Mastering English Conditionals, Grammar, and Vocabulary
Second Conditional
If + subject + past simple + subject + would + infinitive (without ‘to’).
If I were a rich man, I would buy a magic pill to learn English in a week.
Defining Relative Clauses
He is the man who (that) invented the World Wide Web.
This is the system which (that) I told you about.
That is the place where we buy our computers.
- who, quien (for people)
- which, cual (for things)
- whose, de quien (for possession)
- where, donde (for places)
- when, cuando (for time)
- that, que (for people and things)
Reported Speech
Direct | Indirect |
Present Simple: I cook dinner. | Past Simple: She said that she cooked dinner. |
Present Continuous: I am listening to music. | Past Continuous: He said that he was listening to music. |
Present Perfect: I have finished my work. | Past Perfect: He said that he had finished his work. |
Present Perfect Continuous: I have been studying since 3 o’clock. | Past Perfect Continuous: He said that he had been studying… |
Past Simple: I did exercises today. | Past Perfect: He said that he had done exercises… |
will: I will study the book. will (was going to): I will travel tomorrow. Can + verb: | would: He said that he would study the book. He said that he was going to travel tomorrow. Could + verb: |
- Bionic devices: Dispositivos biónicos
- Cosmetic surgery: Cirugía cosmética
- Face transplant: Trasplante de cara
- Anti-aging treatments: Tratamientos contra el envejecimiento
- Blades and knives: Cuchillas y cuchillos
- Falling off something: Cayendo de algo
- Eating the wrong food: Comiendo la comida equivocada
- Insect bites: Picaduras de insectos
- Tripping or falling: Tropezar o caer
- Wasp and bee stings: Picaduras de avispas y abejas
- Cuts and bruises: Cortes y moretones
- Sprains and breaks: Esguinces y roturas
- Bites and stuff: Mordiscos y cosas
- Stitches: Puntos de sutura
Knees: Rodillas, Nuts: Nueces, Ears: Orejas, day, hands, mind, eyes, rich, food, fruit, body.
- Injured: Lesionado
- Wounded: Herido
- Treat: Tratar
- Heal: Sanar
- Appointment: Cita
- Hurt: Herir
- Pain: Dolor
- Cure: Cura
- Healing: Curación
- Treatment: Tratamiento
Borrow: Pedir prestado, Carry: Llevar, Invite: Invitar, Travel: Viajar, React: Reaccionar, Steal: Robar, Lead: Dirigir.
Personnel: Donor (donante), Technician (técnico), Surgeon (cirujano), Paramedic (paramédico).
Places: Ward (sala), Operating room (quirófano), Doctor’s office (consultorio médico), Emergency room (sala de emergencias).
Medical procedures: X-ray (radiografía), Scan (escaneo), Injection (inyección), Blood test (análisis de sangre).
Subject | Object | Possessive Adjective | Possessive Pronoun |
I | Me | My | Mine |
He, She, It | Him, Her, It | His, Her, Its | His, Hers, Its |
You, We, They | You, Us, Them | Your, Our, Their | Yours, Ours, Theirs |
Passive Voice
Thomas Edison invented the light bulb in 1879.
The light bulb was invented (by Thomas Edison) in 1879.
The light bulb was invented in 1879.
Active Passive
- I eat pizza. Pizza is eaten by me.
- I am eating pizza. Pizza is being eaten by me.
- I ate pizza. Pizza was eaten by me.
- I was eating pizza. Pizza was being eaten by me.
- I have eaten pizza. Pizza has been eaten by me.
- I have been eating pizza. Pizza has been being eaten by me.
- I had eaten pizza. Pizza had been eaten by me.
- I had been eating pizza. Pizza had been being eaten by me.
- I will eat pizza. Pizza will be eaten by me.
- I will be eating pizza. Pizza will be being eaten by me.
- I am going to eat pizza. Pizza is going to be eaten by me.
Sizes, Ages and Materials
- How big: Large, tiny
- How old: Antique, century
- How it’s made: Hand-woven, hand-made
Financial Terms
Cash (efectivo), Bank statement (extracto bancario), Credit card (tarjeta de crédito), Debt (deuda), Online banking (banca en línea), Savings account (cuenta de ahorros), Bill (factura/cuenta), Borrowed (pedir prestado), Payments (pagos), Mortgage (hipoteca).
Shopping Vocabulary
Boomerang, bottle, box, clock, coin, figurine, hat, lamp, rug, stamp, sword, watch.
- Brochures: Folletos
- Decorative object: Objeto decorativo
- Duty-free goods: Productos libres de impuestos
- Locally made products: Productos locales
- Postcards: Postales
- T-shirts with slogans: Camisetas con lemas
Available: Disponible, Cash register: Caja registradora, Delivery: Entrega, Exchange: Cambio, Gift-wrapping: Envoltura de regalo, In stock: En existencia, Model name: Nombre del modelo, Receipt: Recibo, Reference number: Número de referencia, Return: Devolución.
Third Conditional
(Impossible – it never happened)
Condition / Result
Past Perfect / Modal + Present Perfect
Pronounhadverb / Pronounmodalhaveverb
Si yo hubiese estudiado, yo habría pasado la prueba.
If I had studied, I would have passed the test.
They could have fixed the car if they had had the tools.
- Would: hubiese, desearía (possibility and condition)
- Could: podría
- Should: deberías (suggestions and advice)