Mastering English: Grammar, Vocabulary, and Common Mistakes
Personal Qualities and Vocabulary
A person who works a lot is hard-working. A person who is not afraid is brave. A person who is optimistic is also positive. A person who likes to give things to others is generous. A person who likes to do things on his/her own is independent. A person who tells other people what they have to do is bossy. A person who likes rules and discipline is strict. A person who works hard to reach their objectives is determined. A person who expects a lot from others is demanding. A person who is supportive of other people is caring.
Past Simple Tense
The meeting started at 9 o’clock and finished at 1 o’clock.
When I was a student, I worked as a waiter during the holidays.
My parents saved money for many years to buy a house.
I could read when I was 5.
His first company produced computer components, but later he expanded and started making screens as well.
Past Continuous Tense
Do you know where my glasses are, Gita?
No, I don’t, but you weren’t wearing them this morning when we were discussing your agenda for this week.
You’re right; I wasn’t wearing them because I was reading my diary.
And after that? What were you doing at 10 o’clock?
At ten? Let me think; I was in Allan’s office, we were checking the expenses of the London trip.
And at eleven? What were you doing at 11 o’clock?
I was in the Sales and Marketing department; Don and I were looking at the new designs for the brochures. And at half past twelve I was in the canteen.
I was having lunch, but I had a problem: I couldn’t read the menu. So, I wasn’t wearing my glasses!
Right. That’s it. If you weren’t wearing your glasses then, you probably left them in Sales and Marketing. I’ll call Don and ask.
Past Simple Questions
What were you doing last…?
What did Henry do during The Second World War?
He flew planes for the Royal Air Force (RAF).
How many flights did he make?
More than a hundred.
Did he ever have an accident?
Yes, he did; he made an emergency landing when his engine caught fire.
Where did he land?
In a field in France.
When did he return to the company?
When the war finished.
How old was he when he became managing director?
He was 36.
Why did he change the company?
Because people wanted to buy different things.
Past Simple Examples
My father bought a new car last month.
I left my house at 8 o’clock to go to the airport.
My parents gave me a new laptop for my birthday.
I sent an email to the Complaints department.
The director took a plane to Chicago to attend a meeting.
My elder brother taught me how to ride a bike.
She studied biology and became a famous scientist.
The government built three new motorways last year.
Past Continuous Questions
What were you doing on Thursday afternoon?
What were you doing last night, around 9 o’clock?
What were you doing at half past eight this morning?
Past Simple and Past Continuous Combined
He was having a shower when the phone rang.
She was walking home when she saw an accident.
My boss was writing the report when the computer crashed.
It wasn’t raining when we left the office.
My sister was living in France when she learned the language.
My colleague was working in the Sales department when he got a promotion.
Were you sleeping when the manager came in?
Time Expressions
My grandmother was born 76 years ago.
The Beatles became famous in the sixties.
I bought a new laptop last month.
The Titanic sank in April, 1912.
We had a meeting yesterday afternoon.
Princess Diana died more than a decade ago.
Did you watch the news last night?
- Begin – start – open
- Set up – found – establish
- Manufacture – produce – make
- Investigate – look for – research
- Return – go back – come back
- Transform – change – convert
- Possess – have – own
Past Simple Questions with ‘When’
When did you last have an exam?
I had an exam last week.
When did you last send an email?
I sent an email last night.
When did you last buy a new mobile phone?
I bought a new mobile phone last year.
When did you last use your computer?
I used my computer this morning.
When did you last go abroad?
I went abroad three months ago.
Job Related Vocabulary
- Hire more employees
- Join the army
- Invest in technology
- Wear a suit
- Look for a new job
- Earn a salary
- Launch an advertising campaign
- Diversify the product range
More Job Related Vocabulary
Working extra hours: Overtime
Document sent together with a CV containing more information about an applicant: Cover letter
Holiday, time you are allowed to be absent from work: Leave
Ability to work with numbers: Numerate
Person who is learning a trade or occupation: Apprentice
Talent or ability that can be practiced and improved: Skills
Certificate, diploma or degree showing someone has completed a course of study: Qualification
Payment for labor, often paid hourly, daily or weekly: Wages
Ability to operate and work with computers: Computer literate
Responsibilities and tasks related to a job or position: Duties
Scheduled period of work, e.g., morning, afternoon, night: Shift
Evaluation: Assessment
Need: Require
Professional Skills
- Computer literate
- Good command of foreign languages
- Team worker
- Leadership skills
- Numerate
Personal Qualities
- Ability to work under pressure
- Hard working
- Punctual
- Motivated
- Good organizer
- Smart appearance
- Good communicator
- Thorough
- Good negotiator
- Good at problem solving
- Dynamic
- Flexible
Points in Time
Then, when he was a child, six months ago, 2005
Periods of Time
28 years, the last four weeks, the last three years, the last two years
Having different jobs in different sectors: Varied work experience
Better than excellent!: Outstanding
Indispensable: Essential
Solid and complete: Sound
The best person for the job: Ideal candidate
Practical understanding of something: Working knowledge
Improve and make better: Develop
Something you’ve done which is useful for you now: Valuable experience
Time Expressions with ‘For’ and ‘Since’
I graduated from university in 2011.
