • Courteous: Educado, cortés
  • Rude: Rudo
  • Serious: Serio

Taking Messages

  • He’s out of town = He is on holiday: Está fuera de la ciudad
  • He has just gone out of the office: Acaba de salir de la oficina
  • Mr. Smith’s line is busy: La línea del Sr. Smith está ocupada
  • To interrupt: Interrumpir
  • Interference: Interferencia
  • To put me on hold: Ponerme la llamada en espera
  • I was talking to the customer and we were cut off: La línea de teléfono se cortó
  • To leave a message: Dejar un mensaje
  • Return your call: Devolver la llamada
  • To spell your name: Deletrear tu nombre
  • To talk on another line: Hablar por otra línea
  • To transfer a call: Transferir una llamada telefónica


Grandparents: Abuelos / Father: Padre / Mother: Madre / Husband: Marido / Wife: Mujer / Children: Niños / Son: Hijo / Daughter: Hija / Brother: Hermano / Sister: Hermana / Nephew: Sobrino / Niece: Sobrina / Aunt: Tía / Uncle: Tío / Cousin: Primo

Extra Vocabulary

Clearly: Claramente / Deliver a message: Dejar un mensaje / Dial: Marcar / End a conversation: Terminar una conversación / Hang up: Colgar / Loud: Alto / Offer assistance: Ofrecer asistencia / Soft: Suave / Take a call: Coger una llamada / Voice: Voz / Voicemail: Mensaje de voz

Topic 8: Dealing with Phone Requests

Key Vocabulary:

  • Apologize: Disculparse
  • As soon as possible: Lo más rápido posible
  • At the moment: En el momento
  • Attach: Adjuntar
  • Correct: Corregir
  • Deal with this problem: Tratar con este problema
  • Delay: Retraso
  • Discuss the matter: Discutir el asunto
  • Get back to: Ponerse en contacto
  • Get through: Pasar la llamada
  • Is unavailable: No disponible
  • Isn’t good enough: No es suficientemente bueno

Common Phrases:

  • The quality isn’t good enough: La calidad no es suficientemente buena
  • Let me know: Hazme saber
  • I am dealing with a problem: Estoy tratando un problema
  • She wants you to get back to her: Quiere que la llames
  • To lose valuable time: Perder tiempo valioso
  • There’s a problem: Hay un problema
  • He’s unavailable: Él no está disponible
  • Remind: Recordar
  • Solution: Solución


Boots: Botas / Dress: Vestido / Jeans: Vaqueros / Shirt: Camisa / Shoes: Zapatos / Skirt: Falda / Sweater: Jersey / Trousers: Pantalones


Break in: Robo / A power cut: Corte de luz / A jammed lock: Cerradura atascada / A burst pipe: Tubería rota / Computer crash: Ordenador no funciona / A broken door handle: Pomo de puerta roto / A dripping tap: Grifo que gotea / The car won’t start: El coche no arrancará / Carpet stain: Mancha en la alfombra


Plumber: Fontanero / Mechanic: Mecánico / Computer technician: Técnico de ordenador / Carpenter: Carpintero / Police officer: Oficial de policía / An electrician: Un electricista / Cleaner: Limpiador

Calling for Service

Expensive: Caro / Cheap: Barato / Price quote: Presupuesto / Repair: Reparar / To be right over: Estar en un segundo / In the meantime: Mientras

Extra Vocabulary

Back up computers: Hacer una copia de seguridad / Broken blind: Persiana rota / Clean filters: Limpiar filtros / Cost: Costar / Gas leak: Fuga de gas / Hot water heater: Calentador de agua caliente / Lose customers: Perder clientes / Replace a light bulb: Reponer una bombilla / Vacuum carpets: Aspirador / Service person: Persona de servicio

Writing: A Cover Letter for a Fax

Date: 7th March

To: Mr. Benavides

Fax no.: 011334445657

No. of pages, including this page: 2

Subject: Quote for Equipment

If you have not received all the pages, please contact me.

Carlos Cotta

Extension 030

Writing: Addressing an Envelope

Mr. Smith

Sales Director

Lidl Supermarket

14 Black Road

Westport WS11 4RP

  1. Who is the letter for? It is for Mr. Smith
  2. What is his workplace? Lidl Supermarket
  3. In which city is it? It is in Westport.
  4. Its postcode is WS11 4RP