Mastering English: Exercises and Translations
1. What Date Is Today?
Thursday, the fourteenth of December, two thousand and seventeen.
2. What Time Is It?
It’s a quarter past four.
3. Fill in the Correct Form of the Words in Brackets
- This is the most interesting book I have ever read.
- Non-smokers usually live longer than smokers.
- Which is the most dangerous animal in the world?
- A holiday by the sea is better than a holiday in the mountains.
- It is strange, but often a coke is more expensive than beer.
- Who is the richest woman on Earth?
- We can run as fast as they can.
- My mum is not as strict as your mum.
- Your mobile phone is as trendy as mine.
- Matrix II was not as interesting as Matrix I.
4. Translate to Catalan (or Spanish)
- We are going to cover you with a blanket. Nosaltres et taparem amb una manta.
- Pass me the tweezers, please. Passa’m les pinces, si us plau.
- He sprained his ankle. Es va esquinçar el turmell.
- I’m getting dizzy. M’estic marejant.
- My left arm and my left leg hurt. Em fan mal el braç i la cama esquerra.
- She is going to check your blood pressure. Ella et mirarà la pressió.
- They take him in a backboard. Ells el treuen amb una taula espinal.
- Her lung is punctured. Ella s’ha perforat el pulmó.
- He died on Wednesday at 3:30 am. Ell va morir dimecres a dos quarts de quatre de la matinada.
- She has a bee sting. A ella l’ha picat una abella.
5. Translate to English
- Tu et vas trencar el braç dret. You broke your right arm.
- Hola! Som tècnics d’emergències i anem a ajudar-te. Hello! We are emergency medical technicians and we are going to help you.
- Tinc molt mal d’estomac. Crec que vaig menjar massa ahir. I have a lot of stomachache. I think I ate too much yesterday.
- Neteja-li la ferida amb aigua i sabó (a ell). Clean his wound with water and soap.
- Ella està estossegant molt. She is coughing a lot.
- La infermera li ha posat una injecció (a ell). The nurse gave him a shot.
- Encén les llums de l’ambulància. Turn on the ambulance lights.
- Tanca la porta de darrera, si et plau. Close the back door, please.
- Què estàveu fent quan (ella) ha caigut? What were you doing when she fell down?
6. Complete the Sentences
- You are ok. Aren’t you? Yes, I am.
- You don’t smoke. Do you? No, I don’t.
- You didn’t drive the ambulance. Did you? Yes, I did.
- You were playing at the park. Weren’t you? No, I wasn’t.
- They will help me. Won’t they? Yes, they will.
- We won’t call them. Will we? No, we won’t.
- I am in Girona. Aren’t I? No, I’m not.
- They liked my present. Didn’t they? Yes, they did.
7. Verb Tenses
- I usually get up at eight am.
- You went to the cinema last Saturday.
- He reads the newspaper after.
- He will arrive tomorrow afternoon.
- She is swimming in the swimming pool now.
- It was raining while they were walking in the park.
- We were getting home when we had the accident.
- You are coughing a lot at the moment.
- They are at the hospital now.
- They will travel to Australia next summer.
8. Change to Negative
- I don’t get up.
- You didn’t go.
- He doesn’t read.
- He won’t arrive.
- She isn’t swimming.
- It wasn’t raining / They weren’t walking.
- We weren’t getting / We didn’t have.
- You are not coughing.
- They aren’t.
- They won’t travel.
9. Change to Interrogative
- Do I get up?
- Did you go?
- Does he read?
- Will he arrive?
- Is she swimming?
- Was it raining? / Were they walking?
- Were we getting? / Did we have?
- Are you coughing?
- Are they?
- Will they travel?
10. Adverb or Adjective
- He is a good driver. He drives well.
- The nurse is a careful person. She put him a shot carefully.
- You learn English easily. Do you think English is an easy language?
- This exercise is easy. You can do it easily.
11. Complete the Dialogue
Paramedic: Hello, my name is John, and I am a paramedic. What’s your name?
Joe: My name is Joe.
Paramedic: How old are you?
Joe: I am 36.
Paramedic: Where are you from?
Joe: I am from England.
Paramedic: What happened?
Joe: I felt dizzy, and I fell.
Paramedic: Does any part of your body hurt?
Joe: Yes, my right arm does.
Paramedic: Are you allergic to any medication?
Joe: No, I’m not.
Paramedic: Ok. We will take you to the hospital.
Joe: Thank you very much.
Paramedic: You’re welcome.