My company introduced teleworking five years ago.
He studied Japanese from 2003 to 2005.
She’s worked as a receptionist for five years.
We’ve been outsourcing training for the last three years.
Caroline was my boss until last week.
Using ‘For’
56 years, the last 6 months, 4 weeks, the last 3 hours, 5 minutes, 7 weeks, 10 minutes, centuries
Using ‘Since’
We were children, my birthday, 1995, the 19th century
Present Perfect Continuous Tense
I have been an accountant for twenty-eight years.
She has lived in Manchester since she was a child.
He has studied Chinese for five years.
My boss has run our department since she was promoted.
We have received extra IT training for six months.
Describing Jobs
Part time, full time, permanent, trainee, apprentice, in house
Working Conditions
Overtime, salary, wages, leave assessment, duties, shifts
Present Perfect Tense
I have not seen a dinosaur.
She has been to Brazil.
The rain has stopped.
My father has arrived.
Affirmative and Negative Present Perfect
- He has lost his passport.
- We haven’t finished our work.
- They’ve bought a new house.
- I’ve visited New York five times.
- They’ve gone to the cinema.
- You’ve eaten four bananas!
- She hasn’t traveled far.
- I haven’t done any homework this week.
- We haven’t studied French.
Interrogative Present Perfect
- Has she seen her sister?
- Have they phoned the doctor?
- Have you taken any photographs?
- Has he made any mistakes?
- Have we watched any television today?
More Present Perfect Examples
I’ve seen a lot of beautiful places in my life, and I’ve done a lot of interesting things.
I’ve traveled in North and South America.
I’ve visited all the big American cities.
I’ve driven across Mexico.
I haven’t been to Argentina.
I’ve swum in the Pacific Ocean.
I’ve written thousands of postcards to my friends and my family.
I’ve eaten in the best restaurants in Paris.
I’ve sung Italian opera in Venice.
I’ve made many friends.
Present Perfect in Conversations
Can I speak to Paula, please? I’m sorry. She’s left.
Where’s Mike? He’s gone to the bank.
Would you like to come for a walk? No, thanks. We’re tired and we haven’t eaten any lunch.
Have you seen Mary and Paul? No, I don’t know where they are.
Is the cat in the garden? Yes, she is. I’ve opened the door but she doesn’t want to come into the house.
Are you coming home now? No, I’m going to be late. I haven’t finished my work.
You haven’t drunk your coffee! No. It’s too hot and you’ve put sugar in it.
Using ‘Since’ and ‘For’
She has worked as a secretary since 1991.
They have been married for a few years.
They have lived in Manchester for a long time.
He’s written 5 books since I met him.
We haven’t seen them for several weeks.
I haven’t been to the beach since last summer.
Have you used the phone since you arrived?
We haven’t heard any noise for many hours.
Has she studied hard since yesterday?
Present Perfect Questions with ‘How Long’
How long have you lived in Brazil?
I’ve lived in Brazil for 10 years.
How long has she had that job?
She has had that job since 2001.
How long has he attended this school?
He has attended this school for two years.
How long have you been friends?
We have been friends since last year.
How long has she studied Maths?
She has studied Maths since she was at elementary school.
How long have they worked in that factory?
They have they worked in that factory for six months.
How long has he had that watch?
He has had that watch since last week.
How long has the washing machine been out of order?
It has been out of order for many days.
More Present Perfect Examples
I haven’t played tennis since last summer.
I have known her for more than ten years.
I haven’t eaten anything since lunchtime.
Have you lived in this town for a long time?
Jill has been a good friend since we were at school together.
Have you seen Jack since the party last week?
Estoy en casa desde hace tres horas. – I’ve been at home for three hours.
No la vemos desde 1990. – We haven’t seen her since 1990.
Desde cuándo está Leila en tu colegio? – How long has Leila been in your school?
No llueve desde abril. – It hasn’t rained since April.
Son amigos desde que se conocieron en 1997. – They have been friends since they met in 1997.
Desde cuándo trabajas en esa agencia de viajes? – How long have you worked in that travel agency?
Past Simple vs. Present Perfect
I saw Jack last night. Oh really. I haven’t seen him for months. How is he?
We went to the theatre last Saturday.
Did you enjoy the play?
Yes, it was very good.
I have never heard of this group before. Are they famous in your country?
Yes, they are very popular. They have been famous in my country for years.
What did you do last weekend?
I stayed at home. I needed a rest.
Have you ever won a competition?
Yes, I won a photographic competition in 1992.
So, John is your best friend. Did you meet him when you were at university?
Yes. We have been friends for more than ten years.
More Examples
London has had an underground train system since the 19th century.
