Mastering English Conditionals, Grammar, and Vocabulary

Second Conditional

If + subject + past simple + subject + would + infinitive (without ‘to’).

If I were a rich man, I would buy a magic pill to learn English in a week.

Defining Relative Clauses

He is the man who (that) invented the World Wide Web.

This is the system which (that) I told you about.

That is the place where we buy our computers.

  • who, quien (for people)
  • which, cual (for things)
  • whose, de quien (for possession)
  • where, donde (for places)
  • when, cuando (for time)
  • that, que (for people and things)

Reported Speech

Present Simple: I cook dinner.Past Simple: She said that she cooked dinner.
Present Continuous: I am listening to music.Past Continuous: He said that he was listening to music.
Present Perfect: I have finished my work.Past Perfect: He said that he had finished his work.
Present Perfect Continuous: I have been studying since 3 o’clock.Past Perfect Continuous: He said that he had been studying…
Past Simple: I did exercises today.Past Perfect: He said that he had done exercises…

will: I will study the book.

will (was going to): I will travel tomorrow.

Can + verb:

would: He said that he would study the book.

He said that he was going to travel tomorrow.

Could + verb:



  • Bionic devices: Dispositivos biónicos
  • Cosmetic surgery: Cirugía cosmética
  • Face transplant: Trasplante de cara
  • Anti-aging treatments: Tratamientos contra el envejecimiento
  • Blades and knives: Cuchillas y cuchillos
  • Falling off something: Cayendo de algo
  • Eating the wrong food: Comiendo la comida equivocada
  • Insect bites: Picaduras de insectos
  • Tripping or falling: Tropezar o caer
  • Wasp and bee stings: Picaduras de avispas y abejas
  • Cuts and bruises: Cortes y moretones
  • Sprains and breaks: Esguinces y roturas
  • Bites and stuff: Mordiscos y cosas
  • Stitches: Puntos de sutura

Knees: Rodillas, Nuts: Nueces, Ears: Orejas, day, hands, mind, eyes, rich, food, fruit, body.

  • Injured: Lesionado
  • Wounded: Herido
  • Treat: Tratar
  • Heal: Sanar
  • Appointment: Cita
  • Hurt: Herir
  • Pain: Dolor
  • Cure: Cura
  • Healing: Curación
  • Treatment: Tratamiento

Borrow: Pedir prestado, Carry: Llevar, Invite: Invitar, Travel: Viajar, React: Reaccionar, Steal: Robar, Lead: Dirigir.

Personnel: Donor (donante), Technician (técnico), Surgeon (cirujano), Paramedic (paramédico).

Places: Ward (sala), Operating room (quirófano), Doctor’s office (consultorio médico), Emergency room (sala de emergencias).

Medical procedures: X-ray (radiografía), Scan (escaneo), Injection (inyección), Blood test (análisis de sangre).


SubjectObjectPossessive AdjectivePossessive Pronoun
He, She, ItHim, Her, ItHis, Her, ItsHis, Hers, Its
You, We, TheyYou, Us, ThemYour, Our, TheirYours, Ours, Theirs

Passive Voice

Thomas Edison invented the light bulb in 1879.

The light bulb was invented (by Thomas Edison) in 1879.

The light bulb was invented in 1879.

Active Passive

  • I eat pizza. Pizza is eaten by me.
  • I am eating pizza. Pizza is being eaten by me.
  • I ate pizza. Pizza was eaten by me.
  • I was eating pizza. Pizza was being eaten by me.
  • I have eaten pizza. Pizza has been eaten by me.
  • I have been eating pizza. Pizza has been being eaten by me.
  • I had eaten pizza. Pizza had been eaten by me.
  • I had been eating pizza. Pizza had been being eaten by me.
  • I will eat pizza. Pizza will be eaten by me.
  • I will be eating pizza. Pizza will be being eaten by me.
  • I am going to eat pizza. Pizza is going to be eaten by me.

Sizes, Ages and Materials

  • How big: Large, tiny
  • How old: Antique, century
  • How it’s made: Hand-woven, hand-made

Financial Terms

Cash (efectivo), Bank statement (extracto bancario), Credit card (tarjeta de crédito), Debt (deuda), Online banking (banca en línea), Savings account (cuenta de ahorros), Bill (factura/cuenta), Borrowed (pedir prestado), Payments (pagos), Mortgage (hipoteca).

Shopping Vocabulary

Boomerang, bottle, box, clock, coin, figurine, hat, lamp, rug, stamp, sword, watch.

  • Brochures: Folletos
  • Decorative object: Objeto decorativo
  • Duty-free goods: Productos libres de impuestos
  • Locally made products: Productos locales
  • Postcards: Postales
  • T-shirts with slogans: Camisetas con lemas

Available: Disponible, Cash register: Caja registradora, Delivery: Entrega, Exchange: Cambio, Gift-wrapping: Envoltura de regalo, In stock: En existencia, Model name: Nombre del modelo, Receipt: Recibo, Reference number: Número de referencia, Return: Devolución.

Third Conditional

(Impossible – it never happened)

Condition / Result

Past Perfect / Modal + Present Perfect

Pronounhadverb / Pronounmodalhaveverb

Si yo hubiese estudiado, yo habría pasado la prueba.

If I had studied, I would have passed the test.

They could have fixed the car if they had had the tools.

  • Would: hubiese, desearía (possibility and condition)
  • Could: podría
  • Should: deberías (suggestions and advice)