Mastering English Tenses: Simple, Continuous, Perfect
Present Simple
We use the present simple to talk about:
- Facts.
- General truths.
- Describing things about a thing or a person.
- Habits and routines.
Affirmative Sentences
Subject + verb infinitive + complement (I eat pizza every Sunday.)
Subject (she/he/it) + verb (s) + complement (She eats pizza every Sunday.)
Negative Sentences
Subject + don’t + verb infinitive + complement
Subject (she/he/it) + doesn’t + verb infinitive + complement
(When/where/why/what…) Do/Does + subject + verb infinitive + complement
Present Continuous
We use the present continuous:
- To talk about things that you are doing at the moment.
- To talk about plans which are fixed.
- To talk about a temporary situation.
Key Words
- Now
- Currently
- At the moment
Affirmative Sentences
Subject + TO BE (am, are, is) + VERB(-ING) (I am watching TV)
Today = Present continuous
Usually → habit = present simple
Negative Sentences
Subject + TO BE (am, are, is) + NOT + VERB(-ING) (I am not studying)
(Why, when…) Are/Is + subject + verb (+ing) + complement (Are you listening to the teacher now?)
Past Simple
We use the past simple to talk about:
- Completed actions in the past (Joe cooked dinner last night, They made a cake for Sue’s party.)
- Series of completed actions in the past (He made breakfast, drove his son to school, and went to work.)
- Duration in the past (I stayed up all night, I lived in Paris for 2 years.)
Affirmative Sentences
Subject + verb + ed/2nd column + complement (I went to the cinema yesterday)
Negative Sentences
Subject + didn’t + verb in infinitive + complement (I didn’t study yesterday)
(Why, when…) + did + subject + verb inf. + complement
Past Continuous
We use the past continuous:
- To describe a situation often interrupted by a past action (I was walking home when it started to rain.)
- To talk about 2 parallel actions (I was studying while my brother was watching TV.)
- When we know the exact time of something (They were meeting their parents at 16:00.)
Affirmative Sentences
Subject + TO BE: was/were + verb(-ING) + complement (I was doing my homework)
Negative Sentences
Subject + wasn’t/weren’t + verb(-ing)
(Why/where…) + was/were + subject + verb(-ing) + complement
Present Perfect
We use the present perfect:
- To talk about LIFE EXPERIENCES.
- To talk about RECENT ACTIONS.
Key Words
- For: duration of time → We have been friends for 6 years.
- Since: exact time → We have dated since…
- Just/already: I have already seen your sister.
- Still: I still haven’t done my homework.
- Yet: -/? at the end of the sentence → I haven’t done my homework yet.
Affirmative Sentences
Subject + HAVE/HAS + participle + regular verbs + ed/ irregular verbs (3rd column)
I have just cooked dinner., She has been to Paris three times.
Negative Sentences
Subject + haven´t/hasn´t + participle + irr (+ed)/ irr. 3rd column, I haven’t bought my brother’s present yet.
(Why/where…) + have/has + subject + reg.(+ed)/irr. 3rd column + complement
Have you (ever) gone to a live concert?, Has she (ever) thought about living in a different country?