The London Underground started in 1863, when engineers and workers built the Metropolitan railway. This railway line went from Paddington Station to Farringdon Street Station. It was a very short line. Eight more lines have opened since then. The world’s first electric railway opened in 1890. This line went from the city center to South London. The most modern line is the Jubilee line. It opened in 1977. Since the London Underground has begun, many other cities, like New York and Moscow, have built their own systems.
Correct the Sentences
I played tennis last week.
They haven’t finished work yet.
When have you bought that umbrella?
Look! I have bought a new umbrella.
I bought three CDs last week.
She didn’t see that film.
She has never seen that film.
Vocabulary List
- Bossy: autoritario
- Brave: valiente
- Caring: cariñoso
- Demanding: exigente
- Determined: decidido
- Generous: generoso
- Hard-working: trabajador
- Strict: estricto
- Strong: fuerte
- Independent: independiente
- Positive: positivo
- Responsible: responsible
- Serious: grave
More Vocabulary
- Cover letter: carta de presentación
- Skills: habilidades
- Computer literate: conocimientos de informática
- Numerate: con habilidad para mates
- Apprentice: aprendiz
- Duties: obligaciones, deberes
- Leave: dejar, marchar
- Overtime: horas extraordinarias
- Wages: salario, sueldo, paga
- Require: exigir, requerir
- Shift: cambio
- Qualification: diploma
- Assessment: valoración
- Deadline: fecha tope, límite
Irregular Verbs
- Be, am, are, is – Was, Were – Been: Ser, Estar
- Become – Became – Become: Llegar a Ser
- Begin – Began – Begun: Empezar
- Bet – Bet – Bet: Apostar
- Blow – Blew – Blown: Soplar
- Break – Broke – Broken: Romper
- Bring – Brought – Brought: Traer, llevar
- Build – Built – Built: Edificar, construir
- Buy – Bought – Bought: Comprar
- Can – Could – Could: Poder, saber
- Catch – Caught – Caught: Coger
- Come – Came – Come: Venir
- Cost – Cost – Cost: Costar
- Cut – Cut – Cut: Cortar
- Choose – Chose – Chosen: Elegir
- Deal – Dealt – Dealt: Tratar
- Do (Does) – Did – Done: Hacer
- Dream – Dreamt – Dreamt: Soñar
- Drink – Drank – Drunk: Beber
- Drive – Drove – Driven: Conducir
- Eat – Ate – Eaten: Comer
- Fall – Fell – Fallen: Caer
- Feed – Fed – Fed: Alimentar
- Feel – Felt – Felt: Sentir
- Fight – Fought – Fought: Luchar
- Find – Found – Found: Encontrar
- Fly – Flew – Flown: Volar
- Forget – Forgot – Forgotten: Olvidar
- Get – Got – Got: Obtener
- Give – Gave – Given: Dar
- Go (Goes) – Went – Gone: Ir
- Grow – Grew – Grown: Crecer
- Have – Had – Had: Haber, tener
- Hide – Hid – Hidden: Ocultar
- Hold – Held – Held: Agarrar, sujetar
- Know – Knew – Known: Saber, conocer
- Lead – Led – Led: Conducir
- Learn – Learnt – Learnt: Aprender
- Leave – Left – Left: Dejar
- Lend – Lent – Lent: Prestar
- Let – Let – Let: Permitir
- Lose – Lost – Lost: Perder
- Make – Made – Made: Hacer
- Mean – Meant – Meant: Significar
- Meet – Met – Met: Encontrar
- Pay – Paid – Paid: Pagar
- Put – Put – Put: Poner
- Quit – Quit – Quit: Parar, dejar
- Read – Read – Read: Leer
- Ride – Rode – Ridden: Montar
- Ring – Rang – Rung: Llamar
- Rise – Rose – Risen: Levantarse
- Run – Ran – Run: Correr
- Say – Said – Said: Decir
- See – Saw – Seen: Ver
- Sell – Sold – Sold: Vender
- Send – Sent – Sent: Enviar
- Set – Set – Set: Poner(se)
- Shoot – Shot – Shot: Disparar
- Show – Showed – Shown: Mostrar
- Sing – Sang – Sung: Cantar
- Sink – Sank – Sunk: Hundir
- Sit – Sat – Sat: Sentarse
- Sleep – Slept – Slept: Dormir
- Speak – Spoke – Spoken: Hablar
- Spend – Spent – Spent: Gastar
- Stand – Stood – Stood: Estar en pie
- Steal – Stole – Stolen: Robar
- Take – Took – Taken: Coger
- Teach – Taught – Taught: Enseñar
- Tell – Told – Told: Decir
- Think – Thought – Thought: Pensar
- Throw – Threw – Thrown: Arrojar, tirar
- Understand – Understood – Understood: Entender
- Wake – Woke – Woken: Despertarse
- Win – Won – Won: Ganar
- Withdraw – Withdrew – Withdrawn: Retirarse
- Write – Wrote – Written: Escribir