Mastering Catalan Grammar: Verbs, Pronouns & More
Posted on Mar 17, 2025 in Administration and Management
Modal Verbs
- Can you give me the corkscrew? – Em pots donar l’obridor?
- Would you like some wine? – Vols vi?
- You should take a taxi. – Hauries d’agafar un taxi.
- You must visit the doctor. – Has d’anar al metge.
- It can’t be a bird. – No pot ser un ocell.
- It may be a plane. – Podria ser un avió.
- It must be a UFO. – Ha de ser un ovni.
- Give me the book. – Dona’m el llibre.
- He wants to tell you something. – Ell et vol dir alguna cosa.
- Do you know him? – El coneixes? (a ell)
- Why are you looking at her? – Per què l’estàs mirant?
- I don’t want this shirt. You can have it. – No vull aquesta camisa. Te la pots quedar.
- He wants to see us. – Ell ens vol veure.
- This letter is for you. – Aquesta carta es per a vosaltres.
- I don’t eat tomatoes. I don’t like them. – No menjo tomàquets. No m’agraden.
Relative Pronouns
- The man who lives next door is very friendly. – L’home que viu a la porta del costat és molt simpàtic.
- The car that won the race was stolen. – El cotxe que va guanyar la cursa va ser robat.
- The man that you love is married. – L’home que estimes està casat.
- The dress which you like is too expensive. – El vestit que t’agrada és massa car.
- There is somebody at the door. – Hi ha algú a la porta.
- Leave the box on the floor. – Deixa la caixa a terra.
- I was in the room. – Estava a l’habitació.
- Where is Anne? / She is at work. – A: On està l’Anne? / B: Està a la feina.
- There were not many people at the party. – No hi havia massa gent a la festa.
- The concert starts at 6. – El concert comença a les 6.
- I am playing tennis on Saturday. – Jugo a tennis el dissabte.
Addition and Contrast
- He is an actor and a musician. – Ell és actor i músic.
- He is an actor and he is also a musician. – Ell és actor i també és músic.
- In addition, he is a musician. – A més a més, ell és músic.
- Vegetables are a good source of vitamins. For example, peppers have vitamin C. – Les verdures son una font de vitamines. Per exemple, el pebrot té vitamina C.
- If you press this switch, the computer turns on. – Si prems aquest interruptor, l’ordinador s’encén.
- If you leave now, you will arrive on time. – Si surts ara, arribaràs a temps.
- If I won the lottery, I would buy a car. – Si guanyés la loteria, em compraria un cotxe.
- If she had studied more, she would have passed the exam. – Si ella hagués estudiat més, hauria aprovat l’examen.
- If it rains, I will stay at home. – Si plou, em quedaré a casa.
- If I had his number, I would call him. – Si tingués el seu número, el trucaria.
- If you need a ticket, I can get you one. – Si necessites una entrada, et puc aconseguir una.
- If she got up earlier, she would not be late. – Si ella s’aixequés més d’hora, no arribaria tard.
- If you had not made that mistake, you would have passed the exam. – Si no haguéssis fet aquell error, hauries passat l’examen.
- If I knew, I would tell you. – Si ho sabés, t’ho diria.
- If I had enough money, I would travel to China. – Si tingués suficients diners, viatjaria a la Xina.
- If I had seen Mary, I would have told her. – Si hagués vist la Mary, li hauria dit.
Passive Voice
- The office is cleaned every day. – L’oficina és netejada cada dia.
- This house was built 100 years ago. – Aquesta casa va ser construïda fa 100 anys.
- My car is being repaired. – El meu cotxe està sent arreglat.
- My keys have been stolen. – Les meves claus han sigut robades.
- The match will be played tomorrow. – El partit es jugarà demà.
- The prize must be given on Monday. – El premi s’ha de donar el dilluns.
- She said she was happy. – Ella va dir que estava contenta.
- She asked me if I lived in Barcelona. – Ella em va preguntar si vivia a Barcelona.
- She asked me where I lived. – Ella em va preguntar on vivia.