Mastering Business Phone Calls: Essential English Vocabulary
**Topic 7: Receiving Calls**
Key Vocabulary:
- Be careful: Ten cuidado
- Caller: El que llama
- Connect: Conectar
- Extension: Extensión
- No reply: Ninguna respuesta
- Operate the switchboard: Pulsar el encendido
- Patience: Paciencia
- Professional: Profesional
- Put…through: Pasar la llamada
- Repeat: Repetir
- Ring: Llamar
- State: Afirmar
- Wrong number: Número equivocado
Common Phrases:
- I made a mistake = I did something wrong: Cometí un error
- She spoke in a professional manner = She spoke in a technical way: Habló de forma profesional
- Can you repeat that, please? = Can you please say that again?: ¿Lo puede repetir, por favor?
- There was no reply = No one answered: Nadie respondió
- The phone rang ten times before she answered = I called her ten times before she answered: La llamé diez veces antes de que ella respondiese
- He put me through to Mr. Brody = He connected me to Mr. Brody: Me puso con Mr. Brody
- Funny: Divertido. Example: He is funny; he always makes me laugh.
- Angry: Enfadado. Example: Her boss is angry with her because she made many mistakes.
- Courteous: Educado, cortés
- Rude: Rudo
- Serious: Serio
Taking Messages
- He’s out of town = He is on holiday: Está fuera de la ciudad
- He has just gone out of the office: Acaba de salir de la oficina
- Mr. Smith’s line is busy: La línea del Sr. Smith está ocupada
- To interrupt: Interrumpir
- Interference: Interferencia
- To put me on hold: Ponerme la llamada en espera
- I was talking to the customer and we were cut off: La línea de teléfono se cortó
- To leave a message: Dejar un mensaje
- Return your call: Devolver la llamada
- To spell your name: Deletrear tu nombre
- To talk on another line: Hablar por otra línea
- To transfer a call: Transferir una llamada telefónica
Grandparents: Abuelos / Father: Padre / Mother: Madre / Husband: Marido / Wife: Mujer / Children: Niños / Son: Hijo / Daughter: Hija / Brother: Hermano / Sister: Hermana / Nephew: Sobrino / Niece: Sobrina / Aunt: Tía / Uncle: Tío / Cousin: Primo
Extra Vocabulary
Clearly: Claramente / Deliver a message: Dejar un mensaje / Dial: Marcar / End a conversation: Terminar una conversación / Hang up: Colgar / Loud: Alto / Offer assistance: Ofrecer asistencia / Soft: Suave / Take a call: Coger una llamada / Voice: Voz / Voicemail: Mensaje de voz
Topic 8: Dealing with Phone Requests
Key Vocabulary:
- Apologize: Disculparse
- As soon as possible: Lo más rápido posible
- At the moment: En el momento
- Attach: Adjuntar
- Correct: Corregir
- Deal with this problem: Tratar con este problema
- Delay: Retraso
- Discuss the matter: Discutir el asunto
- Get back to: Ponerse en contacto
- Get through: Pasar la llamada
- Is unavailable: No disponible
- Isn’t good enough: No es suficientemente bueno
Common Phrases:
- The quality isn’t good enough: La calidad no es suficientemente buena
- Let me know: Hazme saber
- I am dealing with a problem: Estoy tratando un problema
- She wants you to get back to her: Quiere que la llames
- To lose valuable time: Perder tiempo valioso
- There’s a problem: Hay un problema
- He’s unavailable: Él no está disponible
- Remind: Recordar
- Solution: Solución
Boots: Botas / Dress: Vestido / Jeans: Vaqueros / Shirt: Camisa / Shoes: Zapatos / Skirt: Falda / Sweater: Jersey / Trousers: Pantalones
Break in: Robo / A power cut: Corte de luz / A jammed lock: Cerradura atascada / A burst pipe: Tubería rota / Computer crash: Ordenador no funciona / A broken door handle: Pomo de puerta roto / A dripping tap: Grifo que gotea / The car won’t start: El coche no arrancará / Carpet stain: Mancha en la alfombra
Plumber: Fontanero / Mechanic: Mecánico / Computer technician: Técnico de ordenador / Carpenter: Carpintero / Police officer: Oficial de policía / An electrician: Un electricista / Cleaner: Limpiador
Calling for Service
Expensive: Caro / Cheap: Barato / Price quote: Presupuesto / Repair: Reparar / To be right over: Estar en un segundo / In the meantime: Mientras
Extra Vocabulary
Back up computers: Hacer una copia de seguridad / Broken blind: Persiana rota / Clean filters: Limpiar filtros / Cost: Costar / Gas leak: Fuga de gas / Hot water heater: Calentador de agua caliente / Lose customers: Perder clientes / Replace a light bulb: Reponer una bombilla / Vacuum carpets: Aspirador / Service person: Persona de servicio
Writing: A Cover Letter for a Fax
Date: 7th March
To: Mr. Benavides
Fax no.: 011334445657
No. of pages, including this page: 2
Subject: Quote for Equipment
If you have not received all the pages, please contact me.
Carlos Cotta
Extension 030
Writing: Addressing an Envelope
Mr. Smith
Sales Director
Lidl Supermarket
14 Black Road
Westport WS11 4RP
- Who is the letter for? It is for Mr. Smith
- What is his workplace? Lidl Supermarket
- In which city is it? It is in Westport.
- Its postcode is WS11 4RP