Mastering Digital Marketing Metrics: Impressions to ROI
Awareness (AW)
- Low: Limited reach. Recommendations: Broaden target audience, increase ad budget, explore additional channels.
- High: High visibility. Recommendations: Refine audience targeting, enhance creatives, apply frequency capping.
CTR (Click-Through Rate)
- Low (<2%): Low interest. Recommendations: A/B test creatives, CTAs, and messaging; refine targeting; use compelling CTAs. Benchmarks: Google Ads Search: 2-3%, Facebook Ads: 1.5-2%, Instagram Ads: 1-1.8%.
- High (>5%): Strong engagement. Recommendations: Scale successful creatives, expand to similar audiences, increase budget, test optimizations.
CPM (Cost per Thousand Impressions)
- Low (<€4): Efficient spending. Recommendations: Maintain targeting, expand to similar audiences, monitor costs. Benchmarks: Google Ads Display: €4-6, Facebook/Instagram Ads: €5-7.
- High (>€7): Increased costs. Recommendations: Broaden targeting, use bidding strategies, focus on lower-CPM placements/times.
Consideration (CON)
Web Visits
- Low: Low engagement. Recommendations: Improve content, refine targeting, use compelling CTAs.
- High: Strong interest. Recommendations: Optimize landing pages, use retargeting ads.
Bounce Rate
- Low (26%-40%): Positive engagement. Recommendations: Maintain engaging landing pages, analyze successful content, ensure ad/landing page alignment. Benchmark: Spanish e-commerce sites average 45%-55%.
- High (>70%): Lack of engagement. Recommendations: Align landing page content with ad messaging, improve page speed and mobile optimization, use personalized content.
Pages per Session
- Low (<2): Visitors aren’t exploring. Recommendations: Improve internal linking, suggest related content, add strategic CTAs, add interactive content or FAQs.
- High (>5): Strong interest. Recommendations: Place CTAs on popular pages, optimize page flow, replicate successful navigation.
Decision (DEC)
Conversion Rate
- Low (<2%): Users hesitate. Recommendations: Simplify checkout, highlight security and testimonials, use scarcity tactics.
- High (>5%): Motivated users. Recommendations: Upsell products, invest in retargeting abandoned carts.
Cart Abandonment Rate
- Low (<40%): Ideal scenario. Recommendations: Maintain transparent pricing and optimized checkout.
- High (>70%): Checkout friction. Recommendations: Offer free shipping or discounts, simplify checkout, use abandonment/retargeting ads.
Average Order Value (AOV)
- Low: Lower-priced items or fewer products. Recommendations: Encourage spending with bundle deals or volume discounts, use upselling and cross-selling, offer free shipping thresholds. Benchmark: Common e-commerce AOV is €60-€80.
- High: Higher-value items or multiples. Recommendations: Promote high-AOV products/bundles, use loyalty incentives.
Cost per Acquisition (CPA)
- Low (<€20): Efficient conversions. Recommendations: Increase ad budget, focus on top-performing segments, prioritize effective channels.
- High (>€50): Targeting inefficiencies. Recommendations: Refine targeting, optimize creatives and landing pages, use automated bidding.
Retention and Advocacy (RET and ADV)
Repeat Purchase Rate
- Low (<20%): Low retention. Recommendations: Use email marketing with personalized recommendations, implement loyalty programs, send re-engagement offers.
- High (>40%): Strong loyalty. Recommendations: Reward loyal customers, enhance personalized recommendations, expand loyalty programs.
Net Promoter Score (NPS)
- Low (<0): Low satisfaction. Recommendations: Gather feedback, address pain points, improve complaint responses, incentivize surveys.
- High (>50): Strong satisfaction. Recommendations: Encourage promoters to share reviews, develop referral programs, highlight positive NPS and testimonials.
Email Click-Through Rate (CTR)
- Low (<2%): Low engagement. Recommendations: Personalize content, A/B test elements, segment the audience.
- High (2%-5%): High engagement. Recommendations: Offer exclusive perks, use follow-up sequences, expand email list.
Paid Ads
- Google Ads Search: €1.00-€1.50 (competitive industries)
- Facebook Ads: €0.60-€0.90
- Instagram Ads: €0.70-€1.00
- LinkedIn Ads: €5.50-€7.50
- Google Ads Search: 2%-3%
- Facebook Ads: 1.5%-2%
- Instagram Ads: 1%-1.8%
- Google Ads Display: €4-€6
- Facebook Ads: €5-€7
- Instagram Ads: €5-€7
ROAS: €1 spent should return €3-€4 in revenue.
Bounce Rate
- Average: 45%-55%
- Excellent: 26%-40%
- Acceptable: 41%-55%
- Over 70% indicates issues
Cart Abandonment Rate
- Average: 65%-70%
- Mobile: 75%+
Conversion Rate
- Average: 1.8%-2.5%
- High-performing sites: 3%-5%
- Average: €40-€60 (e-commerce)
- Subscription services: €85-€185
AOV: €60-€80, higher for fashion/electronics (up to €100+)
CLV: Every €1 spent on customer acquisition should ideally yield €3 in customer lifetime value.
Bounce Rate
- Content sites: 65%-90%
- Lead generation sites: 30%-55%
- B2B sites: 25%-55%
- Retail sites: 20%-40%
- Landing pages: 70%-90%
Social Media
Engagement Rate
- Facebook: 0.5%-1%
- Instagram: 1.5%-2.5%
- TikTok: 3%-6%
Follower Growth Rate
- Instagram/Facebook: 1%-2% monthly
- TikTok: 3%-5% monthly
Social Shares: 0.5%-1% audience sharing; up to 5% for highly engaging content
Video View Time: 15-30 seconds
Email Marketing
Open Rate: 18%-25%
CTR: 2%-5%