Mastering Cross-Cultural Communication in Business

Listening 2

1. What does Bo define as “the key point about understanding culture”?

You need to understand that people can communicate in different ways.

2. For Bo, how useful are checklists?

Not really useful.

3. Bo works in a retail organization which…

It’s better because it’s fast. There is an orientation towards opportunity and not to risk.

4. What causes “big misunderstandings”?

The different departmental cultures.

Listening 3

1. The first example involves the construction…


2. Why does this other department see itself…?

Because they sell the products and make the money.

3. What is the main difference…?

The construction department focuses on planning and the sales department focuses on creativity, working with ideas, and they like to be customer-focused.

4. What does Bo say can be…?

Delay and extra costs.

5. In the second example…

IT, and they communicate too many technical details.

6. What is the second part of…?

The business side, and they make business decisions without realizing costs and challenges for IT.

7. How does Bo summarize…?

Focus on the system and don’t think about making money, think about making things work.

8. What does Bo describe…?

First, understand and describe our own culture. Then, understand and describe the culture of others. And finally, communicate across cultures.

Listening 4

1. Why does Nigel say…?

To get the relationship going quickly with people you don’t see very often.

2. What does he describe as the main…?

To begin trust-building.

3. When he goes to China, how does…?

They ask about where you are from. It shows an interest in the country and a sensitivity to the person’s background.

4. Why is asking “open…”?

To discover common ground.

Listening 5

1. Jon asks a number of questions about…?

The meeting to come later; Pavle’s job; how long Pavel has been with the company; where his home is; his family. He also suggests having coffee.

2. How does Pavel respond…?

Pavel gives short answers. He may be busy or may not feel comfortable with this kind of very enthusiastic small talk. Pavel seems happier to answer questions about his professional life rather than private life.

3. In what other ways could…?

Jon could have asked fewer questions about personal life and focused more on professional areas. He might also have changed that tone to be more neutral and serious.

Listening 6

1. Which main topic…?

The project.

2. How does Jon respond…?

He sounds bored about the project, and when his partner talks about the sponsor, he seems not to be listening.

3. Jon asks some questions. How does Pavel react?

Pavel is confused about Dr. Kuhel. He might think that it’s not appropriate to discuss it at that moment, and he asks him some personal experience of Dr. Kuhel.

4. How could Pavel have handled…?

Pavel could have managed the conversation about the topic that interested Jon, and he doesn’t need to be so professional. He could have asked about the experience of India.

Listening 7

1. What was his objective…?

The objective was to say hello to the local senior management and welcome them to the future, to make them feel part of the new operation.

2. How did he feel about…?

He felt nervous because they were not all happy about the takeover.

3. What was the feedback from…?

The feedback was negative because the audience felt disrespected.