Mastering English Grammar: Infinitives, Gerunds, and Phrasal Verbs
Infinitives in English Grammar
Infinitive with ‘to’:
- afford, agree, appear, ask, arrange, beg, care, decide, expect, encourage, fail, force, hope, intend, learn, manage, offer, order, plan, pretend, promise, refuse, request, seem, teach, tell, try, wait, want, warn, wish…
- After semi-modals: have (got) to, used to, be going to, be able to…
- Adjectives
- too/enough
- would like, love, hate
- Infinitives of purpose (to/in order to/so as to)
Infinitive without ‘to’:
- After modal verbs: must, can, could, will, would, shall, should, may, might, (needn’t & dare).
- After expressions: would rather, had better
- After certain verbs: let, make, feel, hear, see, smell
Gerunds in English Grammar
- admit, avoid, consider, deny, dislike, enjoy, finish, imagine, mind, miss, practise, resist, spend, suggest, understand, love, like, hate…
- can’t stand, can’t bear, can’t risk, it’s no use, it’s (not) worth…
- Prepositions and phrasal verbs
- come + go + gerund
- Subject
Gerunds vs. Infinitives
- FORGET + gerund: Forgetting a past event or action
- FORGET + infinitive: Forgetting to do something
- REMEMBER + gerund: Remembering a past action
- REMEMBER + infinitive: Remembering what needs to be done
- REGRET + gerund: Regretting a past action
- REGRET + infinitive: Regretting what will be said in formal language
- MEAN + gerund: Describing the possible consequences of a decision
- MEAN + infinitive: Expressing an intention or a plan
- STOP + gerund: Suspending or ending something
- STOP + infinitive: Interrupting an action to do something else
- TRY + gerund: Suggesting or offering a possible solution to a problem
- TRY + infinitive: Trying to do something
- NEED + gerund: Action
- NEED + infinitive: Intention, objective
Modal Verbs
CAN / COULD / HAD BETTER (make recommendations) / HAVE GOT TO / MAY / MIGHT / MUST / OUGHT TO – OUGHT NOT (without “to”) / SHALL / SHOULD / WILL / WOULD / WILL BE ABLE TO (future capabilities) / NEEDN’T
Common Phrasal Verbs
- ASK OUT: invite on a date
- BELIEVE IN: have faith in
- BREAK DOWN: stop functioning
- BREAK IN: enter illegally
- BRING UP: raise (a child)
- CARRY OUT: execute
- CATCH UP WITH: reach the same level
- CLOSE DOWN: shut permanently
- COME OUT: be released
- COME UP AGAINST: encounter difficulties
- COME UP WITH: suggest
- DEAL WITH: handle
- DO WITHOUT: manage without
- DROP OUT OF: quit
- END UP: arrive eventually
- FALL FOR: be attracted to
- FEEL UP TO: have the energy for
- FILL IN: complete
- FIT IN: belong
- GET AWAY WITH: escape punishment
- GET BACK TOGETHER: reconcile
- GET INTO: become involved in
- GET ON WITH: have a good relationship
- GET OUT: remove
- GET OUT OF: avoid
- GET UP: rise
- GIVE OUT: distribute
- GO AWAY: leave
- GO OUT: exit
- GO UP: increase
- GROW UP: mature
- HANG OUT: spend time idly
- KEEP ON: continue
- LEAVE OUT: exclude
- LET IN: allow entry
- LOCK UP: secure with a lock
- LOOK FOR: search
- LOOK FORWARD TO: anticipate with pleasure
- LOOK UP TO: admire
- MEET UP WITH: encounter
- OPEN UP: reveal
- PICK UP: collect
- PUT DOWN TO: attribute
- PUT OFF: postpone
- PUT UP WITH: tolerate
- RELY ON: depend on
- SET UP: establish
- SPLIT UP: separate
- STAND UP FOR: defend
- SWITCH OFF: turn off
- TAKE OFF: depart
- TAKE OVER: assume control
- TALK INTO: persuade
- TUNE IN: adjust to a frequency
- TURN OFF: extinguish
- WORK OUT: calculate
- RUB OUT: erase
- TURN DOWN: reject
- HAND OUT: distribute
- GO ON: continue
- GET OVER: recover from
- LET DOWN: disappoint
- GET OFF: descend
- TELL OFF: scold
- RUN OUT OF: exhaust supply
- BLOW UP: explode
- PUT AWAY: store
- CALL FOR: request
- STAND FOR: represent
- TURN UP: appear